1:html+jquery<div id="article_list"><!--这是循环获取的数据--></div><br>
//laypage paging<br>
function Ajaxpage(curr,num){<br>
var catid=$('#catid').val(); //This is the conditional selection column id<br>
var starttime=$('#starttime').val();//This is the conditional filtering start time<br>
var endtime=$('#endtime').val();//This is the end time of conditional filtering<br>
var title=$('#title').val();//This is the title keyword<br>
$.get('{:U("Content/article")}', {<br>
Page: curr || 1,num:num,catid:catid,starttime:starttime,endtime:endtime,title:title<br>
}, function(data){<br>
//This paragraph is the assignment of template rendering of laytpl<br>
var tpl = document.getElementById('arlist').innerHTML; //Define tpl <script id="arlist" type="text/html"></script> <br>
Laytpl (tpl). Rreater (, function (html) {// pass the obtained JSON data to it
document.getElementById('article_list').innerHTML = //This is to get the data, and then render it into the div with the id of article_list<br>
cont: $('#AjaxPage'), <br>, <br>
Skip: true,<br>
Skin: '#23c6c8',<br>
curr: curr || 1,<br>
groups: 3,<br>
jump: function(obj, first){<br>
Ajaxpage(obj.curr,num) <br>
//This is the js template of tpl. I deleted some of the same parts and left the different ones. There is also the use of if tags, but I don’t know how to use the U method here, so I used the jquery method to call it. Some features <br>
<script id="arlist" type="text/html"><br>
{{# for(var i=0;i<d.length;i++){ var vo=d[i] }} //This is the for loop in js, just use the tpl template tag {{# } } Contains <br />
<td style="text-align:center">{{vo.views}}</td><br>
<td style="text-align:center">{{}}</td><br>
<td style="text-align:center">{{vo.uptime}}</td><br>
<td style="text-align:center"><br>
{{# if(vo.status==1){ }} <br>
<a class="label label-info" href="javascript:;" onclick="return ar_status(this,'status_{{}}_0');">审核</a><br>
{{# }else{ }}<br>
<a class="label label-danger" href="javascript:;" onclick="return ar_status(this,'status_{{}}_1');">审核</a><br>
{{# } }}<br>
<td style="text-align:center"><br>
<div class="btn-group"><br>
<a data-toggle="dropdown" class="label label-info dropdown-toggle">文章操作 <span class="caret"></span></a><br>
<ul class="dropdown-menu"><br>
<li><a href="javascript:ar_edit({{}})" class="font-bold">修改</a> </li><br>
<li class="divider"></li><br>
<li><a href="javascript:ar_del({{}})" class="J_del">删除</a></li><br>
{{# }; }}<br>
</script><br>2:php<br>//Article list
Public function article(){
$Nowpage = $_GET['page']?$_GET['page']:1; //Get the current page<br>
$catid=intval($_GET['catid']);//Get conditional filter column id<br>
$starttime=strtotime($_GET['starttime']);//Conditional filtering start time<br>
$endtime=strtotime($_GET['endtime']);//Conditional filtering end time<br>
$title=$_GET['title'];//Conditional filtering keywords<br>
$map="id>0";//Combined query conditions<br>
$map.=" and catid=".$catid."";
$map.=" and uptime>=".$starttime." and uptime<".$endtime."";
}<br />
if(!empty($endtime)){<br />
$map.=" and uptime>=".$starttime." and uptime<".$endtime."";<br />
}<br />
if(!empty($title)){<br />
$map.=" and title like '%$title%'";<br />
}<br />
$limits = $_GET['num']?$_GET['num']:5; // 5 pieces of data are queried here by default<br />
// Get the total number of items <br />
$count = M('Article')->where($map)->count();<br>
//Calculate total pages<br>
$allpage = ceil($count / $limits);<br>
$allpage = intval($allpage);<br>
$lists = M('Article')->where($map)->page($Nowpage, $limits)-> order('listorder asc')-> select();<br>
foreach($lists as $k=>$v){<br>
$lists[$k]['catname']=catname($v['catid']);//This is the method I wrote to get the current column name<br>
$lists[$k]['uptime']=friendlyDate($v['uptime']);//This is the method I wrote to get the time<br>
$data['allpage']=$allpage;//Return the total number of pages<br>
$data['lists']=$lists;//Query data list<br> $this->success($data);exit;<br>
$cate=M('Category')->order('listorder ASC')->select();<br>
Page made by me
If you have any questions, please contact me: QQ 3126620990 My website: