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React Native react-navigation navigation usage detailed explanation

Release: 2018-01-03 10:50:29
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This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of the use of react-navigation navigation in React Native. It introduces the use of react-navigation navigation in detail. It has certain reference value. Those who are interested can learn about it. I hope it can help everyone.

1. Introduction to open source libraries

In January this year, the new open source react-natvigation library attracted much attention. In less than 3 months, the number of stars on github has reached 4,000+. Fb recommends using the library, and Navigator will be deleted in the latest version of React Native 0.44. react-navigation is said to have a native-like performance experience. It may become the mainstream of React Native navigation components in the future. This article is based on the [^1.0.0-beta.9] version to introduce the use and practical skills of this library. As you can see, although it is a beta version, it is basically stable and you can feel free to use it in your projects. Here is the react-navigation official document

This library contains three types of components:
(1)StackNavigator: used to jump to pages and pass parameters
(2)TabNavigator: similar to the bottom navigation bar, use To switch different interfaces on the same screen
(3) DrawerNavigator: Side-sliding menu navigation bar, used to easily set up a screen with drawer navigation

2. React-navigation usage

Specific The content is roughly divided into the following:
(1) React-navigation library attribute introduction
(2) StackNavigator and TabNavigator implement jumps between interfaces and Tab switching
(3) Jumping between StackNavigator interfaces, passing values, Value
(4) DrawerNavigator implements drawer navigation menu
(5) DrawerNavigator extension function
(6) Custom react-navigation

1. StackNavigator attribute introduction
navigationOptions: Configuration Some properties of StackNavigator.

  1. title: title. If the title of this navigation bar and the tab bar is set, it will become the same. It is not recommended to use

  2. header : You can set some navigation properties. If you want to hide the top navigation bar, just set this property to null

  3. headerTitle: Set the navigation bar title, recommended

  4. headerBackTitle: Set the text behind the return arrow on the left side of the jump page. The default is the title of the previous page. Can be customized or set to null

  5. headerTruncatedBackTitle: Set when the title of the previous page does not match the text after the return arrow, the default is changed to "return"

  6. headerRight: Set the right side of the navigation bar. It can be a button or other view control

  7. headerLeft: Set the left side of the navigation bar. It can be a button or other view control

  8. headerStyle: Set the style of the navigation bar. Background color, width and height, etc.

  9. headerTitleStyle: Set the navigation bar text style

  10. headerBackTitleStyle: Set the navigation bar 'return' text style

  11. headerTintColor: Set navigation bar color

  12. headerPressColorAndroid: Set color texture unique to Android, requires Android version greater than 5.0

  13. gesturesEnabled: Whether to support the sliding return gesture, iOS supports it by default, Android turns it off by default

screen: Corresponds to the interface name, you need to fill in the page after the import

mode: Define the jump style

card: Use the default style of iOS and Android

modal: Unique to iOS, the screen is drawn from the bottom. Similar to iOS present effect

headerMode: animation effect when returning to the previous page

float: iOS default effect

screen: sliding process , the entire page will return

none: No animation

cardStyle: Customize the jump effect

  1. ##transitionConfig: Custom settings sliding return configuration

  2. onTransitionStart: Function called when the transition animation is about to start

  3. onTransitionEnd: When the transition animation is completed, The function that will be called

#path: Override mapping configuration of the path set in the route

initialRouteName: Set the default page component, must be Page components registered above

initialRouteParams: Initial routing parameters

Note: You may not understand path very well. The path attribute is suitable for other apps or browsers to use the URL to open this app and enter the specified page. The path attribute is used to declare an interface path, for example: [/pages/Home]. At this time, we can enter: app name://pages/Home in the mobile browser to start the App and enter the Home interface.

2. Introduction to TabNavigator properties

screen: It has the same function as navigation, and corresponds to the interface name. You can pass values ​​and jump through this screen on other pages.

navigationOptions: configure some properties of TabNavigator

title: title, which will set the title of the navigation bar and tab bar at the same time

tabBarVisible: Whether to hide the tab bar. Not hidden by default (true)

tabBarIcon: Set the icon of the tab bar. Need to set for each

tabBarLabel: Set the title of the tab bar. Recommended

Navigation bar configuration

tabBarPosition: Set the position of the tabbar. iOS defaults to the bottom and Android defaults to the top. (Attribute value: 'top', 'bottom')

swipeEnabled: Whether to allow sliding between labels

animationEnabled: Whether to display animation when changing labels

lazy: Whether to lazily render labels as needed instead of in advance, which means loading all the bottom tab bar when the app is opened. The default is false and the recommendation is true

trueinitialRouteName: Set the default page component

backBehavior: Press the back key to jump to the first Tab (home page), none means not to jump

tabBarOptions: Configuration Some attributes of the label bar iOS attributes

activeTintColor: When the foreground color of label and icon is active

activeBackgroundColor: When the background color of label and icon is active

inactiveTintColor: When the foreground color of label and icon is inactive

inactiveBackgroundColor: When the background color of label and icon is inactive

showLabel: Whether to display label, default enabled style: tabbar style

labelStyle: label style Android attribute

activeTintColor: when the foreground color of label and icon is active

inactiveTintColor: when the foreground color of label and icon is inactive

showIcon: whether to display the icon, closed by default

showLabel: whether to display label, Turn on style by default: tabbar style

labelStyle: label style upperCaseLabel: whether to capitalize the label, the default is true

pressColor: the color of the material ripple effect (Android version Needs to be greater than 5.0)

pressOpacity: The transparency change of the pressed label (the Android version needs to be less than 5.0)

scrollEnabled: Whether to enable the scrollable tab tabStyle: tab style

indicatorStyle: Style object for the label indicator (the row at the bottom of the tab). There will be an extra line at the bottom of Android. You can set the height to 0 to temporarily solve this problem

labelStyle: label style

iconStyle: icon style

3. Introduction to DrawerNavigator properties


  1. drawerWidth - the width of the drawer

  2. drawerPosition - the option is left or right. Defaults to left position

  3. #contentComponent - the component used to render drawer content, such as navigation items. Receive the drawer's navigation. The default is DrawerItems

  4. contentOptions - Configure drawer content

initialRouteName - The routeName of the initial route

order - Definition Array of routeNames for drawer item order.

Path - Provides a mapping of routeName to path configuration, which overrides the path set in routeConfigs.

backBehavior - Will the back button switch to the initial route? If so, set to initialRoute, otherwise none. The default is the initialRoute behavior

The contentOptions property of DrawerItems

  1. activeTintColor - the label and icon color of the active label

  2. activeBackgroundColor - The background color of active tabs

  3. inactiveTintColor - The label and icon color of inactive tabs

  4. ##inactiveBackgroundColor - The color of inactive tabs Background color

Style object for the content part

labelStyle - A style object to override the text style in the content part when your label is a string

From the above, we have a general understanding of some basic properties of the three components of react-navigation, so we rolled up our sleeves and rolled up the code to witness the miracle.

4. Use StackNavigator + TabNavigator to implement Tab interface switching and navigation between interfaces

API definition: StackNavigator(RouteConfigs, StackNavigatorConfig), TabNavigator(RouteConfigs, TabNavigatorConfig)

(1 ) Integrate react-navigation: Execute in the terminal [ npm install react-navigation --save ]

(2) Import necessary components into the interface:

import {StackNavigator,TabNavigator,TabBarBottom} from 'react-navigation'; 
import HomeScreen from './pages/HomePage'; 
import MineScreen from './pages/MinePage';
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(3) Define TabNavigator:

const Tab = TabNavigator( 
   navigationOptions:({navigation}) => ({ 
    tabBarIcon:({focused,tintColor}) => ( 
     navigationOptions:({navigation}) => ({ 
     tabBarIcon:({focused,tintColor}) => ( 
    labelStyle: { 
       fontSize: 20, // 文字大小 
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TabBarItem is an encapsulated component:

import React,{Component} from 'react'; 
import {Image} from 'react-native'; 
export default class TabBarItem extends Component { 
  render() { 
      <Image source={ this.props.focused ? this.props.selectedImage : this.props.normalImage } 
        style={ { tintColor:this.props.tintColor,width:25,height:25 } } 
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As you can see, we have defined a TabNavigator navigation component named [Tab]. In the component, it is divided into two layers of parameters:

(1) The first layer of parameters defines the interface to be switched, that is, the two interface components [Home] and [Me], which are specified through the screen attribute. And set relevant attribute parameters through the navigationOptions attribute.

(2) Set the attribute parameters of the navigation bar.

After the TabNavigator is defined, you need to use the StackNavigator. As the name suggests, the StackNavigator stores the entire interface in a stack, and


const Navigator = StackNavigator( 
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export default class Demo extends Component { 
 render() { 
    return ( 
     <Navigator /> 
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// 返回上一页 
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以上实现完成,我们就可以愉快的玩耍啦~~ 什么?忽然发现在Android上的效果和IOS效果不一样。老板要界面一致哇~ 怎么办?那就需要我们进行简单的适配了。





import {StackNavigator,TabNavigator,DrawerNavigator} from 'react-navigation'; 
import HomeScreen from './pages/HomePage'; 
import MineScreen from './pages/MinePage'; 
export default class Demo extends Component { 
 render() { 
    return ( 
     <Navigator /> 
const Navigator = DrawerNavigator({ 
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ 
  container: { 
    flex: 1, 
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Demo', () => Demo);
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export default class HomePage extends Component { 
  static navigationOptions = { 
    drawerLabel: '首页', 
    drawerIcon:({tintColor}) => ( 
        style={[styles.icon, {tintColor: tintColor}]}/> 
  render() { 
      <View style={{flex:1}}> 
        <Text onPress={this._skip.bind(this)}>点击跳转</Text> 
  _skip() { 
export default class MinePage extends Component { 
  static navigationOptions = { 
     drawerIcon: ({ tintColor }) => ( 
        style={[styles.icon, {tintColor: tintColor}]} 
  render() { 
      <View style={{flex:1}}> 
        <Text onPress={this._skip.bind(this)}>返回上一界面</Text> 
   * 跳转 
  _skip() { 
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 contentComponent:props => <ScrollView> <DrawerItems {... props} /> </ ScrollView> 
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import {DrawerItems} from 'react-navigation'; 
const CustomDrawerContentComponent = (props) => ( 
 <View style = {style.container}> 
  <DrawerItems {... props} /> 
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【node_modules -- react-navigation -- src -- views -- Header.js】的326行代码处,修改为如下:

title: { 
  bottom: 0, 
  left: TITLE_OFFSET, 
  right: TITLE_OFFSET, 
  top: 0, 
  position: 'absolute', 
  alignItems: 'center', 
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上面方法通过修改源码的方式其实略有弊端,毕竟扩展性不好。还有另外一种方式就是,在navigationOptions中设置headerTitleStyle的alignSelf为 ' center '即可解决。


【node_modules -- react-navigation -- src -- views -- HeaderBackButton.js】的91行代码处,修改为如下即可。

{Platform.OS === 'ios' && 
   title && 
    style={[styles.title, { color: tintColor }]} 
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componentDidMount () { 
   * 将单击回调函数作为参数传递 
      switch: () => this.switchView() 
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 * 切换视图 
switchView() { 
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static navigationOptions = ({navigation,screenProps}) => ({ 
  headerTitle: '企业服务', 
  headerTitleStyle: CommonStyles.headerTitleStyle, 
  headerRight: ( 
    <NavigatorItem icon={ Images.ic_navigator } onPress={ ()=> navigation.state.params.switch() }/> 
  headerStyle: CommonStyles.headerStyle 
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  BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this._onBackAndroid ); 
  BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this._onBackAndroid); 
  let now = new Date().getTime(); 
  if(now - lastBackPressed < 2500) { 
    return false; 
  lastBackPressed = now; 
  return true; 
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 * 处理安卓返回键 
const defaultStateAction = AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction; 
AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction = (action,state) => { 
  if(state && action.type === NavigationActions.BACK && state.routes.length === 1) { 
    if (lastBackPressed + 2000 < Date.now()) { 
      lastBackPressed = Date.now(); 
      const routes = [...state.routes]; 
      return { 
        index: routes.length - 1, 
  return defaultStateAction(action,state); 
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复制代码 代码如下:

import CardStackStyleInterpolator from 'react-navigation/src/views/CardStackStyleInterpolator';


  screenInterpolator: CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal, 
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export default function<S: *>(navigation: NavigationProp<S, NavigationAction>) { 
 // 添加点击判断 
 let debounce = true; 
 return { 
   goBack: (key?: ?string): boolean => 
         key: key === undefined ? navigation.state.key : key, 
   navigate: (routeName: string, 
         params?: NavigationParams, 
         action?: NavigationAction,): boolean => { 
     if (debounce) { 
       debounce = false; 
         () => { 
           debounce = true; 
       return true; 
     return false; 
   * For updating current route params. For example the nav bar title and 
   * buttons are based on the route params. 
   * This means `setParams` can be used to update nav bar for example. 
  setParams: (params: NavigationParams): boolean => 
     key: navigation.state.key, 
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实例详解VSCode 配置React Native开发环境

react native与webview通信实例详解

React Native 中组件生命周期的简单介绍

The above is the detailed content of React Native react-navigation navigation usage detailed explanation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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