I will share with you some of my experience in learning Createjs:
1. What is CreateJS?
Createjs is a lightweight javascript library and an open source toolkit that can build HTML5 games with rich interactive experiences. Many interesting animated games can be built using createjs. For example, surround the nervous cat and see how colorful you are and other Html5 games.
2. What are the tools of CreateJS?
There are four major engines in createjs:
3. How to use Easel to create a simple drag and drop?
So if you now need to use EaselJs to drag a picture arbitrarily, and click the picture to make the picture selected or unselected, the selected state means that it can be dragged, and the unselected state means that it cannot be dragged state. And at most one picture can be in the dragging state. So how to use EaselJs to achieve this requirement and support mobile devices? Without further ado, let’s get to the source code.
HTML code:
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.8.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function Init() { var canvas = document.getElementById("dragCanvas"); canvas.width = 600; //定义画布大小 canvas.height = 400; var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas); createjs.Touch.enable(stage); //允许设备触控 var selectBool = []; //控制状态 drawImgs(); stage.update(); function drawImgs() { var oX = 0, oY = 0; var fzmx, fzmy, sx, sy; //辅助变量 for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16); var con = new createjs.Container(); var bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(i + '.jpg'); selectBool[i] = false; con.x = oX; con.y = oY; oX += 125; con.addChild(bitmap); con.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) { var Mindex = stage.getChildIndex(event.target.parent); sx = event.stageX; sy = event.stageY; fzmx = event.stageX - event.target.parent.x; fzmy = event.stageY - event.target.parent.y; if (selectBool[Mindex]) { event.target.parent.addEventListener('pressmove', pressMove, false); } else { event.target.parent.removeEventListener('pressmove', pressMove, false); } stage.update(); }); // 添加鼠标"松开"事件 con.addEventListener("pressup", function (event) { var Pindex = stage.getChildIndex(event.target.parent); if (Math.abs(event.stageX - sx) < 3 && Math.abs(event.stageY - sy) < 3) { selectBool[Pindex] = !selectBool[Pindex]; shadowUr(selectBool[Pindex], event.target.parent, randomColor); } stage.update(); }); // 切换状态方法 function shadowUr(bool, con, randomColor) { if (bool) { con.shadow = new createjs.Shadow("#" + randomColor, 0, 0, 10); var fIndex = con.parent.getChildIndex(con); for (var i = 0; i < con.parent.numChildren; i++) { if (i == fIndex) continue; con.parent.getChildAt(i).shadow = null; selectBool[i] = false; } } else con.shadow = null; } // 图片拖动 function pressMove(event) { var self = event.target.parent; if (event.stageX - fzmx < 0) self.x = 0; else if (event.stageX - fzmx + self.getBounds().width > stage.canvas.width) self.x = stage.canvas.width - self.getBounds().width; else self.x = event.stageX - fzmx; if (event.stageY - fzmy < 0) self.y = 0; else if (event.stageY - fzmy + self.getBounds().height > stage.canvas.height) self.y = stage.canvas.height - self.getBounds().height; else self.y = event.stageY - fzmy; stage.update(); } stage.addChild(con); } } } </script> </head> <body onload="Init();"> <canvas id="dragCanvas" style="border:#333 1px solid"></canvas> </body> </html>
Due to the same-origin policy of the browser, a local server needs to be opened, otherwise it cannot be loaded normally. Okay, this is the image dragging effect required above