What is a semantic element? A semantic element can clearly describe its meaning to browsers and developers. Semantic element examples: and - no need to consider content. Semantic element examples: , , and - clearly defines its content. Browser support Semantic elements are supported in Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Note: This element is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier. However, a compatible workaround is provided at the bottom of the article. New Semantic Elements in HTML5 Many existing websites contain the following HTML code: , , or 1. Introduction to HTML5 semantic element examples #Introduction: HTML5 semantic elements Semantics = meaning. Semantic elements = meaning of elements. What is a semantic element? A semantic element can clearly describe its meaning to Browsers and developers. Examples of non-semantic elements: and - no need... ##2. HTML5—New semantic elements usage and compatibility Introduction: 1. New semantic elements: HTML5 provides new semantic elements to clarify a Web page Different parts. : Describes the header area of the document, which defines the introduction and display area of the content. : Defines the sections (sections, sections) in the document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or documents. In other parts, section usually contains a set of content and its title: defines independent content.: defines content outside the main area of the page (such as a sidebar): tags specify independent flow #. ##3. Learn HTML5 in five minutes! (2)##Introduction: HTML5 development and compatibility with old browsers We've discussed many of the cool new features of HTML5, including new semantic elements, the canvas tag for drawing, and audio and video support. You might be thinking: these things are great, but when the user's browser is not HTML5 compatible, it may not work...,. 4. HTML5 HTML element extension (Part 1) - Overview of newly added elements and usage_html5 tutorial skills Introduction: HTML5 adds new structural elements, such as header, footer, navigation nav, content article, section, etc. In addition to this As for the structural elements of the entire page, html5 also adds block-level semantic elements. Friends who are interested can learn more about it. It may be helpful to you [Related Q&A recommendations]: What do the semantic elements in html5 mean?