Today I am doing a simple collection program that requires downloading the content of the other party's website, and then saving the pictures in the content on the local server. Now I will introduce to you my specific operation method. Downloading pictures mainly uses the file_get_contents function. Specifically Methods as below.
Here we use PHP regular expressions to achieve
$content = '这里是文章内容,这里插入一张图片测试 <img src="">'; $content = stripslashes ( $content ); $img_array = array (); // 匹配所有远程图片 preg_match_all ( "/(src|SRC)=["|'| ]{0,}(http://(.*).(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png))/isU", $content, $img_array ); // 匹配出来的不重复图片 $img_array = array_unique ( $img_array [2] ); print_r($img_array);
The remote image is matched above, and we need to keep it locally. Two points need to be noted here:
1. Picture saving path (picture storage directory)
2. Actual access to the picture address
The following is a complete example: (You can save it to the local server and modify the corresponding place for testing)
php保存远程图片到本地,php正则匹配文章中的图片地址 $value ) { $value = trim ( $value ); // 读取远程图片 $get_file = @file_get_contents ( $value ); // 保存到本地图片名称 $imgname = date ( "YmdHis" ) . '_' . rand ( 10000, 99999 ) . "." . substr ( $value, - 3, 3 ); // 保存到本地的实际文件地址(包含路径和名称) $fileName = $imgPath . '/' . $imgname; // 实际访问的地址 $fileurl = $imgUrl . "/" . $imgname; // 文件写入 if ($get_file) { $fp = @fopen ( $fileName, "w" ); @fwrite ( $fp, $get_file ); @fclose ( $fp ); } // 替换原来的图片地址 $content = ereg_replace ( $value, $fileurl, $content ); } echo $content; ?>