ThinkPHP (RBAC) permission management video tutorial
RBAC is one of the most common rights management technologies in commercial systems. RBAC is an idea that can be implemented in any programming language. Its mature and simple control idea is increasingly popular among developers. "ThinkPHP (RBAC) Rights Management Video Tutorial" will introduce the basic knowledge, principles and complete implementation process of RBAC in detail through the theoretical part and practical part, and demonstrate the application scenarios of RBAC.
authority management
109509 person learning
30class hour
04 hours 06 minutes 58 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 114 courses Student51793 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
1. Benefits of permissions 2. Four common permission models 3. Advantages of RBAC permission model 4. Origin and evolution of RBAC architecture 5. RBAC functional module requirements 6. RBAC database implementation 7. RBAC function implementation
ThinkPHP (RBAC) permission management video tutorial
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04 hours 06 minutes 58 seconds Watch videos anytime
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