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Detailed examples of the overall architecture of jquery

Release: 2017-06-27 11:34:25
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Learning open source frameworks, what children want to learn most is the design ideas and implementation skills. I recently studied the jQuery source code, recorded my understanding and experience of jQuery, and shared it with everyone, so I can use it as a starting point.

The overall jQuery framework is very complex and not easy to understand. I have been studying this heavy and powerful framework in the past few days. The overall architecture of jQuery can be divided into: entry module, bottom module and functional module. Here, we take jquery-1.7.1 as an example for analysis.

The overall architecture of jquery

The code is as follows:

16 (function( window, undefined ) {
         // 构造 jQuery 对象
  22     var jQuery = (function() {
  25         var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
  27                 return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
  28             },
                 // 一堆局部变量声明
  97         jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
  98             constructor: jQuery,
  99             init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { ... },
                 // 一堆原型属性和方法
 319         };
 322         jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
 324         jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { ... };
 388         jQuery.extend({
                 // 一堆静态属性和方法
 892         });
 955         return jQuery;
 957     })();
          // 省略其他模块的代码 ...
9246     window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
9266 })( window );
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Analyzing the above code, we found that jquery adopts the anonymous function self-execution method, so The advantage is that it can effectively prevent namespace and variable pollution problems. Abbreviating the above code is:

The code is as follows:

(function(window, undefined) {
    var jQuery = function() {}
    // ...
    window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
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Parameter window

The anonymous function passes two Two parameters come in, one is window and the other is undefined. We know that variables in js have scope chains. The two variables passed in will become local variables of the anonymous function, and they will be accessed faster. By passing in the window object, the window object can be used as a local variable. Then, the parameters of the function also become local variables. When accessing the window object in jquery, there is no need to return the scope chain to the top-level scope, thus The window object can be accessed faster.

Parameter undefined

When js is looking for a variable, the js engine will first look for the variable in the scope of the function itself. If it is not found, it will continue to look up. , if found, the variable will be returned, if not found, undefined will be returned. undefined is a property of the window object. By passing in the undefined parameter without assigning a value, the scope chain when searching for undefined can be shortened. Within the scope of a self-calling anonymous function, ensure that undefined is truly undefined. Because undefined can be overwritten and given a new value.

What is jquery.fn?

The code is as follows:

 jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
              constructor: jQuery,
              init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { ... },
                 // 一堆原型属性和方法
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By analyzing the above code, we found that jQuery.fn is jQuery.prototype. The advantage of writing it this way is that it is shorter. Later, we saw that jquery simply used a $ symbol instead of jquery for simplicity. Therefore, when we use the jquery framework, we often use $(),

Constructor jQuery( )

Image description

jQuery objects are not created through new jQuery, but through new jQuery.fn.init:

The code is as follows:

var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
       return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
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A variable jQuery is defined here, and its value is the jQuery constructor, which is returned and assigned to the jQuery variable on line 955 (the top code)


jQuery.fn (line 97 above) is the prototype object of the constructor jQuery(). jQuery.fn.init() is the jQuery prototype method, which can also be called the constructor. Responsible for parsing the types of parameters selector and context and performing corresponding searches.

Parameter context: You can pass in no jQuery object, DOM element, or one of the ordinary js objects
Parameter rootjQuery: jQuery object containing the document object, used for document.getElementById() search Failure, etc.

The code is as follows:

jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype
jQuery(selector [,context])
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By default, the search for matching elements starts from the root element document object, that is, the search scope is the entire document tree, but You can also pass in the second parameter context to limit its search scope. For example:

The code is as follows:

$('p.foo').click(function () {
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The methods jQuery.extend(object) and jQuery.fn.extend(object) are used to merge two or more objects to the first object. The relevant source code is as follows (part):

The code is as follows:

jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
    var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,//定义的一组局部变量
        target = arguments[0] || {},
        i = 1,
        length = arguments.length,
        deep = false;
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jQuery.extend(object); Add a class method to the jQuery class, which is understandable Add static method for. For example:

The code is as follows:

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Add a "static method" called add for jQuery, and then you can use it where jQuery is introduced. This is the method,

$.add(3,4); //return 7
jQuery.fn.extend(object), check out a code demonstration on the official website as follows:

The code is as follows:

<label><input type="checkbox" name="foo"> Foo</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="bar"> Bar</label>
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        check: function() {
            return this.each(function() {
                this.checked = true;
        uncheck: function() {
            return this.each(function() {
                this.checked = false;
    // Use the newly created .check() method
    $( "input[type=&#39;checkbox&#39;]" ).check();
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CSS selector engine Sizzle

It can be said that jQuery was born to operate DOM. The reason why jQuery is so powerful is Thanks to the CSS selector engine Sizzle, the parsing rules refer to an example on the Internet:

selector: "p > p + p.aaron input[type="checkbox"]"

1 按照从右到左
2 取出最后一个token 比如[type="checkbox"]
matches : Array[3]
type : "ATTR"
value : "[type="
checkbox "]"
3 过滤类型 如果type是 > + ~ 空 四种关系选择器中的一种,则跳过,在继续过滤
4 直到匹配到为 ID,CLASS,TAG 中一种 , 因为这样才能通过浏览器的接口索取
5 此时seed种子合集中就有值了,这样把刷选的条件给缩的很小了
6 如果匹配的seed的合集有多个就需要进一步的过滤了,修正选择器 selector: "p > p + p.aaron [type="checkbox"]"
7 OK,跳到一下阶段的编译函数








   url: "test.html",
   success: function(){
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  .done(function(){ alert("哈哈,成功了!"); })
  .fail(function(){ alert("出错啦!"); });
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$.when($.ajax("test1.html"), $.ajax("test2.html"))
 .done(function(){ alert("哈哈,成功了!"); })
 .fail(function(){ alert("出错啦!"); });
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jQuery.Deferred( func ) 的实现原理


jQuery.Deferred( func ) 的源码结构:



    Deferred: function( func ) {
            // 成功回调函数列表
        var doneList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
            // 失败回调函数列表
            failList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
            // 消息回调函数列表
            progressList = jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ),
            // 初始状态
            state = "pending",
            // 异步队列的只读副本
            promise = {
                // done, fail, progress
                // state, isResolved, isRejected
                // then, always
                // pipe
                // promise           
            // 异步队列
            deferred = promise.promise({}),
        // 添加触发成功、失败、消息回调函列表的方法
        for ( key in lists ) {
            deferred[ key ] = lists[ key ].fire;
            deferred[ key + "With" ] = lists[ key ].fireWith;
        // 添加设置状态的回调函数
        deferred.done( function() {
            state = "resolved";
        }, failList.disable, progressList.lock )
        .fail( function() {
            state = "rejected";
        }, doneList.disable, progressList.lock );
        // 如果传入函数参数 func,则执行。
        if ( func ) {
            func.call( deferred, deferred );

        // 返回异步队列 deferred
        return deferred;
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jQuery.when( deferreds )


jQuery.when( deferreds ) 的用法

如果传入多个异步队列对象,方法 jQuery.when() 返回一个新的主异步队列对象的只读副本,只读副本将跟踪所传入的异步队列的最终状态。




请求 &#39;/when.do?method=when1&#39; 返回 {"when":1}
请求 &#39;/when.do?method=when2&#39; 返回 {"when":2}
请求 &#39;/when.do?method=when3&#39; 返回 {"when":3}
var whenDone = function(){ console.log( &#39;done&#39;, arguments ); },
    whenFail = function(){ console.log( &#39;fail&#39;, arguments ); };
    $.ajax( &#39;/when.do?method=when1&#39;, { dataType: "json" } ),
    $.ajax( &#39;/when.do?method=when2&#39;, { dataType: "json" } ),
    $.ajax( &#39;/when.do?method=when3&#39;, { dataType: "json" } )
).done( whenDone ).fail( whenFail );
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异步队列 Deferred


为 ajax 模块、队列模块、ready 事件提供基础功能。




  97 jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
  98     constructor: jQuery,
  99     init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {}
 210     selector: "",
 213     jquery: "1.7.1",
 216     length: 0,
 219     size: function() {},
 223     toArray: function() {},
 229     get: function( num ) {},
 241     pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {},
 270     each: function( callback, args ) {},
 274     ready: function( fn ) {}, //
 284     eq: function( i ) {},
 291     first: function() {},
 295     last: function() {},
 299     slice: function() {},
 304     map: function( callback ) {},
 310     end: function() {},
 316     push: push,
 317     sort: [].sort,
 318     splice: [].splice
 319 };
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    return this.length;
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toArray: function() {
        return slice.call( this );
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 get: function( num ) {
        return num == null ?

            // Return a &#39;clean&#39; array
            this.toArray() :

            // Return just the object
            ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] );
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each: function( callback, args ) {
        return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
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回调函数是在当前元素为上下文的语境中触发的,即关键字this总是指向当前元素,在回调函数中return false 可以终止遍历。



map: function( callback ) {
        return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
            return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
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定义方法.push( elems, name, selector ),它接受3个参数:





end: function() {
        return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
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388 jQuery.extend({
 389     noConflict: function( deep ) {},
 402     isReady: false,
 406     readyWait: 1,
 409     holdReady: function( hold ) {},
 418     ready: function( wait ) {},
 444     bindReady: function() {},
 492     isFunction: function( obj ) {},
 496     isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {},
 501     isWindow: function( obj ) {},
 505     isNumeric: function( obj ) {},
 509     type: function( obj ) {},
 515     isPlainObject: function( obj ) {},
 544     isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {},
 551     error: function( msg ) {},
 555     parseJSON: function( data ) {},
 581     parseXML: function( data ) {},
 601     noop: function() {},
 606     globalEval: function( data ) {},
 619     camelCase: function( string ) {},
 623     nodeName: function( elem, name ) {},
 628     each: function( object, callback, args ) {},
 669     trim: trim ? function( text ) {} : function( text ) {},
 684     makeArray: function( array, results ) {},
 702     inArray: function( elem, array, i ) {},
 724     merge: function( first, second ) {},
 744     grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {},
 761     map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {},
 794     guid: 1,
 798     proxy: function( fn, context ) {},
 825     access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) {},
 852     now: function() {},
 858     uaMatch: function( ua ) {},
 870     sub: function() {},
 891     browser: {}
 892 });
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The above is the detailed content of Detailed examples of the overall architecture of jquery. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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