php’s solr operation class and demo
1. Solr class
'','port' => '8080'); /** * 设置solr库选择 * @param $core string 库名称 */ public static function setCore($core){ if($core) self::$options['path']='solr/'.$core; } /** * 增加solr索引 * @param $fieldArr 索引字段及值 * @return bool true */ public static function addDocument($fieldArr=array()){ $client = new SolrClient(self::$options); $doc = new SolrInputDocument(); foreach($fieldArr as $k => $v){ $doc->addField($k,$v); } $client->addDocument($doc); $client->commit(); return true; } /** * 删除索引 * @param $id 主键id id可以为数组形式,应用于多选的情况 * @return bool true */ public static function delDocument($ids){ $client = new SolrClient(self::$options); if(is_array($ids)) $client->deleteByIds($ids); else $client->deleteById($ids); $client->commit(); return true; } /** * 查询数据 * @param $qwhere 关键字 * @param $fqwhere 附加条件,根据范围检索,适用于数值型 * @param $getField 查询字段 * @param $sort 排序 array('duration'=>'asc') asc:升序,desc:降序 * @param $pageindex 查询页数 * @param $pagesize 每页显示条数 */ public static function selectQuery($qwhere=array(),$fqwhere=array(),$getField=array(),$sort=array(),$pageindex=1,$pagesize=20){ $client = new SolrClient(self::$options); $query = new SolrQuery(); $sel = ''; foreach($qwhere as $k => $v){ // $sel .= ' +'.$k.':'.$v; $sel = "{$k} : \"{$v}\""; } $query->setQuery($sel); //关键字检索 //附加条件,根据范围检索,适用于数值型 if($fqwhere){ $query->setFacet(true); foreach($fqwhere as $k => $v) $query->addFacetQuery($v); //$query->addFacetQuery('price:[* TO 500]'); } //查询字段 if($getField){ foreach($getField as $key => $val) $query->addField($val); } //排序 if($sort){ foreach($sort as $k => $v){ if($v == 'asc') $query->addSortField($k,SolrQuery::ORDER_ASC); elseif($v == 'desc') $query->addSortField($k,SolrQuery::ORDER_DESC); } } //分页 $query->setStart(self::getPageIndex($pageindex,$pagesize)); $query->setRows($pagesize); $query_response = $client->query($query); $response = $query_response->getResponse(); return $response; } /** * 分页数据处理 */ private static function getPageIndex($pageindex,$pagesize){ if($pageindex<=1) $pageindex = 0; else $pageindex = ($pageindex-1)*$pagesize; return $pageindex; } }
2. Operation demo
"wang jing jie", ); print_r(phpSolr::selectQuery($qwhere)); //添加 $fieldArr = array( "id" => 15, "username" => "si sheng chao", "usertype" => 1, "last_update_time" => "2016-01-05T03:35:13Z", ); phpSolr::addDocument($fieldArr); //删除 //phpsolr::delDocument(15);
The above introduces the php’s solr operation class and demo, including aspects Content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website ( for more related content!
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