Detailed introduction and use of PHP Streams (stream), phpstreams_PHP tutorial
Jul 13, 2016 am 09:54 AMDetailed introduction and use of PHP Streams (stream), phpstreams
PHP Streams is a built-in core operation, which may be rarely used by ordinary developers. It is used to unify files, networks, File-like operations such as data compression, and provides a set of common function interfaces for these file-like operations.
A stream is a resource object with streaming behavior, and each stream object has a wrapper class. Stream can be referenced through <scheme>://<target>. Among them, <scheme> is the name of the packaging class, and the content in <target> is specified by the syntax of the packaging class. The syntax of different packaging classes will be different.
Let’s take a look at the built-in packaging classes that PHP has by default:
print_r(stream_get_wrappers()); /* Array ( [0] => php [1] => file [2] => glob [3] => data [4] => http [5] => ftp [6] => zip [7] => compress.zlib [8] => https [9] => ftps [10] => phar ) */
Look at the PHP manual for protocols and wrapper classes supported by PHP.
Look at the following code that uses file_get_contents() to obtain data:
/* Read local file from /home/bar */ $localfile = file_get_contents ( "/home/bar/foo.txt" ); /* Identical to above, explicitly naming FILE scheme */ $localfile = file_get_contents ( "file:///home/bar/foo.txt" ); /* Read remote file from www.example.com using HTTP */ $httpfile = file_get_contents ( "http://www.example.com/foo.txt" ); /* Read remote file from www.example.com using HTTPS */ $httpsfile = file_get_contents ( "https://www.example.com/foo.txt" ); /* Read remote file from ftp.example.com using FTP */ $ftpfile = file_get_contents ( "ftp://user:pass@ftp.example.com/foo.txt" ); /* Read remote file from ftp.example.com using FTPS */ $ftpsfile = file_get_contents ( "ftps://user:pass@ftp.example.com/foo.txt" );
In fact, readfile('/path/to/somefile.txt') or readfile('file:///path/to/somefile.txt') are equivalent. Because PHP's default packaging class is file://.
The manual clearly states that you can register your own wrapper through stream_register_wrapper(). You can check out the examples in the manual.
OK, here is a brief introduction to PHP://, which is a wrapper class used by PHP to handle IO streams (click here to see an example). More powerful input and output streams can be accessed via PHP://:
php://stdin: Access the corresponding input stream of the PHP process, such as used to obtain keyboard input when cli executes a script.
php://stdout: Access the corresponding output stream of the PHP process.
php://stderr: Access the corresponding error output of the PHP process.
php://input: A read-only stream that accesses the requested raw data.
php://output: A write-only data stream, written to the output area in the same way as print and echo.
php://fd: Allows direct access to the specified file descriptor. Example php://fd/3 refers to file descriptor 3.
php://memory: allows reading and writing temporary data. Store data in memory.
php://temp: Same as above, it will be stored in a temporary file after the amount of memory reaches the predefined limit (default is 2MB).
php://filter: filter.
PHP can also modify and enhance packaging classes through context and filter.
(1) Regarding context, for example, PHP uses stream_context_create() to set the timeout for obtaining files. You must have used this code:
$opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'timeout'=>60, ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $html =file_get_contents('http://www.bkjia.com', false, $context);
(2) Regarding the filter filter, first let’s take a look at what built-in filters PHP has:
print_r(stream_get_filters()); /* Array ( [0] => convert.iconv.* [1] => mcrypt.* [2] => mdecrypt.* [3] => string.rot13 [4] => string.toupper [5] => string.tolower [6] => string.strip_tags [7] => convert.* [8] => consumed [9] => dechunk [10] => zlib.* ) */
Custom filters can be created through stream_filter_register() and the built-in php_user_filter, as follows:
/* Define our filter class */ class strtoupper_filter extends php_user_filter { function filter ( $in , $out , & $consumed , $closing ) { while ( $bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable ( $in )) { $bucket -> data = strtoupper ( $bucket -> data ); $consumed += $bucket -> datalen ; stream_bucket_append ( $out , $bucket ); } return PSFS_PASS_ON ; } } /* Register our filter with PHP */ stream_filter_register ( "strtoupper" , "strtoupper_filter" ) or die( "Failed to register filter" ); $fp = fopen ( "foo-bar.txt" , "w" ); /* Attach the registered filter to the stream just opened */ stream_filter_append ( $fp , "strtoupper" ); fwrite ( $fp , "Line1\n" ); fwrite ( $fp , "Word - 2\n" ); fwrite ( $fp , "Easy As 123\n" ); fclose ( $fp ); readfile ( "foo-bar.txt" ); /* 结果如下: LINE1 WORD - 2 EASY AS 123 */
The list of streams functions in PHP is provided as follows:
stream_bucket_append函数:为队列添加数据 stream_bucket_make_writeable函数:从操作的队列中返回一个数据对象 stream_bucket_new函数:为当前队列创建一个新的数据 stream_bucket_prepend函数:预备数据到队列 stream_context_create函数:创建数据流上下文 stream_context_get_default函数:获取默认的数据流上下文 stream_context_get_options函数:获取数据流的设置 stream_context_set_option函数:对数据流、数据包或者上下文进行设置 stream_context_set_params函数:为数据流、数据包或者上下文设置参数 stream_copy_to_stream函数:在数据流之间进行复制操作 stream_filter_append函数:为数据流添加过滤器 stream_filter_prepend函数:为数据流预备添加过滤器 stream_filter_register函数:注册一个数据流的过滤器并作为PHP类执行 stream_filter_remove函数:从一个数据流中移除过滤器 stream_get_contents函数:读取数据流中的剩余数据到字符串 stream_get_filters函数:返回已经注册的数据流过滤器列表 stream_get_line函数:按照给定的定界符从数据流资源中获取行 stream_get_meta_data函数:从封装协议文件指针中获取报头/元数据 stream_get_transports函数:返回注册的Socket传输列表 stream_get_wrappers函数:返回注册的数据流列表 stream_register_wrapper函数:注册一个用PHP类实现的URL封装协议 stream_select函数:接收数据流数组并等待它们状态的改变 stream_set_blocking函数:将一个数据流设置为堵塞或者非堵塞状态 stream_set_timeout函数:对数据流进行超时设置 stream_set_write_buffer函数:为数据流设置缓冲区 stream_socket_accept函数:接受由函数stream_ socket_server()创建的Socket连接 stream_socket_client函数:打开网络或者UNIX主机的Socket连接 stream_socket_enable_crypto函数:为一个已经连接的Socket打开或者关闭数据加密 stream_socket_get_name函数:获取本地或者网络Socket的名称 stream_socket_pair函数:创建两个无区别的Socket数据流连接 stream_socket_recvfrom函数:从Socket获取数据,不管其连接与否 stream_socket_sendto函数:向Socket发送数据,不管其连接与否 stream_socket_server函数:创建一个网络或者UNIX Socket服务端 stream_wrapper_restore函数:恢复一个事先注销的数据包 stream_wrapper_unregister函数:注销一个URL地址包

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