The use of Baidu share button in the project, Baidu share button project
The Baidu share button is used in the project, the main implementation code is as follows:
<script><br>window._bd_share_config={<br> "common":{<br> "bdText" : 'Share and you will get gifts! ', <br> "bdDesc" : '', <br> "bdUrl" : '',#Write the sharing address here<br> "bdSign": 'off'<br> },<br> "image":{<br> "viewList":["qzone","tsina","tqq","renren","weixin"],<br> "viewText":"Share to: ",<br> "viewSize":"16"<br> }<br>};<br> <br>with(document)0[(getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||body).appendChild( createElement('script')).src='' ~(-new Date()/ 36e5)];<br></script>
All parameters and usage of Baidu share button:
<script><br> window._bd_share_config = {<br> common : {//Here are the common settings<br> bdText : 'Customized sharing content', <br> bdDesc : 'Customized sharing summary', <br> bdUrl: 'Customized sharing url address', <br> bdPic: 'Customized sharing picture'<br> }, <br> share: [{#Here is the setting for placing the share button<br> "bdSize" : 16<br> }],<br> slide : [{#Place floating window sharing settings here <br> bdImg : 0,<br> bdPos : "right",<br> bdTop : 100<br> }] ,<br> image: [{#Place picture sharing settings here<br> viewType: 'list',<br> viewPos: 'top',<br> viewColor: 'black',<br> viewSize: '16' ,<br> viewList: ['qzone','tsina','huaban','tqq','renren']<br> }],<br> selectShare: [{#Place word sharing settings here<br> "bdselectMiniList" : ['qzone','tqq','kaixin001','bdxc','tqf']<br> }]<br> }<br>#js loading part, this part of the code is fixed , cannot be changed at will. <br> with(document)0[(getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||body).appendChild(createElement('script')).src=' /api/js/share.js?cdnversion=' ~(-new Date()/36e5)];<br></script>
For detailed explanation, please see: There are detailed tutorials // use of Baidu share button in the project, the Baidu share button project uses the Baidu share button in the project, the main implementation The code is as follows: script window._bd_share_config={ "common":{...