I want to get the value passed from the background,<INPUT type="text" name="pa_sys_master.M_EMAIL" value="<%=map.get("M_EMAIL") %>">
<select name = "pa_sys_master.M_STATE"> <option value = "-">请选择</option> <option value = "0">无状态</option> <option value = "1">有状态</option> </select>
I don’t understand what you want to say. What do you mean? Can the selected list be judged by the text value?
The above is the "input tag" that can implement the "get value" and value passing functions
The following is the "select drop-down tag" How to receive the value?
is to get the currently selected drop-down when modifying
means that the value you pass is the same as select.options[i].value; you assign this i to select.selectedIndex
like this You can automatically determine the options of the select through the value;
<TR> <TD align="center">管理员权限</TD> <TD colSpan=7> <select name = "power.R_ID" > <option value="-" >请选择</option> <option value="1" <%if(map.get("R_ID").equals(1)){%>selected="selected" <%} %>>超级管理员</option> <option value="2" <%if(map.get("R_ID").equals(2)){%>selected="selected" <%} %>>管理员</option> <option value="3" <%if(map.get("R_ID").equals(3)){%>selected="selected" <%} %>>项目编辑</option> <option value="4" <%if(map.get("R_ID").equals(4)){%>selected="selected" <%} %>>客户专员</option> <option value="5" <%if(map.get("R_ID").equals(5)){%>selected="selected" <%} %>>浏览用户</option> </select> </TD> </TR>
var obj = document.getElementById(eleId);
for ( var tmp = 0; tmp < obj.length; tmp ) {
if (obj.options[tmp].value == selectedValue) {
obj.options[tmp].selected = true;
Execute this method after loading
Use s:select, just one label is enough
Is there any difference between the 6th floor and what I wrote?
Where do I write your if(_)? Backstage?