简介:教程接微信小程序开发教程(基础篇)7数据绑定上,当需要展示一组数据时,可以使用wx:for 其中index是当前数据索引的默认变量名,item是当前数据项的默认变量名。也可以使用 wx:foritem 和 wx:forindex 来指定别名 也可以嵌套使用,如下面是一个九九乘法表 类似block wx:if,也可以将wx:for用在 标签上,以渲染一个包含多节点的结构块 wx:key ...
简介:php简单例子--打印出99乘法表: <?php //php打印出九九乘法表 for ($i=1; $i<10; $i++){ for ($j=1; $j<=$i; $j++){ echo $j*$i; echo ' '; } echo '<br />'; } ?>
简介::本篇文章主要介绍了php日常3-21 设计一个九九乘法表,对于PHP教程有兴趣的同学可以参考一下。
9. Nine-nine multiplication table for loop continuous summation, nine-nine multiplication table code
Introduction: ninety-nine multiplication table: ninety-nine Multiplication table for loop continuous summation, ninety-nine multiplication table codes: The classic example of for loop is continuous summation: 1+2+3+...+100. After teaching for more than an hour, some students still can't do it. You have to be thoughtful when making programs. Some students kept typing on the keyboard and couldn't get it right. Before doing this summation, we have to think about it. Summation is actually continuous accumulation. When variable $i increases by itself, it must be summed with the previous number. So how to sum with the previous number? We can do a split: treat the number before $i as one item, and add it to $i separately. In the same way, 100 is added to the sum of the previous 99 items, 99 is added to the sum of the previous 98 items...and so on. , 2 plus
Introduction: evacuate the dancefloor:evacuate the dancefloor PHP introductory learning knowledge points eight basic applications of for loops in PHP: nine-nine multiplication table: Copy the code The code is as follows:
"; echo "