Recently, I am using PHP's mongo extension for statistical calculations. There is a timestamp field in it. Since it is accurate to milliseconds, the length is 13 digits, but it is stored in the form of a string at the beginning:
Copy code The code is as follows:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504eea97e4b023cf38e34039"), "in_ts" : NumberLong("1347349143699"), "log" : { "guid" : "4D1F3079-7507-F4B0-E7AF-5432D5D8229D", "p" : "View_Prop_YepPage_Zheng", "cid" : "11", "url" : " /broker/n/10481780", "rfpn" : "Listing_V2_IndexPage_All", "site" : "haozu", "agent" : "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)", "stamp" : "1347349162159", "cip" : "", "referer" : "", "cstamp" : "1347349323125", "sessid" : "FA798056- F9e7-F961-41E0-CC95C850FA47 "," Uguid ":" C00FF55B-3D3D-4B31-4318-12345B0dbe64 "," PN ":" View_prop_yeppage_zheng "," CSTPARAM ": {" Proid ": Numberlong (10481780), "Brokerid" : "326792", "tradeType" : "2", "userType" : "0", "channel" : "site", "entry" : "1", "COMMID" : "1666" } }, "out_ts" : NumberLong("1347349466083"), "rule" : 0, "status" : "ok", "txid" : 0 }
Later changed to number format:
Copy code The code is as follows:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504eea97e4b023cf38e34039"), "in_ts" : NumberLong("1347349143699"), "log " : { "guid" : "4D1F3079-7507-F4B0-E7AF-5432D5D8229D", "p" : "View_Prop_YepPage_Zheng", "cid" : "11", "url" : " rental/broker/n/10481780", "rfpn" : "Listing_V2_IndexPage_All", "site" : "haozu", "agent" : "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)", "stamp" : NumberLong("1347349162159"), "cip" : "", "referer" : "", "cstamp" : "1347349323125", "sessid" : "FA798056-F9E7-F961-41E0-CC95C850FA47", "uguid" : "C00FF55B-3D3D-4B31-4318-12345B0DBE64", "pn" : "View_Prop_YepPage_Zheng", "cstparam" : { "proId" : NumberLong(104817 80) , "brokerId" : "326792", "tradeType" : "2", "userType" : "0", "channel" : "site", "entry" : "1", "COMMID" : "1666" } } , "out_ts" : NumberLong("1347349466083"), "rule" : 0, "status" : "ok", "txid" : 0 }When
is a string, use the following query It is normal
Copy code The code is as follows:
$query = array ('log.stamp' => array ( '$gte' => '1347346800000', '$lt' => '1347350400000'));
But after changing it to a number, using the following query, there is no result, but directly Direct query on the mongo client will produce results:
Copy code The code is as follows:
db.haozu_success.find({ 'log.stamp':{$gte:1347346800000,$lt:1347350400000}})
This is also the usage in the PHP manual:
Copy code The code is as follows:
$query = array ('log.stamp' => array ('$gte' => 1347346800000, '$lt' => 1347350400000 ));
It took me a long time to find the reason. At first, I suspected that it was caused by a bug in the php extension. After some thinking. It suddenly occurred to me that it might be caused by a type problem, and I found that there is an introduction to Types in the manual, so the correct usage is as follows:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
$query = array ('log.stamp' => array ('$gte' => new MongoInt64($time_range['start']), '$lt' => new MongoInt64($time_range[ 'end'])));
In addition, when using mapreduce for data statistics, in order to prevent the cursor from getting a timeout exception, you need to set a timeout
Copy code The code is as follows:
$map = new MongoCode ( '
var prop_id=this.log.cstparam.proId;
' );
$reduce = new MongoCode ( '
var total=0;
for(var i in emits){
return {"channel":emits[0].channel,"prop_id":eval(emits[0].prop_id),"count":total};
' );
$this->mongo_db->command ( array ('mapreduce' => $collection_name, 'map' => $map, 'reduce' => $reduce, 'out' => $tmp_result, 'query' => $query),array('timeout'=>self::MONGO_CURSOR_TIMEOUT) );最近在使用php的mongo 扩展进行数据统计计算,其中有一个时间戳字段,由于精确到了毫秒,长度有13位,但由于开始的时候是以字符串的形式...