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HashMap source code analysis

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1. Overview of HashMap

HashMap is based on the implementation of the Map interface of the hash table. This implementation provides all optional mapping operations and allows null values ​​and null keys. (The HashMap class is much the same as a Hashtable except that it is not synchronized and allows null .) This class does not guarantee the order of the map, and in particular it does not guarantee that the order is immutable.

It is worth noting that HashMap is not thread-safe. If you want a thread-safe HashMap, you can obtain a thread-safe HashMap through the static method synchronizedMap of the Collections class.

 Map map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
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2. The data structure of HashMap

The bottom layer of HashMap is mainly implemented based on arrays and linked lists. The reason why it is quite fast The query speed is mainly because it determines the storage location by calculating a hash code. In HashMap, the hash value is mainly calculated through the hashCode of the key. As long as the hashCode is the same, the calculated hash value will be the same. If there are too many objects stored, the hash values ​​calculated by different objects may be the same, which results in a so-called hash conflict. Students who have studied data structures know that there are many ways to resolve hash conflicts. The bottom layer of HashMap resolves hash conflicts through linked lists.

In the picture, the purple part represents the hash table, also known as the hash array. Each element of the array is a singly linked list. The head node and linked list are used to resolve conflicts. If different keys are mapped to the same position in the array, they are put into a singly linked list.

Let’s take a look at the code of the Entry class in HashMap:

    /** Entry是单向链表。    
     * 它是 “HashMap链式存储法”对应的链表。    
     *它实现了Map.Entry 接口,即实现getKey(), getValue(), setValue(V value), equals(Object o), hashCode()这些函数  
    static class Entry<k> implements Map.Entry<k> {    
        final K key;    
        V value;    
        // 指向下一个节点    
        Entry<k> next;    
        final int hash;    
        // 构造函数。    
        // 输入参数包括"哈希值(h)", "键(k)", "值(v)", "下一节点(n)"    
        Entry(int h, K k, V v, Entry<k> n) {    
            value = v;    
            next = n;    
            key = k;    
            hash = h;    
        public final K getKey() {    
            return key;    
        public final V getValue() {    
            return value;    
        public final V setValue(V newValue) {    
            V oldValue = value;    
            value = newValue;    
            return oldValue;    
        // 判断两个Entry是否相等    
        // 若两个Entry的“key”和“value”都相等,则返回true。    
        // 否则,返回false    
        public final boolean equals(Object o) {    
            if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))    
                return false;    
            Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o;    
            Object k1 = getKey();    
            Object k2 = e.getKey();    
            if (k1 == k2 || (k1 != null && k1.equals(k2))) {    
                Object v1 = getValue();    
                Object v2 = e.getValue();    
                if (v1 == v2 || (v1 != null && v1.equals(v2)))    
                    return true;    
            return false;    
        // 实现hashCode()    
        public final int hashCode() {    
            return (key==null   ? 0 : key.hashCode()) ^    
                   (value==null ? 0 : value.hashCode());    
        public final String toString() {    
            return getKey() + "=" + getValue();    
        // 当向HashMap中添加元素时,绘调用recordAccess()。    
        // 这里不做任何处理    
        void recordAccess(HashMap<k> m) {    
        // 当从HashMap中删除元素时,绘调用recordRemoval()。    
        // 这里不做任何处理    
        void recordRemoval(HashMap<k> m) {    
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HashMap is actually an Entry array. The Entry object contains keys and values. Next is also an Entry object. It is used to handle hash conflicts and form a linked list.

3. HashMap source code analysis

1. Key attributes

Let’s first look at some key attributes in the HashMap class:

1 transient Entry[] table;//存储元素的实体数组
3 transient int size;//存放元素的个数
5 int threshold; //临界值   当实际大小超过临界值时,会进行扩容threshold = 加载因子*容量
7  final float loadFactor; //加载因子
9 transient int modCount;//被修改的次数
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HashMap source code analysis

##Among them loadFactorThe loading factor indicates the degree of filling of elements in the Hsah table.

If: The larger the loading factor, the more elements are filled. The advantage is that the space utilization rate is high, but: the chance of conflict increases If it is too large, the length of the linked list will become longer and longer, and the search efficiency will decrease.

On the contrary, the smaller the loading factor, the fewer elements are filled. The advantage is: the chance of conflict is reduced, but: more space is wasted. The data in the table will be too sparse (a lot of space is not used yet) , start expanding)

The greater the chance of conflict, the higher the cost of search.

Therefore, we must find a balance between "opportunity of conflict" and "space utilization" A kind of balance and compromise. This balance and compromise is essentially the balance and compromise of the famous "time-space" contradiction in data structures.

If the machine has enough memory and you want to increase the query speed, you can load Set the factor smaller; on the contrary, if the machine memory is tight and there are no requirements for query speed, you can set the load factor larger. But generally we don't need to set it, just let it take the default value of 0.75.

2. Construction method

Let’s take a look at several construction methods of HashMap:

HashMap source code analysis
public HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
 2         //确保数字合法
 3         if (initialCapacity  MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
 7             initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
 8         if (loadFactor = initialCapacity
13         int capacity = 1;   //初始容量
14         while (capacity 
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HashMap source code analysis








HashMap source code analysis
public V put(K key, V value) {
     // 若“key为null”,则将该键值对添加到table[0]中。
         if (key == null) 
            return putForNullKey(value);
     // 若“key不为null”,则计算该key的哈希值,然后将其添加到该哈希值对应的链表中。
         int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
         int i = indexFor(hash, table.length);
     // 循环遍历Entry数组,若“该key”对应的键值对已经存在,则用新的value取代旧的value。然后退出!
         for (Entry<k> e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) { 
             Object k;
              if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))) { //如果key相同则覆盖并返回旧值
                  V oldValue = e.value;
                 e.value = value;
                 return oldValue;
     addEntry(hash, key, value, i);
     return null;
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HashMap source code analysis


上面程序中用到了一个重要的内部接口:Map.Entry,每个 Map.Entry 其实就是一个 key-value 对。从上面程序中可以看出:当系统决定存储 HashMap 中的 key-value 对时,完全没有考虑 Entry 中的 value,仅仅只是根据 key 来计算并决定每个 Entry 的存储位置。这也说明了前面的结论:我们完全可以把 Map 集合中的 value 当成 key 的附属,当系统决定了 key 的存储位置之后,value 随之保存在那里即可。



HashMap source code analysis
1 private V putForNullKey(V value) {
 2         for (Entry<k> e = table[0]; e != null; e = e.next) {
 3             if (e.key == null) {   //如果有key为null的对象存在,则覆盖掉
 4                 V oldValue = e.value;
 5                 e.value = value;
 6                 e.recordAccess(this);
 7                 return oldValue;
 8            }
 9        }
10         modCount++;
11         addEntry(0, null, value, 0); //如果键为null的话,则hash值为0
12         return null;
13     }</k>
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HashMap source code analysis





HashMap source code analysis
1  //计算hash值的方法 通过键的hashCode来计算
2     static int hash(int h) {
3         // This function ensures that hashCodes that differ only by
4         // constant multiples at each bit position have a bounded
5         // number of collisions (approximately 8 at default load factor).
6         h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12);
7         return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4);
8     }
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HashMap source code analysis




1     static int indexFor(int h, int length) { //根据hash值和数组长度算出索引值
2         return h & (length-1);  //这里不能随便算取,用hash&(length-1)是有原因的,这样可以确保算出来的索引是在数组大小范围内,不会超出
3     }
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       h & (table.length-1)                     hash                             table.length-1
       8 & (15-1):                                 0100                   &              1110                   =                0100
       9 & (15-1):                                 0101                   &              1110                   =                0100
       8 & (16-1):                                 0100                   &              1111                   =                0100
       9 & (16-1):                                 0101                   &              1111                   =                0101
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从上面的例子中可以看出:当它们和15-1(1110)“与”的时候,产生了相同的结果,也就是说它们会定位到数组中的同一个位置上去,这就产生了碰撞,8和9会被放到数组中的同一个位置上形成链表,那么查询的时候就需要遍历这个链 表,得到8或者9,这样就降低了查询的效率。同时,我们也可以发现,当数组长度为15的时候,hash值会与15-1(1110)进行“与”,那么 最后一位永远是0,而0001,0011,0101,1001,1011,0111,1101这几个位置永远都不能存放元素了,空间浪费相当大,更糟的是这种情况中,数组可以使用的位置比数组长度小了很多,这意味着进一步增加了碰撞的几率,减慢了查询的效率!而当数组长度为16时,即为2的n次方时,2n-1得到的二进制数的每个位上的值都为1,这使得在低位上&时,得到的和原hash的低位相同,加之hash(int h)方法对key的hashCode的进一步优化,加入了高位计算,就使得只有相同的hash值的两个值才会被放到数组中的同一个位置上形成链表。



       根据上面 put 方法的源代码可以看出,当程序试图将一个key-value对放入HashMap中时,程序首先根据该 key 的 hashCode() 返回值决定该 Entry 的存储位置:如果两个 Entry 的 key 的 hashCode() 返回值相同,那它们的存储位置相同。如果这两个 Entry 的 key 通过 equals 比较返回 true,新添加 Entry 的 value 将覆盖集合中原有 Entry 的 value,但key不会覆盖。如果这两个 Entry 的 key 通过 equals 比较返回 false,新添加的 Entry 将与集合中原有 Entry 形成 Entry 链,而且新添加的 Entry 位于 Entry 链的头部——具体说明继续看 addEntry() 方法的说明。



1 void addEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int bucketIndex) {
2         Entry<k> e = table[bucketIndex]; //如果要加入的位置有值,将该位置原先的值设置为新entry的next,也就是新entry链表的下一个节点
3         table[bucketIndex] = new Entry(hash, key, value, e);
4         if (size++ >= threshold) //如果大于临界值就扩容
5             resize(2 * table.length); //以2的倍数扩容
6     }</k>
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HashMap source code analysis
 1     void resize(int newCapacity) {
 2         Entry[] oldTable = table;
 3         int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
 4         if (oldCapacity == MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
 5             threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 6             return;
 7        }
 9         Entry[] newTable = new Entry[newCapacity];
10         transfer(newTable);//用来将原先table的元素全部移到newTable里面
11         table = newTable;  //再将newTable赋值给table
12         threshold = (int)(newCapacity * loadFactor);//重新计算临界值
13     }
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HashMap source code analysis







   那么HashMap什么时候进行扩容呢?当HashMap中的元素个数超过数组大小*loadFactor时,就会进行数组扩容,loadFactor的默认值为0.75,这是一个折中的取值。也就是说,默认情况下,数组大小为16,那么当HashMap中元素个数超过16*0.75=12的时候,就把数组的大小扩展为 2*16=32,即扩大一倍,然后重新计算每个元素在数组中的位置,扩容是需要进行数组复制的,复制数组是非常消耗性能的操作,所以如果我们已经预知HashMap中元素的个数,那么预设元素的个数能够有效的提高HashMap的性能。






HashMap source code analysis
1.public V get(Object key) {   
2.    if (key == null)   
3.        return getForNullKey();   
4.    int hash = hash(key.hashCode());   
5.    for (Entry<k> e = table[indexFor(hash, table.length)];   
6.        e != null;   
7.        e = e.next) {   
8.        Object k;   
9.        if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k)))   
10.            return e.value;   
11.    }   
12.    return null;   
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HashMap source code analysis





   HashMap 包含如下几个构造器:

   HashMap():构建一个初始容量为 16,负载因子为 0.75 的 HashMap。

   HashMap(int initialCapacity):构建一个初始容量为 initialCapacity,负载因子为 0.75 的 HashMap。

   HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor):以指定初始容量、指定的负载因子创建一个 HashMap。

   HashMap的基础构造器HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)带有两个参数,它们是初始容量initialCapacity和加载因子loadFactor。


   loadFactor:负载因子loadFactor定义为:散列表的实际元素数目(n)/ 散列表的容量(m)。




threshold = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
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   结合负载因子的定义公式可知,threshold就是在此loadFactor和capacity对应下允许的最大元素数目,超过这个数目就重新resize,以降低实际的负载因子。默认的的负载因子0.75是对空间和时间效率的一个平衡选择。当容量超出此最大容量时, resize后的HashMap容量是容量的两倍:

The above is the detailed content of HashMap source code analysis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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