The era of anti-phishing for Alipay payment development has arrived

Release: 2016-07-29 09:11:07
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After jumping to the payment page, Alipay's checkout prompts:

There is a risk of phishing in payment

Is it wrong: AE130001040

The corresponding page was found: =474059

In the place where the payment page jump is initiated, add the parameter "anti_phishing_key" and assign the value to

'anti_phishing_key' => urlencode($this->query_timestamp()),
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/**     * 用于防钓鱼,调用接口query_timestamp来获取时间戳的处理函数     * 注意:该功能PHP5环境及以上支持,因此必须服务器、本地电脑中装有支持DOMDocument、SSL的PHP配置环境。建议本地调试时使用PHP开发软件     * return 时间戳字符串     */privatefunction query_timestamp() {
        $url = $this->alipay_gateway_new . "service=query_timestamp&partner=" . trim(strtolower($this->payment['payment_config']['alipay_partner'])) . "&_input_charset=" . trim(strtolower(CHARSET));$encrypt_key = "";$doc = newDOMDocument();$doc->load($url);$itemEncrypt_key = $doc->getElementsByTagName("encrypt_key");$encrypt_key = $itemEncrypt_key->item(0)->nodeValue;return$encrypt_key;
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The above has introduced the anti-phishing era of Alipay payment development, including anti-phishing content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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