Complete SMS information forwarding with the help of PHP server
Jul 29, 2016 am 09:08 AMI have been writing python these two days.
The active defense system has always lacked a function of sending SMS message notifications, so I tried to write a PHP backend module
<code><span><?php</span><span>// 连主库</span><span>$link</span> = mysql_connect(SAE_MYSQL_HOST_M .<span>':'</span>. SAE_MYSQL_PORT,SAE_MYSQL_USER,SAE_MYSQL_PASS); <span>if</span>(<span>$link</span>) { mysql_select_db(SAE_MYSQL_DB,<span>$link</span>); <span>$getid</span> = mysql_query(<span>"select max(Id_P) from --YOUR_DATATABLE--"</span>); <span>$row</span> = mysql_fetch_array(<span>$getid</span>); <span>$id</span> = <span>$row</span>[<span>0</span>]+<span>1</span>; <span>$content</span> = addslashes(<span>$_POST</span>[<span>'content'</span>]); <span>$token</span> = addslashes(<span>$_POST</span>[<span>'token'</span>]); <span>if</span>(<span>$content</span>) { <span>if</span>(<span>$token</span> == <span>"--YOUR_TOKEN--"</span>) { mysql_query(<span>"INSERT INTO `--YOUR_DATABASE--`.`--YOUR_DATATABLE--` (`Id_P`, `Content`) VALUES ('$id', '$content')"</span>); <span>$smsapi</span> = <span>"--SMS_GATEWAY--"</span>; <span>//短信网关</span><span>$user</span> = <span>"--SMS_ACCOUNT--"</span>; <span>//短信平台帐号</span><span>$pass</span> = <span>"--SMS_PASSWORD--"</span>; <span>//短信平台密码</span><span>$content</span> = <span>"【Active Defense】Sir , I get some thing:"</span> . <span>$content</span> ;<span>//要发送的短信内容</span><span>$sendurl</span> = <span>$smsapi</span>.<span>"sms?u="</span>.<span>$user</span>.<span>"&p="</span>.<span>$pass</span>.<span>"&m="</span>.<span>"--YOUR_PHONE--"</span>.<span>"&c="</span>.urlencode(<span>$content</span>); <span>$result</span> = file_get_contents(<span>$sendurl</span>) ; } <span>else</span> { <span>$msg</span> = <span>"token wrong!"</span> . <span>$content</span>; mysql_query(<span>"INSERT INTO `--YOUR_DATABASE--`.`--YOUR_DATATABLE--` (`Id_P`, `Content`) VALUES ('$id', '$msg')"</span>); } } mysql_close(<span>$link</span>); } <span>echo</span><span>"<h1>hello</h1>"</span>; <span>?></span></code>
The front end written in Python is very simple, because it will be integrated into the active defense API later. There are no bells and whistles added.
<code><span># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-</span><span>import</span> urllib2 <span>import</span> urllib data = {} data[<span>'token'</span>] = <span>'--YOUR_TOKEN--'</span> data[<span>'content'</span>] = <span>'--YOUR_MESSAGE--'</span>url = <span>"--PHP_ADDRESS--"</span> post_data = urllib.urlencode(data) req = urllib2.urlopen(url, post_data) <span>print</span> (<span>"Finish"</span>)</code>
That’s basically it. I have an exam next week, so I have to put the defense system aside.
').addClass('pre-numbering').hide(); $(this).addClass('has-numbering').parent().append($numbering); for (i = 1; i ').text(i)); }; $numbering.fadeIn(1700); }); });The above introduces the use of PHP server to complete SMS information forwarding, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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