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Java Programming Thoughts Learning Class (2) Chapter 14-Type Information

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1. RTTI (Runtime Type Identification) Runtime Type Identification

1.1 Purpose:

To determine The specific type of the subclass that the base class pointer actually points to. ——《C Primer Plus》

1.2 Working Principle:

Use the type conversion operator to answer the question "Is it safe to assign the address of an object to a pointer of a specific type?" "Such a question. ——"C Primer Plus"

1.3 In Java

 In Java,all type conversionsare done at runtime Perform correctness check. This is also the meaning of RTTI: identifying the type of an object at runtime.

1.3.1 The problem of losing specific type information
  • Type conversion expressed in polymorphism is the most basic form of use of RTTI, but this conversion does not Not thorough. For example, the array container actually treats all elements as Object holding , and automatically converts the result back to the declared type when accessed. When the array is filling (holding) objects, the specific type may be a subclass of the declared type, so when placed in the array, it will be upcast to the declared type, the held object loses its specific type. When accessed, Object will only be converted back to the declared type, not the specific subclass type, so this transformation is not complete.

  • Polymorphism expresses specific types of behavior, but that is just a matter of the "polymorphism mechanism", which is the specific # pointed to by the reference. ## Determined by the object , it is not equivalent to identifying the specific type at runtime.  The above reveals a problem which is the loss of specific types of information!
    When there is a problem, it is necessary to solve the problem. This is the need of RTTI , means to determine the specific type of the object at runtime. 1.3.2 Confirming the loss of specific type information

  • The following example confirms the problem described above (loss of specific type information):
package net.mrliuli.rtti;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;/**
 * Created by leon on 2017/12/3.
 */abstract class Shape{
    void draw(){
        System.out.println(this + ".draw()");
    }    abstract public String toString();  //要求子类需要实现 toString()}class Circle extends Shape{
    public String toString() {        return "Circle";
    public void drawCircle(){}
}class Square extends Shape{
    public String toString() {        return "Square";
}class Triangle extends Shape{
    public String toString() {        return "Triangle";
public class Shapes {
    public static  void main(String[] args){
        List<Shape> shapeList = Arrays.asList(                new Circle(), new Square(), new Triangle()  // 向上转型为 Shape,此处会丢失原来的具体类型信息!!对于数组而言,它们只是Shape类对象!
        );        for(Shape shape : shapeList){
            shape.draw();   // 数组实际上将所有事物都当作Object持有,在取用时会自动将结果转型回声明类型即Shape。
        }        //shapeList.get(0).drawCircle(); //这里会编译错误:在Shape类中找不到符号drawCircle(),证实了具体类型信息的丢失!!
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2 Class object

2.1 How RTTI works in Java

To be able to identify specific types at runtime, it means that there must be something that saves specific type information at runtime, and this thing is

Class object

, a special object. That is, the Class object represents runtime type information, which contains class-related information. In fact, the

    object is used to
  • create all "regular" objects of the

    class. Each class has a

  • object. In other words, whenever a new class is written and
  • compiled, a Class object is produced (more appropriately, is Save it in a .class file with the same name). In other words, the

  • Class object
  • is generated when the .java file is compiled into a .class file, and is

    saved In this .class file. 2.2 Class object is used to generate objects (regular objects, non-Class objects)

  • The JVM running the program uses the so-called "
class loader

" subsystem (class loader subsystem) generates a class object by loading the Class object (or .class file). All classes are dynamically loaded into the JVM the first time they are used

. When the program uses the static members of the class for the first time, the class will be loaded, which means that the constructor is also a static method, even if the static keyword is not added in front of the constructor.
  • Therefore, the Java program is not completely loaded before it starts running, and its various parts are loaded only when

    necessary. (It is difficult to statically load a language like C.)
  • 2.3 The work (process) of the class loader

  • whether the

    Class object (or understand .class file) of a class has been loaded; if it has not been loaded yet , the default class loader will search for the .class file

    based on the class name
  • ;

    Once the Class object (.class file) is loaded (loaded into memory), it is used to

  • all objects of this class.


package net.mrliuli.rtti;/**
 * Created by leon on 2017/12/3.
 */class Candy{    static { System.out.println("Loading Candy"); }

class Gum{    static { System.out.println("Loading Gum"); }

class Cookie{    static { System.out.println("Loading Cookie"); }
}public class SweetShop {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("inside main");        new Candy();
        System.out.println("After creating Candy");        try{
        }catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
            System.out.println("Couldn&#39;t find Gum");
        System.out.println("After Class.forName(\"Gum\")");        new Cookie();
        System.out.println("After creating Cookie");
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  • 以上程序每个类都有一个static子句,static子句在类第一次被加载时执行。

  • 从输出中可以看出,

    • Class对象仅在需要时才被加载,

    • static初始化是在类加载时进行的。

  • Class.forName(net.mrliuli.rtti.Gum)是Class类的一个静态成员,用来返回一个Class对象的引用(Class对象和其他对象一样,我们可以获取并操作它的引用(这也就是类加载器的工作))。使用这个方法时,如果net.mrliuli.rtti.Gum还没有被加载就加载它。在加载过程中,Gum的static子句被执行。


2.4 获得Class对象引用的方法
  • 通过Class.forName(),就是一个便捷途径,这种方式不需要为了获得Class对象引用而持有该类型的对象。(即没有创建过或没有这个类型的对象的时候就可以获得Class对象引用。)

  • 如果已经有一个类型的对象,那就可以通过调用这个对象的getClass()方法来获取它的Class对象引用了。这个方法属于Object,返回表示该对象的实际类型的Class对象引用。

2.5 Class包含的有用的方法


  • getName() 获取类的全限定名称

  • getSimpleName() 获取不含包名的类名

  • getCanonicalName() 获取全限定的类名

  • isInterface() 判断某个Class对象是否是接口

  • getInterfaces() 返回Class对象实现的接口数组

  • getSuperClass() 返回Class对象的直接基类

  • newInstance() 创建一个这个Class对象所代表的类的一个实例对象。

    • Class引用在编译期不具备任何更进一步的类型信息,所以它返回的只是一个Object引用,但是这个Object引用指向的是这个Class引用所代表的具体类型。即需要转型到具体类型才能给它发送Object以外的消息

    • newInstance()这个方法依赖Class对象所代表的类必须具有可访问的默认的构造函数Nullary constructor,即无参的构造器),否则会抛出InstantiationExceptionIllegalAccessException 异常

package net.mrliuli.rtti;/**
 * Created by li.liu on 2017/12/4.
 */interface HasBatteries{}interface Waterproof{}interface Shoots{}class Toy{
    Toy(int i){}
}class FancyToy extends Toy implements HasBatteries, Waterproof, Shoots{
    FancyToy(){ super(1); }
}public class ToyTest {
    static void printInfo(Class cc){
        System.out.println("Class name: " + cc.getName() + " is interface? [" + cc.isInterface() + "]");
        System.out.println("Simple name: " + cc.getSimpleName());
        System.out.println("Canonical name: " + cc.getCanonicalName());
    }    public static  void main(String[] args){
        Class c = null;        try{
            c = Class.forName("net.mrliuli.rtti.FancyToy");
        }catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
            System.out.println("Can&#39;t find FancyToy");
        System.out.println("=============================");        for(Class face : c.getInterfaces()){
        Class up = c.getSuperclass();
        Object obj = null;        try{            // Requires default constructor:
            obj = up.newInstance();
        }catch (InstantiationException e){
            System.out.println("Cannot instantiate");
        }catch (IllegalAccessException e){
            System.out.println("Cannot access");
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2.6 类字面常量
  2.6.1 使用类字面常量.class是获取Class对象引用的另一种方法。如 FancyToy.class。建议使用这种方法。
  • 编译时就会受到检查(因此不需要放到try语句块中),所以既简单又安全。根除了对forName()的调用,所以也更高效。

  • 类字面常量.class不仅适用于普通的类,也适用于接口、数组基本类型

  • 基本类型的包装器类有一个标准字段TYPE,它是一个引用,指向对应的基本数据类型的Class引用,即有boolean.class 等价于 Boolean.TYPEint.class 等价于 Integer.TYPE

  • 注意,使用.class来创建Class对象的引用时,不会自动地初始化该Class对象

  2.6.2 为了使用类而做的准备工作实际包含三个步骤:
  • 加载,这是由类加载器执行的。该步骤将查找字节码(通常在CLASSPATH所指定的路径中查找),并从这些字节码中创建一个Class对象

  • 链接。在链接阶段将验证类中的字节码,为静态域分配存储空间,并且如果必需的话,将解析这个类创建的对其他类的所有引用。

  • 初始化。如果该类具有超类,则对其初始化,执行静态初始化器和静态初始块。

  2.6.3 初始化惰性

  初始化被延迟到了对静态方法(构造器隐式地是静态的)或者非常数静态域进行首次引用时才执行,即初始化有效地实现了尽可能 的“惰性”。
  以下程序证实了上述观点。注意,将一个域设置为staticfinal的,不足以成为“编译期常量”或“常数静态域”,如 static final int staticFinal2 = ClassInitialization.rand.nextInt(1000);就不是编译期常量,对它的引用将强制进行类的初始化。

package net.mrliuli.rtti;import java.util.Random;class Initable{    static final int staticFinal = 47;      // 常数静态域
    static final int staticFinal2 = ClassInitialization.rand.nextInt(1000);     // 非常数静态域(不是编译期常量)
        System.out.println("Initializing Initable");
}class Initable2{    static int staticNonFinal = 147;    // 非常数静态域
    static {
        System.out.println("Initializing Initable2");
}class Initable3{    static int staticNonFinal = 74;     // 非常数静态域
    static {
        System.out.println("Initializing Initable3");
}public class ClassInitialization {    public static Random rand = new Random(47);    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Class initalbe = Initable.class;                // 使用类字面常量.class获取Class对象引用,不会初始化
        System.out.println("After creating Initable ref");
        System.out.println(Initable.staticFinal);       // 常数静态域首次引用,不会初始化
        System.out.println(Initable.staticFinal2);      // 非常数静态域首次引用,会初始化
        System.out.println(Initable2.staticNonFinal);   // 非常数静态域首次引用,会初始化
        Class initable3 = Class.forName("net.mrliuli.rtti.Initable3");      // 使用Class.forName()获取Class对象引用,会初始化
        System.out.println("After creating Initable3 ref");
        System.out.println(Initable3.staticNonFinal);   // 已初始化过

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2.7 泛化的Class引用
2.7.1 Class对象类型限制


package net.mrliuli.rtti;public class GenericClassReferences {    public static void main(String[] args){
        Class intClass = int.class;
        Class<Integer> genericIntClass = int.class;
        genericIntClass = Integer.class;    // Same thing
        intClass = double.class;        // genericIntClass = double.class;  // Illegal, genericIntClass 限制为Integer 的Class对象
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2.7.2 使用通配符?放松对Class对象类型的限制

  通配符?是Java泛型的一部分,?表示“任何事物”。以下程序中Class<?> intClass = int.class;Class intClass = int.class; 是等价的,但使用Class<?>优于使用Class,因为它说明了你是明确要使用一个非具体的类引用,才选择了一个非具体的版本,而不是由于你的疏忽。

package net.mrliuli.rtti;/**
 * Created by li.liu on 2017/12/4.
 */public class WildcardClassReferences {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Class<?> intClass = int.class;
        intClass = double.class;
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2.7.3 类型范围

  将通配符与extends关键字相结合如Class<? extends Number>,就创建了一个范围,使得这个Class引用被限定为Number类型或其子类型

package net.mrliuli.rtti;/**
 * Created by li.liu on 2017/12/4.
 */public class BoundedClassReferences {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Class<? extends Number> bounded = int.class;
        bounded = double.class;
        bounded = Number.class;        // Or anything derived from Number
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package net.mrliuli.rtti;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;/**
 * Created by li.liu on 2017/12/4.
 */class CountedInteger{    private static long counter;    private final long id = counter++;    public String toString(){        return Long.toString(id);
}public class FilledList<T> {    private Class<T> type;    public FilledList(Class<T> type){        this.type = type;
    }    public List<T> create(int nElements){
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();        try{            for(int i = 0; i < nElements; i++){
        }catch(Exception e){            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        }        return result;
    }    public static void main(String[] args){
        FilledList<CountedInteger> fl = new FilledList<CountedInteger>(CountedInteger.class);   // 存储一个类引用
        System.out.println(fl.create(15));      // 产生一个list
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  • 使得编译期进行类型检查

  • .newInstance()将返回确切类型的对象,而不是Object对象

2.7.4 Class
package net.mrliuli.rtti;public class GenericToyTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

        Class<FancyToy> ftClass = FancyToy.class;        // Produces exact type:
        FancyToy fancyToy = ftClass.newInstance();

        Class<? super FancyToy> up = ftClass.getSuperclass();   //

        // This won&#39;t compile:
        // Toy toy = up.newInstance();
        // Class<Toy> up2 = up.getSuperclass();     // 这里 getSuperclass() 已经知道结果是Toy.class了,却不能赋给 Class<Toy>,这就是所谓的含糊性(vagueness)

        // Only produces Object:    (because of the vagueness)
        Object obj = up.newInstance();

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2.7.5 类型转换前先做检查


  • 传统类型转换,如(Shape)

  • 代表对象的类型的Class对象

  • 每三种形式,就是关键字 instanceof。它返回一个布尔值,告诉我们对象是不是某个特定类型或其子类。如if(x instanceof Dog)语句会检查对象x是否从属于Dog类。

  • 还一种形式是动态的instanceof:Class.isInstance()方法提供了一种动态地测试对象的途径。Class.isInstance()方法使我们不再需要instanceof表达式。

2.7.6 isAssignableFrom()

  Class.isAssignableFrom() :调用类型可以被参数类型赋值,即判断传递进来的参数是否属于调用类型继承结构(是调用类型或调用类型的子类)。

3 注册工厂

4 instanceof 与 Class 的等价性

  • instanceofisInstance() 保持了类型的概念,它指的是“你是这个吗,或者你是这个类的派生类吗?

  • ==equals() 没有考虑继承——它要么是这个确切的类型,要么不是。

5 反射:运行时的类信息(Reflection: runtime class information)



  • 对于RTTI来说,是编译时打开和检查.class文件。(换句话说,我们可以用“普通”方式调用对象的所有方法。)

  • 对于反射机制来说,.class文件在编译时是不可获取的,所以是在运行时打开和检查.class文件。

6 动态代理

  • Java的动态代理比代理的思想更向前迈进了一步,因为它可以动态地创建代理动态地处理对所代理方法的调用。

  • 在动态代理上所做的所有调用都会被重定向到单一的调用处理器上,它的工作是揭示调用的类型并确定相应的对策

  • 通过调用静态方法Proxy.newProxyInstance()可以创建动态代理,需要三个参数:

    • ClassLoader loader 一个类加载器,通常可以从已经被加载的对象中获取其类加载器

    • Class<?>[] interfaces 一个希望代理要实现的接口列表(不是类或抽象类)

    • InvocationHandler h 一个调用处理器接口的实现

  • 动态代理可以将所有调用重定向到调用处理器,因此通常会向调用处理器传递一个“实际”对象(即被代理的对象)的引用,从而使得调用处理器在执行其中介任务时,可以将请求转发(即去调用实际对象)。

6.1 动态代理的优点及美中不足

  • 优点:动态代理与静态代理相较,最大的好处是接口中声明的所有方法都被转移到调用处理器一个集中的方法(InvocationHandler.invoke)中处理。这样,在接口方法数量比较多的时候,我们可以进行灵活处理,而不需要像静态代理那样每一个方法进行中转。

  • 美中不足:它始终无法摆脱仅支持interface代理的桎梏,因为它的设计注定了这个遗憾。

7. 空对象


   极限编程(XP)的原则之一,YAGNI(You Aren’t Going to Need It,你永不需要它),即“做可以工作的最简单的事情”。

7.2 模拟对象与桩(Mock Objects & Stubs)


8. 接口与类型信息



javap -private 类名
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package net.mrliuli.rtti;/**
 * Created by li.liu on 2017/12/6.
 */import java.lang.reflect.Method;/**
 * 通过反射调用所有方法(包括私有的)
 */public class HiddenImplementation {

    static void callHiddenMethod(Object obj, String methodName, Object[] args) throws Exception{
        Method method = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
        method.invoke(obj, args);
    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        callHiddenMethod(new B(), "g", null);

interface A {    void f();
class B implements A{    @Override
    public void f(){}    private void g(){
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Java Programming Thoughts Learning Class (3) Chapter 15-Generics

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