Front-end interview guide pure welfare

Release: 2016-08-04 08:53:17
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1. HTML and CSS

1. In which browsers have the pages you created been tested? What are the cores of these browsers?

IE: trident kernel

Firefox: gecko kernel

Safari: webkit kernel

Opera: It used to be the presto kernel, but Opera has now switched to Google Chrome’s Blink kernel

Chrome:Blink (based on webkit, jointly developed by Google and Opera Software)

2. There is a very important thing at the beginning of every HTML file, Doctype. Do you know what this is for?

declaration is located at the very front in the document, before the tag. This tag tells the browser which HTML or XHTML specification the document uses. (Key point: tell the browser according to which specification to parse the page)

3. What is Quirks mode? What is the difference between it and Standards mode

Starting from IE6, Standards mode has been introduced. In standards mode, the browser attempts to process documents that comply with standards as correctly as in the specified browser.

CSS was not mature enough before IE6, so browsers before IE5 and other browsers had poor support for CSS. IE6 will provide better support for CSS. However, the problem arises at this time because many pages are based on old Written in layout mode, and if IE6 supports CSS, these pages will display abnormally. How to ensure that the existing pages are not destroyed and provide a new rendering mechanism?

We often encounter this problem when writing programs, how to ensure that the original interface remains unchanged and provide more powerful functions, especially when the new functions are not compatible with the old functions. A common approach when encountering this kind of problem is to add parameters and branches, that is, when a certain parameter is true, we use the new function, and if the parameter is not true, we use the old function, so that it does not destroy The original program provides new functions. IE6 does something similar. It treats DTD as this "parameter" because no one would write DTD on previous pages, so IE6 assumes that if DTD is written, it means that this page will use better support for CSS. layout, and if not, the previous layout will be compatible. This is Quirks mode (quirks mode, weird mode, weird mode).


In general, there will be differences in three aspects: layout, style analysis and script execution.

Box model: In the W3C standard, if you set the width and height of an element, it refers to the width and height of the element's content. In Quirks mode, IE's width and height also include padding and border.

Set the height and width of inline elements: In Standards mode, setting wdith and height for inline elements such as will not take effect, but in quirks mode, it will take effect.

Set percentage height: In standards mode, the height of an element is determined by the content it contains. If the parent element does not set a percentage height, it is invalid for the child element to set a percentage height. Use margin:0 auto to set it. Horizontally centered: Using margin:0 auto can center the element horizontally in standards mode, but it will fail in quirks mode.

(There are many more. It doesn’t matter what he answers. The key is to see whether the answers he has come across in his own experience, or whether he just read them from articles, or even doesn’t know them at all.)

4. What are the advantages of div+css layout over table layout?

It is more convenient when revising the version. You only need to change the css file.

Page loading speed is faster, the structure is clear, and the page display is simple.

Separation of performance and structure.

Easy to optimize (seo) search engines are more friendly and it is easier to rank higher.

5. What are the similarities and differences between alt and title of img? What are the similarities and differences between strong and em?

a:alt(alt text): For user agents (UA) that cannot display images, forms or applets, the alt attribute is used to specify replacement text. The language of the replacement text is specified by the lang attribute. (In IE browser, alt will be displayed as tool tip when there is no title)

title(tool tip): This attribute provides suggested information for the element on which this attribute is set.

strong: Bold emphasis tags, emphasis, indicating the importance of the content

em: Italic emphasis tags are more strongly emphasized and indicate the emphasis of the content

6. Can you describe the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?

Progressive enhancement: Build pages for low-version browsers to ensure the most basic functions, and then improve effects, interactions, and add additional functions for advanced browsers to achieve a better user experience.

Graceful degradation: Build complete functionality from the beginning, and then make it compatible with lower version browsers.

Difference: Graceful degradation starts from a complex status quo and tries to reduce the supply of user experience, while progressive enhancement starts from a very basic, functioning version and continuously expands it to adapt to the needs of the future environment. Degradation (functional decay) means looking backward; progressive enhancement means looking forward while keeping its foundation in a safe zone.

"Graceful downgrade" perspective

The "graceful degradation" view holds that websites should be designed for the most advanced and complete browsers. Arrange the testing of browsers that are considered "outdated" or have missing functions at the last stage of the development cycle, and limit the test objects to the previous version of mainstream browsers (such as IE, Mozilla, etc.).

Under this design paradigm, older browsers are considered to only provide a "poor, but passable" browsing experience. You can make some small adjustments to suit a specific browser. But since they are not the focus of our attention, other differences will be ignored except for fixing larger bugs.

The “progressive enhancement” perspective

The "progressive enhancement" perspective believes that focus should be on the content itself.

Content is what motivates us to build a website. Some websites display it, some collect it, some seek it, some operate it, and some websites even include all of the above, but the same thing is that they all involve content. This makes "progressive enhancement" a more reasonable design paradigm. This is why it was immediately adopted by Yahoo! and used to build its "Graded Browser Support (Graded Browser Support)" strategy.

Then the question comes. Now the product manager sees that the web page effects of IE6, 7, and 8 are much less rounded corners and shadows (CSS3) than modern browsers of higher versions, and they require compatibility (use image backgrounds and abandon CSS3). How will you convince him?

7. Why is it more effective to use multiple domain names to store website resources?

CDN caching is more convenient

Break browser concurrency limit

Save cookie bandwidth

Save the number of connections to the main domain name and optimize page response speed

Prevent unnecessary security issues

8. Please talk about your understanding of the importance of web standards and standards-setting organizations.

Web standards and standard-setting organizations are all designed to make the development of the web more 'healthy'. Developers follow unified standards, reduce development difficulty and development costs, SEO will be better, and there will not be various problems caused by abusing code. BUG, security issues, and ultimately improve the usability of the website.

9. Please describe the difference between cookies, sessionStorage and localStorage?

sessionStorage is used to locally store data in a session. These data can only be accessed by pages in the same session and the data will be destroyed when the session ends. Therefore sessionStorage is not a persistent local storage, only session-level storage. LocalStorage is used for persistent local storage. Unless the data is actively deleted, the data will never expire.

The difference between web storage and cookies

The concept of Web Storage is similar to that of cookies, but the difference is that it is designed for larger capacity storage. The size of the cookie is limited, and the cookie will be sent every time you request a new page, which wastes bandwidth. In addition, the cookie needs to specify a scope and cannot be called across domains.

In addition, Web Storage has setItem, getItem, removeItem, clear and other methods. Unlike cookies, front-end developers need to encapsulate setCookie and getCookie themselves. But Cookies are also indispensable: Cookies are used to interact with the server and exist as part of the HTTP specification, while Web Storage is only created to "store" data locally.

10. Briefly describe the difference between src and href.

src is used to replace the current element, and href is used to establish a connection between the current document and the referenced resource.

src is the abbreviation of source, pointing to the location of external resources. The pointed content will be embedded in the document at the location of the current tag; when requesting the src resource, the resource pointed to will be downloaded and applied to the document, such as js scripts, img Elements such as pictures and frames.

When the browser parses this element, it will pause the downloading and processing of other resources until the resource is loaded, compiled, and executed. The same is true for elements such as pictures and frames, which is similar to embedding the pointed resource into the current tag. This is also why the js script is placed at the bottom instead of the head.

href is the abbreviation of Hypertext Reference, which points to the location of the network resource and establishes a link to the current element (anchor) or current document (link). If we add

to the document

Then the browser will recognize the document as a css file, download the resources in parallel and not stop processing the current document. This is why it is recommended to use the link method to load css instead of using the @import method.

11. What image formats do you know will be used in web page production?

png-8, png-24, jpeg, gif, svg.

But none of the above are the final answers the interviewer wants. The interviewer wants to hear that it's Webp. (Are you paying attention to new technologies and new things)

Popular science about Webp: WebP format, an image format developed by Google to speed up image loading. The image compression volume is only about 2/3 of JPEG, and can save a lot of server bandwidth resources and data space. Well-known websites such as Facebook Ebay have begun testing and using the WebP format.

With the same quality, the volume of WebP format images is 40% smaller than JPEG format images

12. Do you know what microformats are? Talk about understanding. Should microformats be considered in front-end builds?

Microformats is a collection of machine-readable semantic XHTML vocabulary and an open standard for structured data. It is a special format developed for special applications.

Advantages: Add smart data to web pages so that website content can display additional tips in the search engine results interface. (Application example: Douban, if you are interested, google it yourself)

13. After the css/js code goes online, developers often optimize performance. Starting from the time the user refreshes the web page, where will a js request usually be cached?

Answer: dns cache, cdn cache, browser cache, server cache.

14. There are a large number of pictures on a page (large e-commerce website), and the loading is very slow. What methods do you have to optimize the loading of these pictures to give users a better experience.

Lazy loading of images. You can add a scroll bar event to the unvisible area on the page to determine the distance between the image position and the top of the browser and the distance between the page and the page. If the former is smaller than the latter, it will be loaded first.

If it is a slideshow, photo album, etc., you can use picture preloading technology to download the previous and next pictures of the currently displayed picture first.

If the image is a CSS image, you can use CSSsprite, SVGsprite, Iconfont, Base64 and other technologies.

If the image is too large, you can use a specially encoded image. When loading, a particularly compressed thumbnail will be loaded first to improve the user experience.

If the image display area is smaller than the actual size of the image, the image will be compressed first on the server side according to business needs, and the compressed image size will be consistent with the display.

15. How do you understand the semantics of HTML structure?

When the style is removed or lost, the page can present a clear structure:

HTML itself has no performance. We see that for example,

is bold, with a font size of 2em, and bold; is bold. Don’t think that this is the performance of HTML. These are actually the default css of HTML. Styles are at work, so when the styles are removed or lost, the page can present a clear structure. This is not an advantage of the semantic HTML structure. However, browsers have default styles. The purpose of the default styles is also to better express the semantics of HTML. , it can be said that the browser's default style and the semantic HTML structure are inseparable.

Screen readers (if the visitor is visually impaired) will "read" your page based entirely on your markup.

For example, if you use semantic tags, screen readers will "spell out" your word instead of trying to pronounce it in full.

PDA, mobile phones and other devices may not be able to render web pages like ordinary computer browsers (usually because these devices have weak support for CSS)

Using semantic markup ensures that these devices render web pages in a meaningful way. Ideally, the viewing device is tasked with rendering web pages consistent with the conditions of the device itself.

Semantic tagging provides the device with the relevant information it needs, saving you the trouble of having to consider all possible display situations (including existing or new devices in the future). For example, a mobile phone can choose to have a paragraph tagged with a title The text is displayed in bold font. A handheld computer may display it in a larger font. Either way once you mark the text as a title, you can be sure that the reading device will display the page appropriately on its own terms. .

Search engine crawlers also rely on markup to determine the context and weight of individual keywords

In the past, you may not have considered that search engine crawlers are also "visitors" to the website, but now they are actually extremely valuable users. Without them, search engines will not be able to index your website, and then it will be difficult for general users to come Visit.

It is very important whether your page is easy to understand for crawlers, because crawlers will largely ignore the markup used for performance and only focus on semantic markup.

Therefore, if the title of the page file is tagged instead, then this page may appear lower in the search results. In addition to improving ease of use, semantic markup facilitates the correct use of CSS and JavaScript because it itself provides Many "hooks" to apply page styles and behaviors.

SEO mainly relies on the content of your website and external links.

Easy for team development and maintenance

W3C has set a good standard for us. Everyone in the team follows this standard, which can reduce many differentiated things, facilitate development and maintenance, improve development efficiency, and even achieve modular development.

16. Talk about what you need to consider when doing SEO from a front-end perspective?

Understand how search engines crawl and index web pages

You need to know the basic working principles of some search engines, the differences between search engines, how search robots (SE robots or web crawlers) work, how search engines sort search results, etc.

Meta tag optimization

Mainly includes theme (Title), website description (Description), and keywords (Keywords). There are also other hidden texts such as Author (author), Category (directory), Language (encoding language), etc.

How to select keywords and place them on web pages

You have to use keywords when searching. Keyword analysis and selection is one of the most important tasks of SEO. First, determine the main keywords for the website (usually around 5), and then optimize these keywords, including keyword density (Density), relevance (Relavancy), prominence (Prominency), etc.

Understand the major search engines

Although there are many search engines, there are only a few that determine website traffic. For example, the English ones mainly include Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.; the Chinese ones include Baidu, Sogou, Youdao, etc. Different search engines have different rules for crawling, indexing, and sorting pages. You also need to understand the relationship between search portals and search engines. For example, AOL uses Google's search technology for web search, and MSN uses Bing's technology.

Main Internet Directory

Open Directory itself is not a search engine, but a large website directory. The main difference between it and a search engine is the way in which website content is collected. The directory is manually edited and mainly includes the homepage of the website; the search engine automatically collects it and crawls a large number of content pages in addition to the homepage.

Pay-per-click search engine

Search engines also need to survive. As Internet commerce becomes more and more mature, paid search engines have become popular. The most typical ones are Overture and Baidu, and of course Google's advertising project Google Adwords. More and more people use search engine click ads to locate commercial websites. There is also a lot of knowledge about optimization and ranking. You have to learn to get the most clicks with the least advertising investment.

Search engine login

After the website is finished, don’t lie there waiting for customers to fall from the sky. The easiest way to let others find you is to submit your website to a search engine. If you have a commercial website, the major search engines and directories will require you to pay to be included (e.g. Yahoo charges $299), but the good news is that (at least so far) the largest search engine, Google, is currently free, and it dominates Controls over 60% of the search market.

Link exchange and link popularity (Link Popularity)

Web content is linked to each other in the form of hypertext, and the same is true between websites. In addition to search engines, people surf through links between different websites every day. The more links other websites have to your website, the more traffic you will get. More importantly, the more external links your website has, the more important it will be considered by search engines, thus giving you a higher ranking.

Reasonable tag usage

17. Is there any way to set the CSS style of a DOM?

External style sheet, introduce an external css file

Internal style sheet, put the css code inside the tag

Inline style, define the css style directly inside the HTML element

18. What selectors are there in CSS?

Derived selector (declared with HTML tag)

id selector (declared with DOM ID)

Class selector (declared with a style class name)

Attribute selector (declared using DOM attributes, belonging to CSS2, not supported by IE6, not commonly used, forget it if you don’t know)

In addition to the first 3 basic selectors, there are also some extended selectors, including

Descendant selector (use space separation, such as div .a{ })

Group selector (use comma separation, such as p,div,#a{ })

Then the question is, how is the priority of CSS selector defined?

Basic principles:

Generally speaking, the more special a selector is, the higher its priority. That is, the more accurately the selector points, the higher its priority.

Complex calculation method:

Use 1 to indicate the priority of the derived selector

Use 10 to represent the priority of the class selector

Use 100 to mark the priority of the ID selector

div.test1 .span var priority 1+10 +10 +1

span#xxx .songs li Priority 1+100 + 10 + 1

#xxx li Priority 100 +1

Then the question is, look at the following code, what color is the text in the



Answer: red. It is related to the order of style definitions in the file, that is, the later ones overwrite the previous ones, and has nothing to do with the order in


19. What attributes can be defined in CSS to prevent a DOM element from being displayed within the browser's visible range?

The most basic:

Set the display attribute to none, or set the visibility attribute to hidden


Set the width and height to 0, set the transparency to 0, and set the z-index position to -1000

20. What is the problem that the hover style does not appear after the hyperlink is accessed? How to solve?

Answer: The hyperlink style that has been clicked and visited no longer has hover and active. The solution is to change the order of CSS attributes: L-V-H-A (link, visited, hover, active)

21. What is Css Hack? What are the hacks for ie6, 7, and 8?

Answer: The process of writing different CSS codes for different browsers is CSS hack.

Examples are as follows:

22. Please use Css to write a simple slide effect page

Answer: I know you need to use css3. Use animation to create a simple slideshow effect.














                  width: 300px;                                      


                       background-color: blue;       /*firefox*/

                  background-color:red9;       /*all ie*/

background-color:yellow; /*ie8*/


_background-color:orange; /*ie6*/ }

:root #test { background-color:purple9; } /*ie9*/

@media all and (min-width:0px){ #test {background-color:black;} } /*opera*/

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){ #test {background-color:gray;} } /*chrome and safari*/






































            width: 480px;


           margin:50px auto;

overflow: hidden;

             box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,1);

background-size: cover;

background-position: center;

               -webkit-animation-name: "loops";

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -webkit-animation-duration: 20s;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;


           @-webkit-keyframes "loops" {

        0% {

              background:url( g) no-repeat;        


25% {

                 background:url( no-re peat;


50% {

             background:url( no-repeat;


75% {

              background:url( no-repeat;


100% {

            background:url( ) no-repeat;



24. What is the specific difference between inline elements and block-level elements? Can the padding and margin of inline elements be set?

Block-level element (block) features:

Always occupy a separate line, which means starting on a new line, and the following elements must also be displayed on a new line;

Width, height, padding and margin can all be controlled;

Inline element (inline) features:

On the same line as adjacent inline elements;

Width, height, top/bottom of inner margin (padding-top/padding-bottom) and top/bottom of outer margin (margin-top/margin-bottom) cannot be changed (that is, padding and margin's left and right can be set), which is the size of the text or pictures inside.

Then the question is, what are the default inline-block elements that browsers have (which have intrinsic dimensions and can set height and width, but will not automatically wrap)?

Answer: , ,