// 单行注解
' ' 单引号,简单字符串,不经任何处理直接拿过来;
" "双引号,php动态处理然后输出,一般用于处理$变量.
一种是true 即 真的;
另一种是false 即假的
string 字串(数字\汉字\等等)
integer 整数(1、2、3、4、5、0、-1、-2、等等)
double 浮点数(小数点)
array 数组
object 对象
可以用的方法有gettype($mix) 和settype($mix,$typename);
" " Double quotes
" \ Backslash
n n Line feed
r Return to the beginning of the line
t Horizontal tabulation
Arithmetic symbols:
+ Addition operation -Rugging operations *multiplication operation /division of the method
%remains ++ self -plus 1
-self -reduction 1. Connect two string
assignment operation:
/= Divide the value on the left by the value on the right
.= Add the string on the right to the left
Bitwise operations:
^ Bitwise exclusive OR (xor) <
!= is not equal to && and || or ! Other operation symbols other than
$ Variable symbol
Alias for variable
@ Do not display error message (added before function)
-> Object method or attribute
=> The element value of the array
?: Ternary operator
Commonly used basic methods:
1. PHP converts strings to upper and lower case!
strtolower(); Convert characters to lowercase
strtoupper(); Convert characters to uppercase
2.PHP encrypted string
3. About quotation marks
1. Single quotes are output as is
2. Double quotes are content interpretation and output
3. Anti-single quotes (small quotes) are used to execute a system command, such as `dir`. Commonly used in table names and field names.
4. "" acts on translation characters, such as "n" for newline.
4. Functions: htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities()
This function converts special characters into HTML string format ( &....; ). The most commonly used occasion may be the message board for processing customer messages.
& (and) is converted to &
" (double quotes) is converted to "
< (less than) is converted to <
> (greater than) is converted to >
(space ) into
5. Batch output HTML content!
echo <<< EOT
HTML output content. . . //Comments here are still output!
print <<
(Note: Use "{variable}" for internally included variables)
6. Determine whether the file exists and output the content file_exists ()
if (file_exists($FileName)){
echo "
".file_get_contents($FileName)."< ;/pre>";
echo "no";
?>7. Delete variables to release memory unset();
Detect whether the variable is a number;9.is_int;
Detect whether the variable is an integer;10.is_null;
Detect whether the variable is NULL;11.is_string
Detect whether the variable is a string12.is_real;
alias of is_float()13.isset
Check whether the variable is defined14.is_bool
Detect whether the variable is of Boolean type15.is_array
Detect whether the variable is an array16.is_object
Detect whether the variable is an object17.substr() function returns a part of the string.
substr (String,Start,SelectNum)
Copy code The code is as follows:
echo substr('abcdef', 1); // bcdef
echo substr('abcdef', 1, 3); // bcd
echo substr('abcdef', 0, 4); // abcd
echo substr('abcdef ', 0, 8); // abcdef
echo substr('abcdef', -1, 1); // f
18.nb2br() Convert the escaped newline into html
Copy code The code is as follows:
echo nl2br("foo isn'tn bar");