Chain of responsibility pattern (Chain of responsibility) is to give multiple objects the opportunity to handle requests, thereby avoiding the sender and receiver of the request. coupling relationship between them. Connect the objects into a chain and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it.
After the request, starting from the first object, the object in the chain that receives the request will either process it personally or forward it to the next candidate in the chain. The object submitting the request does not know which object will handle it - that is, the request has an implicit receiver. At runtime, any candidate can respond to the corresponding request. The number of candidates is arbitrary, and which candidates can be decided at runtime to participate in the chain.
The illustration is:
(1) Since classes generally deal with interfaces, we first define an interface that standardizes the methods in the class, the code is
//定义一个静态方法来实现接口与实现类的直接检验 //静态方法不要写出Interface.prototype ,因为这是写到接口的原型链上的 //我们要把静态的函数直接写到类层次上 //定义一个接口类 var Interface=function (name,methods) {//name:接口名字 if(arguments.length<2){ alert("必须是两个参数") }; this.methods=[];//定义一个空数组装载函数名 for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){ if(typeof methods[i]!="string"){ alert("函数名必须是字符串类型"); }else { this.methods.push( methods[i]); } } }; Interface.ensureImplement=function (object) { if(arguments.length<2){ throw new Error("参数必须不少于2个") return false; } for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){ var inter=arguments[i]; //如果是接口就必须是Interface类型 if(inter.constructor!=Interface){ throw new Error("如果是接口类的话,就必须是Interface类型"); } //判断接口中的方法是否全部实现 //遍历函数集合分析 for(var j=0;j<inter.methods.length;j++){ var method=inter.methods[j];//接口中所有函数 //object[method]传入的函数 //最终是判断传入的函数是否与接口中所用函数匹配 if(!object[method]||typeof object[method]!="function" ){//实现类中必须有方法名字与接口中所用方法名相同 throw new Error("实现类中没有完全实现接口中的所有方法") } } } }
var bookShop=new Interface("bookShop",["addBook","findBook","showBooks"]);//书店接口
var Book=function (bNm,bName,bAuthor,bType) { this.bNm=bNm; this.bName=bName; this.bAuthor=bAuthor; this.bType=bType; }
var pcatBookShop=(function(){ //书架 var jsBooks = new Array();//js书架 var cBooks = new Array();//c书架 var javaBooks = new Array();//java书架 //内部类1 function AddJsBooks(book) { if(book.bType=="Js"){ jsBooks.push(book); }else { AddJsBooks.successor(book); } } //内部类2 function AddJavaBooks(book) { if(book.bType=="Java"){ javaBooks.push(book); }else { AddJavaBooks.successor(book); } } //内部类3 function AddCBooks(book) { if(book.bType=="C"){ cBooks.push(book); }else { AddCBooks.successor(book); } } })()
//扩展window属性window.setSuccessor=function (after,before) { after.successor=before;//引用的执行}
//设置责任链-----串起来 setSuccessor(AddJsBooks,AddJavaBooks); setSuccessor(AddJavaBooks,AddCBooks);
/**********查询书籍************/ var bookList = null; function FindBbn(keyword) { //链的头部来初始化参数 if(!bookList){ bookList=jsBooks.concat(cBooks).concat(javaBooks); var book = new Array(); book=bookList.filter(function (book) {//对booklist进行过滤,过滤的条件为匿名函数 if(book.bName.indexOf(keyword)!=-1){ return true; }else { return false; } }); //我要进行链式查询 return book.concat(FindBbn.successor(keyword)); } }; function FindByName(keyword,book){ var book = book; book = bookList.filter(function(book){ if(book.bName.indexOf(keyword) != -1){ return true; }else{ return false; } }); return book; }
Function.prototype.method=function (name,fn) { this.prototype[name]=fn; return this; } if(!Array.prototype.filter){ Array.method("filter",function (fn,thisObj) { var scope=thisObj||window; var a=[]; for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){ if(!,this[i],i,this));{ continue; } a.push(this[i]); } //返回过滤好数据 return a; }) }
return function () { this.addBook=function (book) { if(book instanceof Book){ AddJsBooks(book);//因为我知道谁是链的入口 } }; this.findBook=function (keyword) { return FindBbn(keyword);//游泳规划的责任链可以从头到尾的查询若,FindBbn没有则到FindByName中查询 } this.showBooks=function () { document.write("JS类图书"+jsBooks.toSource()+"<br>"); document.write("Java类图书"+javaBooks.toSource()+"<br>"); document.write("C类图书"+cBooks.toSource()+"<br>"); //自动生产---------- document.write(cpoyStr(60,"-")+"<br>"); } }
//扩展一个可以自动生产-----的方法 window.cpoyStr=function (num,str) { var newStr=""; for(var i=0;i<num;i++){ newStr+=str; } return newStr; };
var pb = new pcatBookShop(); pb.addBook(new Book("00101","JAVA","JIM","JAVA")); pb.addBook(new Book("00201","C#","world","C")); pb.addBook(new Book("00202","C++/C","Hello","C")); pb.addBook(new Book("00301","JAVASCRIPT","Good","JS"));
//展示 pb.showBooks(); document.write(pb.findBook("C").toSource())
The above is the detailed content of Introduction to JavaScript Chain of Responsibility Pattern. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!