Home > Web Front-end > JS Tutorial > Collection of imitation Tokyo mall menu, imitation Win right-click menu and imitation Taobao TAB special effects implemented by JS_javascript skills

Collection of imitation Tokyo mall menu, imitation Win right-click menu and imitation Taobao TAB special effects implemented by JS_javascript skills

Release: 2016-05-16 15:37:50
1990 people have browsed it

The examples in this article describe the imitating Tokyo Mall menu, imitating Win right-click menu and imitating Taobao TAB special effects implemented by JS. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:

This is a very good practical menu integration effect. It has multi-level drop-down menus, a pull-out menu imitating Tokyo Mall, a right-click menu imitating Windows, and a tab menu imitating Taobao. Each one is wonderful. The code is Comes with rich annotations to facilitate your study and modification.

The screenshot of the running effect is as follows:

The online demo address is as follows:


The specific code is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
<title>JavaScript 多级联动浮动菜单</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $$ = function (id) {
 return "string" == typeof id &#63; document.getElementById(id) : id;
var isIE8 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 8.0') != -1;
var isChrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') != -1;
var isSafari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1;
function addEvent(element, type, handler) {
 if (element.addEventListener) {
  element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
 } else {
  if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++;
  if (!element.events) element.events = {};
  var handlers = element.events[type];
  if (!handlers) {
   handlers = element.events[type] = {};
   if (element["on" + type]) {
    handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
  handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler;
  element["on" + type] = handleEvent;
addEvent.guid = 1;
function removeEvent(element, type, handler) {
 if (element.removeEventListener) {
  element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
 } else {
  if (element.events && element.events[type]) {
   delete element.events[type][handler.$$guid];
function handleEvent(event) {
 var returnValue = true;
 event = fixEvent(event);
 var handlers = this.events[event.type];
 for (var i in handlers) {
  this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i];
  if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) {
   returnValue = false;
 return returnValue;
function fixEvent(event) {
 if (event) return event;
 event = ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event;
 var scrolldoc = isChrome || isSafari &#63; document.body : document.documentElement;
 event.pageX = event.clientX + scrolldoc.scrollLeft;
 event.pageY = event.clientY + scrolldoc.scrollTop;
 event.target = event.srcElement;
 event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation;
 event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault;
 if(event.type == "mouseout") {
  event.relatedTarget = event.toElement;
 }else if(event.type == "mouseover") {
  event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement;
 return event;
fixEvent.preventDefault = function() {
 this.returnValue = false;
fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() {
 this.cancelBubble = true;
var forEach = function(array, callback, thisObject){
  array.forEach(callback, thisObject);
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { callback.call(thisObject, array[i], i, array); }
var Bind = function(object, fun) {
 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
 return function() {
  return fun.apply(object, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
var BindAsEventListener = function(object, fun) {
 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
 return function(event) {
  return fun.apply(object, [event].concat(args));
var Extend = function(destination, source) {
 for (var property in source) {
  destination[property] = source[property];
 return destination;
var DeepExtend = function(destination, source){
 for (var property in source) {
  var copy = source[property];
  if ( destination === copy ) continue;
  if ( typeof copy === "object" ){
   destination[property] = DeepExtend(destination[property] || {}, copy);
   destination[property] = copy;
 return destination;
var Filter = function(array, callback, thisObject){
  return array.filter(callback, thisObject);
  var res = [];
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { callback.call(thisObject, array[i], i, array) && res.push(array[i]); }
  return res;
var Every = function(array, callback, thisObject){
  return array.every(callback, thisObject);
  var res = [];
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
   if (!callback.call(thisObject, array[i], i, array)) return false;
  return true;
var IndexOf = function(array, elt){
  return array.indexOf(elt);
  var res = [];
  for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
   if (array[i] === elt) return i;
  return -1;
var Contains = function(a, b){
 return a.contains &#63; a != b && a.contains(b) : !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
var isArray = function( obj ) {
 return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
function GetRelative(relElem, fixedElem, options){
 var doc = relElem.ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement
  ,scrolldoc = isChrome || isSafari &#63; doc.body : docElem,
  rect = relElem.getBoundingClientRect();
 options = Extend({
  Align:   "clientleft",//水平方向定位
  vAlign:   "clienttop",//垂直方向定位
  CustomLeft:  0,//自定义left定位
  CustomTop:  0,//自定义top定位
  PercentLeft: 0,//自定义left百分比定位
  PercentTop:  0,//自定义top百分比定位
  Adaptive:  false,//是否自适应定位
  Reset:   false//自适应定位时是否重新定位
 }, options || {});
 if ( isIE8 ) {
  var elem = relElem, left = - scrolldoc.scrollLeft, top = - scrolldoc.scrollTop;
  while (elem) { left += elem.offsetLeft, top += elem.offsetTop; elem = elem.offsetParent; };
  rect.left = left; rect.right = left + relElem.offsetWidth;
  rect.top = top; rect.bottom = top + relElem.offsetHeight;
 var iLeft = GetRelative.Left(options.Align, rect, fixedElem) + options.CustomLeft,iTop = GetRelative.Top(options.vAlign, rect, fixedElem) + options.CustomTop;
 if (options.PercentLeft) { iLeft += .01 * options.PercentLeft * relElem.offsetWidth; };
 if (options.PercentTop) { iTop += .01 * options.PercentTop * relElem.offsetHeight; };
 if (options.Adaptive) {
  var maxLeft = docElem.clientWidth - fixedElem.offsetWidth,
   maxTop = docElem.clientHeight - fixedElem.offsetHeight;
  if (options.Reset) {
   if (iLeft > maxLeft || iLeft < 0) {
    iLeft = GetRelative.Left(2 * iLeft > maxLeft &#63; "left" : "right", rect, fixedElem) + options.CustomLeft;
   if (iTop > maxTop || iTop < 0) {
    iTop = GetRelative.Top(2 * iTop > maxTop &#63; "top" : "bottom", rect, fixedElem) + options.CustomTop;
  } else {
   iLeft = Math.max(Math.min(iLeft, maxLeft), 0);
   iTop = Math.max(Math.min(iTop, maxTop), 0);
 iLeft += scrolldoc.scrollLeft; iTop += scrolldoc.scrollTop;
 return { Left: iLeft, Top: iTop };
GetRelative.Left = function(align, rect, fixedElem){
 var iLeft = 0;
 switch (align.toLowerCase()) {
  case "left" :
   return rect.left - fixedElem.offsetWidth;
  case "clientleft" :
   return rect.left;
  case "center" :
   return (rect.left + rect.right - fixedElem.offsetWidth)/2;
  case "clientright" :
   return rect.right - fixedElem.offsetWidth;
  case "right" :
  default :
   return rect.right;
GetRelative.Top = function(valign, rect, fixedElem){
 var iTop = 0;
 switch (valign.toLowerCase()) {
  case "top" :
   return rect.top - fixedElem.offsetHeight;
  case "clienttop" :
   return rect.top;
  case "center" :
   return (rect.top + rect.bottom - fixedElem.offsetHeight)/2;
  case "clientbottom" :
   return rect.bottom - fixedElem.offsetHeight;
  case "bottom" :
  default :
   return rect.bottom;
var FixedMenu = function(containers, options) {
 this._timerContainer = null;//容器定时器
 this._timerMenu = null;//菜单定时器
 this._frag = document.createDocumentFragment();//碎片对象,保存菜单元素
 this._menus = {};//菜单对象
 this._containers = [];//容器集合
 this._custommenu = this.options.Menu;
 this.Css = this.options.Css;
 this.Hover = this.options.Hover;
 this.Active = this.options.Active;
 this.Tag = this.options.Tag;
 this.Txt = this.options.Txt;
 this.FixedMenu = this.options.FixedMenu;
 this.Fixed = this.options.Fixed;
 this.Attribute = this.options.Attribute;
 this.Property = this.options.Property;
 this.onBeforeShow = this.options.onBeforeShow;
 this.Delay = parseInt(this.options.Delay) || 0;
 forEach(isArray(containers) &#63; containers : [containers], function(o, i){
  var pos, menu;
  if ( o.id ) {
   pos = o.id; menu = o.menu &#63; o.menu : pos;
  } else {
   pos = menu = o;
  pos = $$(pos); menu = $$(menu);
  //容器对象 Pos:定位元素 Menu:插入菜单元素
  pos && menu && this.IniContainer( i, { Pos: pos, Menu: menu } );
 }, this);
FixedMenu.prototype = {
 SetOptions: function(options) {
 this.options = {//默认值
  FixedMenu: true,//是否相对菜单定位(否则相对容器)
  Fixed:{ Align: "clientleft", vAlign: "bottom" },//定位对象
 Extend( this.options, options || {} );
 Ini: function() {
 this.InsertMenu(0, 0);//显示菜单
 BuildMenu: function() {
  var elem = o._elem;
  if ( elem ) {
   removeEvent( elem, "mouseover", o._event );
   o._elem = o.elem = null;
 var options = {
  id:   0,//id
  rank:  0,//排序
  elem:  "",//自定义元素
  tag:  this.Tag,
  css:  this.Css,
  hover:  this.Hover,
  active:  this.Active,
  txt:  this.Txt,
  fixedmenu: !!this.FixedMenu,
  fixed:  this.Fixed,
  attribute: this.Attribute,
  property: this.Property
 this._menus = { "0": { "_children": [] } };
 forEach(this._custommenu, function(o) {
  var menu = DeepExtend( DeepExtend( {}, options ), o || {} );
  if ( !!this._menus[ menu.id ] ) { return; };
  menu._children = []; menu._index = -1;
  this._menus[menu.id] = menu;
 }, this);
 this.forEachMenu(function( o, id, menus ) {
  if ( "0" === id ) { return; };//顶级没有父级菜单
  var parent = this._menus[o.parent];
  if ( !parent || parent === o ) { parent = menus[o.parent = "0"]; };
 this.forEachMenu(function(o) {
  !!o.elem && ( o.elem = $$(o.elem) ) && this._frag.appendChild(o.elem);
  if ( !!o.elem && o.elem.className ) {
   o.css = o.elem.className;
  } else if ( o.css === undefined ) { o.css = ""; };
  if ( o.hover === undefined ) { o.hover = o.css; };
  if ( o.active === undefined ) { o.active = o.hover; };
  o._children.sort(function( x, y ) { return x.rank - y.rank || x.id - y.id; });
 InsertMenu: function(index, parent) {
 var container = this._containers[index];
 if ( container._parent === parent ) { return; };
 container._parent = parent;
 forEach( container._menus, function(o) { o._elem && this._frag.appendChild(o._elem); }, this );
 container._menus = [];
 forEach(this._menus[parent]._children, function( menu, i ){
  this.CheckMenu( menu, index );//检查菜单
 }, this);
 CheckMenu: function(menu, index) {
 menu._index = index;
 if ( !menu._elem ) {
  var elem = menu.elem;
  if ( !elem ) { elem = document.createElement(menu.tag); elem.innerHTML = menu.txt; };
  Extend( elem, menu.property );
  var attribute = menu.attribute;
  for (var att in attribute) { elem.setAttribute( att, attribute[att] ); };
  elem.className = menu.css;
  menu._event = BindAsEventListener( this, this.HoverMenu, menu );//用于清除事件
  addEvent( elem, "mouseover", menu._event );
  menu._elem = elem;
 HoverMenu: function(e, menu) {
 var elem = menu._elem;
 if ( Contains( elem, e.relatedTarget ) || elem === e.relatedTarget ) { return; };
 this.forEachContainer(function(o, i){
  if ( o.Pos.visibility === "hidden" ) { return; };
  var menu = o._active;
  if ( menu ) { menu._elem.className = menu.active; };
 if ( this._containers[menu._index]._active !== menu ) { elem.className = menu.hover; };
 this._timerMenu = setTimeout( Bind( this, this.ShowMenu, menu ), this.Delay );
 ShowMenu: function(menu) {
 var index = menu._index, container = this._containers[index], child = !!menu._children.length;
 this.forEachContainer( function(o, i) { i > index && this.HideContainer(o); } );
 container._active = null; 
 if ( child ) {
  container._active = menu;
  this.InsertMenu(index, menu.id);//插入菜单
 menu._elem.className = child &#63; menu.active : menu.hover;
 //初始化容器(索引, 容器元素)
 IniContainer: function(index, container) {
 var oContainer = container.Pos;
 addEvent( oContainer, "mouseover", Bind( this, function(){ clearTimeout(this._timerContainer); } ) );
 addEvent( oContainer, "mouseout", BindAsEventListener( this, function(e){
  var elem = e.relatedTarget,
   isOut = Every( this._containers, function(o){ return !(Contains(o.Pos, elem) || o.Pos == elem); } );
  if ( isOut ) {
   clearTimeout(this._timerContainer); clearTimeout(this._timerMenu);
   this._timerContainer = setTimeout( Bind( this, this.Hide ), this.Delay );
 if ( index ) {
  var css = container.Pos.style;
  css.position = "absolute"; css.display = "block"; css.margin = 0;
  css.zIndex = this._containers[index - 1].Pos.style.zIndex + 1;
 container._index = index;
 this._containers[index] = container;
 CheckContainer: function(index) {
 if ( index > 0 && !this._containers[index] ) {
  var pre = this._containers[index - 1].Pos
   ,container = pre.parentNode.insertBefore( pre.cloneNode(false), pre );
  container.id = "";
  this.IniContainer( index, { Pos: container, Menu: container } );
 ShowContainer: function(menu) {
 var index = menu._index,
  container = this._containers[index + 1].Pos,
  elem = menu.fixedmenu &#63; menu._elem : this._containers[index].Pos,
  pos = GetRelative( elem, container, menu.fixed );
 container.style.left = pos.Left + "px";
 container.style.top = pos.Top + "px";
 this.onBeforeShow(container, menu);
 container.style.visibility = "visible";
 HideContainer: function(container) {
 var css = container.Pos.style;
 css.visibility = "hidden"; css.left = css.top = "-9999px";
 this._containers[container._index - 1]._active = null;
 ResetContainer: function(container) {
 container._active = null;//重置触发菜单
 container._menus = [];//重置子菜单对象集合
 container._parent = -1;//重置父级菜单id
 Hide: function() {
 this.forEachContainer(function(o, i){
  if ( i === 0 ) {
  } else {//隐藏容器
 ResetCss: function(container) {
 forEach( container._menus, function(o, i){ o._elem.className = o.css; }, this );
 forEachMenu: function(callback) {
 for ( var id in this._menus ) { callback.call( this, this._menus[id], id, this._menus ); };
 forEachContainer: function(callback) {
 forEach( this._containers, callback, this );
 Add: function(menu) {
 this._custommenu = this._custommenu.concat(menu);
 Edit: function(menu) {
 forEach( isArray( menu ) &#63; menu : [ menu ], function(o){
  if ( o.id && this._menus[o.id] ) {
   Every( this._custommenu, function(m, i){
    if ( m.id === o.id ) {
     this._custommenu[i] = DeepExtend( m, o ); return false;
    return true;
   }, this );
 }, this );
 Delete: function() {
 var ids = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
 this._custommenu = Filter( this._custommenu, function(o){
  return IndexOf(ids, o.id) === -1;
<style type="text/css">
.container1 {height:30px;}
.container1 div {float:left;}
.container1 div, .container1_2 div {width:100px;background:#FAFCFD;border:1px solid #5c9cc0;padding:10px;}
div.on1 {font-weight:bold;background:#EEF3F7;}
div.on1_2 {font-weight:bold;background:#fffff7;border:1px solid #ffcc00;}
菜单使用演示: <br>
<div id="idContainer1" class="container1"> </div>
<div id="idContainer1_2" class="container1_2"> </div>
<input id="idEdit" type="button" value="添加菜单 +"/>
<select id="idRank">
 <option value="3"> 第四个 </option>
 <option value="2"> 第三个</option>
 <option value="1"> 第二个 </option>
 <option value="0"> 第一个 </option>
<select id="idDelay">
 <option value="1000"> 1秒</option>
 <option value="500"> 0.5秒 </option>
 <option value="200" selected> 0.2秒 </option>
 <option value="0"> 不延时 </option>
var menu = [
 { id: 1, parent: 0, txt: '自定义样式', hover: "on1_2", rank: 1 },
 { id: 2, parent: 0, txt: '下拉菜单', active: "on1_2", rank: 2 },
 { id: 3, parent: 0, txt: '任意定位', fixed: { Align: "left" }, rank: 3 },
 { id: 21, parent: 2, txt: '相对容器', active: "on1_2", fixedmenu: false },
 { id: 22, parent: 2, txt: '相对菜单', active: "on1_2", fixed: { Align: "right", vAlign: "clienttop" } },
 { id: 23, parent: 21, txt: '三级菜单' },
 { id: 24, parent: 21, txt: '三级菜单' },
 { id: 25, parent: 22, txt: '三级菜单' },
 { id: 26, parent: 22, txt: '三级菜单' },
 { id: 31, parent: 3, txt: '无法到达的', fixed: { Align: "left" } },
 { id: 32, parent: 31, txt: '目光', fixed: { Align: "right" } },
 { id: 33, parent: 32, txt: '无法到达的', fixed: { Align: "right", vAlign: "top" } },
 { id: 34, parent: 33, txt: '到达', fixed: { PercentTop: 100 } },
 { id: 35, parent: 34, txt: '到达', fixed: { Align: "left", vAlign: "clienttop", PercentLeft: -100 } },
 { id: 36, parent: 35, txt: '梦想', fixed: { vAlign: "top" } },
 { id: 37, parent: 36, txt: '目光', fixed: { vAlign: "top", PercentTop: -100 } },
 { id: 38, parent: 37, txt: '脚步', fixed: { Align: "right", vAlign: "clienttop", PercentLeft: 100 } },
 { id: 39, parent: 38, txt: '地方', fixed: { PercentTop: 100 } },
 { id: 40, parent: 39, txt: '地方', fixed: { Align: "left" } },
 { id: 41, parent: 40, txt: '可以', fixed: { vAlign: "top", PercentTop: -100 } },
 { id: 42, parent: 41, txt: '可以' }
var fm = new FixedMenu(["idContainer1", "idContainer1_2"], { Hover: "on1", Menu: menu });
$$("idEdit").onclick = function(){
 if(this.value == "添加菜单 +"){
   { id: 100, parent: 0, txt: '新加菜单+', rank: $$("idRank").value | 0 },
   { id: 101, parent: 100, txt: '新加菜单++' },
   { id: 102, parent: 100, txt: '新加菜单+++' }
  this.value = "删除菜单 -"
  fm.Delete( 100, 101, 102 );
  this.value = "添加菜单 +"
$$("idDelay").onchange = function(){ fm.Delay = this.value | 0; }
仿京东商城商品分类菜单: <br>
<style type="text/css">
.container2, .container2 dd, .container2_2 dl, .container2_2 dd {margin:0;}
.container2 {font-size:14px;width:190px;border:1px solid #cf2020;background:#fffff5;padding:5px 8px; line-height:30px; color:#333;}
.container2 dt {font-weight:bold;color:#cf2020;}
.container2 dd {background:url(images/n4.jpg) 180px 10px no-repeat;_zoom:1;}
.container2_2 {background-color:#bebec3; display:none;}
.container2_2 dl {font-size:14px;width:200px;border:1px solid #969696;background:#fff; position:relative; left:-3px; top:-3px; }
.container2_2 dd div {padding:5px 20px; background:url(images/n4.jpg) 6px 7px no-repeat;_zoom:1;}
.container2_2 dt, .shadow {padding:0 5px; position:absolute;background:#fff; border:1px solid #969696; border-right:0;width:169px;left:-180px; top:-1px;height:24px;line-height:24px;}
.shadow {background-color:#bebec3;border-color:#bebec3; top:0;}
.container2_2 a{display:block;_zoom:1;}
.container2_2 a:link, .container2_2 a:visited, .container2_2 a:active {color:#333;text-decoration: none;}
.container2_2 a:hover {color:#ff6026;text-decoration: underline;}
<dl id="idContainer2" class="container2">
 <dt id="idMenu2_1">图片动画</dt>
 <dd id="idMenu2_2">图片效果</dd>
 <dd id="idMenu2_3">动画效果</dd>
 <dt id="idMenu2_51">系统其他</dt>
 <dd id="idMenu2_52">系统效果</dd>
 <dd id="idMenu2_53">其他效果</dd>
<div id="idContainer2_2" class="container2_2">
 <div class="shadow"></div>
  <dt id="idTitle"></dt>
  <dd id="idMenu2">
   <div id="idMenu2_11"><a href="#">图片滑动切换效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_12"><a href="#">图片变换效果(ie only)</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_13"><a href="#">图片滑动展示效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_14"><a href="#">图片切割效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_21"><a href="#">Tween算法及缓动效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_22"><a href="#">渐变效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_61"><a href="#">无刷新多文件上传系统</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_62"><a href="#">图片切割系统</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_71"><a href="#">拖放效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_72"><a href="#">拖拉缩放效果</a></div>
   <div id="idMenu2_73"><a href="#">滑动条效果</a></div>
var menu2 = [
 { id: 1, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_1' },
 { id: 2, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_2' },
 { id: 3, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_3' },
 { id: 11, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu2_11' },
 { id: 12, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu2_12' },
 { id: 13, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu2_13' },
 { id: 14, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu2_14' },
 { id: 21, parent: 3, elem: 'idMenu2_21' },
 { id: 22, parent: 3, elem: 'idMenu2_22' },
 { id: 51, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_51' },
 { id: 52, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_52' },
 { id: 53, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu2_53' },
 { id: 61, parent: 52, elem: 'idMenu2_61' },
 { id: 62, parent: 52, elem: 'idMenu2_62' },
 { id: 71, parent: 53, elem: 'idMenu2_71' },
 { id: 72, parent: 53, elem: 'idMenu2_72' },
 { id: 73, parent: 53, elem: 'idMenu2_73' }
var container2 = [ "idContainer2", { id: "idContainer2_2", menu: "idMenu2" } ];
new FixedMenu(container2, { Menu: menu2,
 Fixed: { Align: "clientleft", vAlign: "clienttop", CustomTop: 5, CustomLeft: 176 },
 onBeforeShow: function(container, menu){ $$("idTitle").innerHTML = menu._elem.innerHTML; }
仿右键菜单: <br>
<style type="text/css">
.container3 {font-size:12px;border:1px solid #9d9da1;padding:3px;line-height:18px; background:#FFF; cursor:default;-moz-user-select:none;_overflow:hidden;}
.container3 div {padding:0 20px;}
.menu3_1 {color:#aca899;_zoom:1;}
.menu3_2 {background:url(images/n5.gif) 140px 5px no-repeat;}
.menu3_3 {background:url(images/n1.gif) 7px 5px no-repeat;}
.menu3_4 {background:url(images/n2.gif) 7px 5px no-repeat;}
.line3 {border-bottom:1px solid #9d9da1; _font-size:0; margin:4px 0;}
.on3 {background-color:#bbb7c7;}
.area3 { width:500px; height:200px;border:1px solid #9d9da1;}
.pos3 {position:absolute; display:none;line-height:20px; width:150px;}
<div id="idArea" class="area3"> </div>
<div id="idContainer3" class="container3 pos3"> </div>
<div id="idContainer3_2" class="container3"> </div>
var menu3 = [
 { id: 1, parent: 0, txt: '查看(<u>V</u>)' },
 { id: 2, parent: 0 },
 { id: 3, parent: 0, txt: '排列图标(<u>I</u>)' },
 { id: 4, parent: 0, txt: '刷新(<u>E</u>)' },
 { id: 5, parent: 0 },
 { id: 6, parent: 0, txt: '自定义文件夹(<u>F</u>)...' },
 { id: 7, parent: 0 },
 { id: 8, parent: 0, txt: '粘贴(<u>P</u>)' },
 { id: 9, parent: 0, txt: '粘贴快捷方式(<u>S</u>)' },
 { id: 10, parent: 0 },
 { id: 11, parent: 0, txt: '新建(<u>P</u>)' },
 { id: 12, parent: 0 },
 { id: 13, parent: 0, txt: '属性(<u>S</u>)' },
 { id: 21, parent: 1, txt: '缩略图(<u>H</u>)' },
 { id: 22, parent: 1, txt: '平铺(<u>S</u>)', css: "menu3_3", hover: "menu3_3 on3" },
 { id: 23, parent: 1, txt: '图标(<u>N</u>)' },
 { id: 24, parent: 1, txt: '列表(<u>L</u>)' },
 { id: 25, parent: 1, txt: '详细信息(<u>D</u>)' },
 { id: 31, parent: 3, txt: '名称(<u>N</u>)', css: "menu3_3", hover: "menu3_3 on3" },
 { id: 32, parent: 3, txt: '类型(<u>S</u>)' },
 { id: 33, parent: 3, txt: '大小(<u>T</u>)' },
 { id: 34, parent: 3, txt: '修改时间(<u>M</u>)' },
 { id: 35, parent: 3 },
 { id: 36, parent: 3, txt: '按组排列(<u>G</u>)', css: "menu3_4", hover: "menu3_4 on3" },
 { id: 37, parent: 3, txt: '自动排列(<u>A</u>)' },
 { id: 38, parent: 3, txt: '对齐到网格(<u>L</u>)' },
 { id: 41, parent: 11, txt: '剩下由你来写' }
forEach(menu3, function(menu){
 var id = menu.id | 0;
 switch (id) {
  case 1 :
  case 3 :
  case 11 ://有下级菜单
   menu.css = "menu3_2"; menu.hover = "menu3_2 on3"; break;
  case 2 :
  case 5 :
  case 7 :
  case 10 :
  case 12 :
  case 35 ://分割线
   menu.css = menu.hover = "line3"; break;
  case 8 :
  case 9 ://不能选择
   menu.css = menu.hover = "menu3_1"; break;
  case 4 ://刷新
   menu.property = { onmouseup: function(){ location.reload(); } }; break;
  case 21 :
  case 22 :
  case 23 :
  case 24 :
  case 25 ://"查看"子菜单
   menu.property = { onmouseup: function(){ Select([21,22,23,24,25], id, "menu3_3"); } }; break;
  case 31 :
  case 32 :
  case 33 :
  case 34 ://"排列图标"子菜单1
   menu.property = { onmouseup: function(){ Select([31,32,33,34], id, "menu3_3"); } }; break;
  case 36 :
  case 37 :
  case 38 ://"排列图标"子菜单2
  menu.property = { onmouseup: function(){ Select([36,37,38], id, "menu3_4"); } }; break;
var fm3 = new FixedMenu(["idContainer3", "idContainer3_2"], {
 Menu: menu3, Delay: 0, Hover: "on3",
 Fixed: { Align: "right", vAlign: "clienttop", CustomTop: -4, CustomLeft: -2, Adaptive: true, Reset: true }
var area = $$("idArea"), container3 = $$("idContainer3"), container3_2 = $$("idContainer3_2");
function Hide(){
 fm3.Hide(); container3.style.display = "none";
function Select(group, id, css){
 var menu = [];
 forEach(group, function(i){
 i !== id && menu.push({ "id": i, "css": "", "hover": "on3" });
 menu.push({ "id": id, "css": css, "hover": css + " on3" });
addEvent(area, "contextmenu", function(e){
  left = e.pageX + "px"; top = e.pageY + "px"; display = "block";
container3.oncontextmenu = container3_2.oncontextmenu = function(e){ fixEvent(e).preventDefault(); }
container3.onselectstart = container3_2.onselectstart = function(){ return false; }//ie chrome safari
addEvent(container3, "mouseup", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });
addEvent(document, "mouseup", Hide);
addEvent(window, "blur", Hide);
仿淘宝拼音索引菜单: <br>
<style type="text/css">
.container4 li, .container4_2 li{ list-style:none;}
.container4 ul, .container4_2{margin:0;}
.container4 {width:350px;padding:7px 10px;font:12px Verdana;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#fffeed; line-height:15px;height:15px; _overflow:hidden;}
.container4 li {float:left;padding:0 10px; border-right:1px solid #ccc; }
.container4 div {float:left;color:#000;padding-right:10px;}
/* www.jb51.net */
li.menu4 {position:relative;margin-left:-1px; top:-1px; z-index:9999;border:1px solid #85ccff; border-bottom:0; padding-bottom:8px; color:#ff6026; background:#dbf3ff;}
.container4_2 {width:350px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #85ccff;background:#dbf3ff;line-height:25px;font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;display:none;}
.container4_2 a{ display:block;_zoom:1;}
.container4_2 a:link, .container4_2 a:visited, .container4_2 a:active {color:#565553;text-decoration: none;}
.container4_2 a:hover {color:#ff5500;text-decoration: underline;}
.container4 a:link, .container4 a:visited, .container4 a:hover, .container4 a:active {color:#565553;text-decoration: none;}
.menu4 a:link, .menu4 a:visited, .menu4 a:active {color:#ff6026;}
.menu4 a:hover{color:#ff6026;text-decoration:underline;}
<div id="idContainer4" class="container4">
 <ul id="idMenu4">
  <li id="idMenu4_1"><a href="#">Table</a></li>
  <li id="idMenu4_2"><a href="#">Fixed</a></li>
  <li id="idMenu4_3"><a href="#">Color</a></li>
  <li id="idMenu4_4"><a href="#">Date</a></li>
  <li id="idMenu4_5"><a href="#">Select</a></li>
<ul id="idContainer4_2" class="container4_2">
 <li id="idMenu4_11"><a href="#">Table行定位效果</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_12"><a href="#">Table排序</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_21"><a href="#">浮动定位提示效果</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_22"><a href="#">仿LightBox内容显示效果</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_31"><a href="#">颜色梯度和渐变效果</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_41"><a href="#">blog式日历控件</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_42"><a href="#">日期联动选择器</a></li>
 <li id="idMenu4_51"><a href="#">多级联动select</a></li>
var menu4 = [
 { id: 1, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu4_1', active: "menu4" },
 { id: 2, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu4_2', active: "menu4" },
 { id: 3, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu4_3', active: "menu4" },
 { id: 4, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu4_4', active: "menu4" },
 { id: 5, parent: 0, elem: 'idMenu4_5', active: "menu4" },
 { id: 11, parent: 1, elem: 'idMenu4_11' },
 { id: 12, parent: 1, elem: 'idMenu4_12' },
 { id: 21, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu4_21' },
 { id: 22, parent: 2, elem: 'idMenu4_22' },
 { id: 31, parent: 3, elem: 'idMenu4_31' },
 { id: 41, parent: 4, elem: 'idMenu4_41' },
 { id: 42, parent: 4, elem: 'idMenu4_42' },
 { id: 51, parent: 5, elem: 'idMenu4_51' }
new FixedMenu([ { id: "idContainer4", menu: "idMenu4" }, "idContainer4_2" ], {
 Menu: menu4, FixedMenu: false,
 Fixed: { Align: "clientleft", vAlign: "bottom", CustomTop: -1 }
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