To sort multi-dimensional arrays, the common method is
1 Obtain the sorted data and put it into the array $arrSort. The key index is the index of the array to be sorted to ensure uniqueness
2 Use the sorting function sort to perform $arrSort Sorting.
3 Traverse $arrSort, obtain the data of the multi-dimensional array according to its index, and reconstruct the sorted multi-dimensional array.
The code is as follows:
[0] => Array
[link] = > test
[name] => test.rpm
[type] => file
[size] => 988.9k
[mtime] => 1185160178)
I A long time A sorting function I found on the Internet before is not efficient, but it is very practical. The code is as follows:
_array_sort($arrFile, 1, 1); // Sort according to the name field_array_sort($arrFile, 3, 1); //Sort according to the size field
@records Array to be sorted
@field Field to be sorted, pay attention to whether it is a number
@reverse forward or reverse order
function _array_sort($records, $field, $reverse , $defaultSortField = 0)
$uniqueSortId = 0;
$hash = array();
$sortedRecords = array();
$tempArr = array();
$indexedArray = array();
$recordArray = array();
foreach($records as $record)
$recordStr = implode("|", $record)."|".$uniqueSortId;
$recordArray[] = explode(" |", $recordStr);
$primarySortIndex = count($record);
foreach($records as $record)
$hash[$record[$primarySortIndex]] = $record[$field];
uasort($hash, "strnatcasecmp");
$hash = array_reverse($hash, true);
$valueCount = array_count_values($hash);
foreach($hash as $primaryKey => $value)
{$indexedArray[] = $primaryKey;
$i = 0;
if($valueCount[$value] > 1)
foreach($records as $record)
if($primaryKey == $record[$primarySortIndex])
$tempArr [$record[$defaultSortField]."__".$i] = $record;
$index = array_search($primaryKey, $indexedArray);
if(($i == count ($records)) || ($value != $hash[$indexedArray[$index+1]]))
{uksort($tempArr, "strnatcasecmp");
foreach($tempArr as $newRecs)
$sortedRecords [] = $newRecs;
$tempArr = array();
foreach($ records as $record)
if($primaryKey == $record[$primarySortIndex])
$sortedRecords[] = $record;
return $sortedRecords;
II Use array_map and array_mutisor to sort
The code is as follows:
$arrField = array_map(create_function('$n', 'return $n["size"];'), $arrFile);
//Use array_mutisor to sort
$array_multisort($arrField, SORT_DESC, $arrFile);
III Final test
The first way
0.04269016 name
0.04267142 size
The second way
0.001249 name
0.00083924 size
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