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Sample code sharing for PHP's custom template engine

Release: 2023-03-07 06:18:02
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This article will introduce the template engine in PHP in detail. Has very good reference value. Let’s take a look at it with the editor

The previous words

In most project teams, developing a Web program will have such a process: Submission of plan documents After that, the front-end engineer made the appearancemodel of the website, and then handed it to the back-end engineer, who used the back-end code to implement the program logic, and used the appearance model to make the basicarchitecture, The project is then returned to the front-end engineers for further refinement. In this way, the project may go back and forth between back-end engineers and front-end engineers several times. Since the back-end engineer does not interfere with any related HTML tags, there is no need to mix front-end code and back-end code. Front-end engineers only need configuration files, dynamic blocks and other interface parts, and do not need to touch the intricate back-end code. Therefore, it is important to have a good template support at this time. This article will introduce the template engine in PHP in detail


What is a website template? To be precise, it refers to the website page template, that is, each page is just a template, including structure, style and page layout. It is a template for creating web page content, and can also be understood as an existing web pageframe. The original content in the template can be replaced with dynamic content from the server-side database, in order to keep the page style consistent

PHP is an HTML embedded scripting language executed on the server side, so most For web applications developed with PHP, the initial development template is mixed-layer data programming. Although the MVC design pattern can forcefully separate program application logic and web page rendering logic, it only separates the input, processing, and output of the application. The web page rendering logic (view) will also be strongly coupled with HTML code and PHP programs. . The writer of PHP scripts must be both a web designer and a PHP developer

There are many solutions that can almost completely separate the page design of the website from the PHP application. These solutions are called "template engines" and they are gradually eliminating the difficulties caused by the lack of hierarchical separation. The purpose of the template engine is to achieve the above-mentioned logical separation function. It allows program developers to focus on data control or function achievement. Therefore, the template engine is very suitable for use by the company's web development team, allowing everyone to exert their expertise. The core of the template engine technology is relatively simple. Just specify the front-end page as a template file, and define the dynamic content in this template file, such as database output, user interaction, etc., as "


" contained using special "delimiters", and then Place it in the corresponding location in the template file. When the user browses, the template file is opened by the PHP script program and the variables defined in the template file are replaced. In this way, when the special variables in the template are replaced with different dynamic content, the required page will be output Currently, there are many mature templates that can be applied in PHP, such as Smarty, PHPLIB, IPB Dozens more. Using these template engines written in PHP can make the code context clearer and the structure more rational. It can also make website maintenance and updates easier, create a better development environment, and make it easier to combine development and design work. However, no PHP template is the most suitable or perfect. Because PHP templates are popular things and are not developed for a certain person. If you can fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of templates based on a clear understanding of their characteristics and applications, you can know whether to choose to use a template engine or which template engine to use

Customize templates Engine class

Customize the template engine, which can better grasp the working mechanism of the template engine and prepare you for learning Smarty. More importantly, your own PHP template engine is never fixed and can be customized according to the needs of the project.

In the following example, your own PHP template engine is created through the template engine concept introduced earlier. A simple template engine that can be used to handle the basic functionality of templates. For example: variable substitution,

branch structure

, arraylooptraversal, and nesting of templates, etc., as shown below:

  file: mytpl.class.php 类名为MyTpl是自定义的模板引擎
 class Mytpl {
  public $template_dir = &#39;templates&#39;;  //定义模板文件存放的目录 
  public $compile_dir = &#39;templates_c&#39;;  //定义通过模板引擎组合后文件存放目录
  public $left_delimiter = &#39;<{&#39;;   //在模板中嵌入动态数据变量的左定界符号
  public $right_delimiter = &#39;}>&#39;;   //在模板中嵌入动态数据变量的右定界符号
  private $tpl_vars = array();    //内部使用的临时变量
   @param string $tpl_var 需要一个字符串参数作为关联数组下标,要和模板中的变量名对应 
   @param mixed $value  需要一个标量类型的值,用来分配给模板中变量的值  
  function assign($tpl_var, $value = null) { 
   if ($tpl_var != &#39;&#39;)     
    $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = $value;
   @param string $fileName 提供模板文件的文件名            
   function display($fileName) { 
   /* 到指定的目录中寻找模板文件 */
   $tplFile = $this->template_dir.&#39;/&#39;.$fileName; 
   /* 如果需要处理的模板文件不存在,则退出并报告错误 */
   if(!file_exists($tplFile)) {     
   /* 获取组合的模板文件,该文件中的内容都是被替换过的 */
   $comFileName = $this->compile_dir."/com_".$fileName.&#39;.php&#39;; 
   /* 判断替换后的文件是否存在或是存在但有改动,都需要重新创建 */
   if(!file_exists($comFileName) || filemtime($comFileName) < filemtime($tplFile)) {
    /* 调用内部替换模板方法 */
    $repContent = $this->tpl_replace(file_get_contents($tplFile)); 
    /* 保存由系统组合后的脚本文件 */
    file_put_contents($comFileName, $repContent);
   /* 包含处理后的模板文件输出给客户端 */
   内部使用的私有方法,使用正则表达式将模板文件&#39;<{ }>&#39;中的语句替换为对应的值或PHP代码 
   @param string $content 提供从模板文件中读入的全部内容字符串 
   @return $repContent   返回替换后的字符串
  private function tpl_replace($content) {
   /* 将左右定界符号中,有影响正则的特殊符号转义 例如,<{ }>转义\<\{ \}\> */
   $left = preg_quote($this->left_delimiter, &#39;/&#39;);
   $right = preg_quote($this->right_delimiter, &#39;/&#39;);
   /* 匹配模板中各种标识符的正则表达式的模式数组 */
   $pattern = array(  
    /* 匹配模板中变量 ,例如,"<{ $var }>" */
    /* 匹配模板中if标识符,例如 "<{ if $col == "sex" }> <{ /if }>" */
    /* 匹配elseif标识符, 例如 "<{ elseif $col == "sex" }>" */
    /* 匹配else标识符, 例如 "<{ else }>" */
    /* 用来匹配模板中的loop标识符,用来遍历数组中的值, 例如 "<{ loop $arrs $value }> <{ /loop}>" */
    /* 用来遍历数组中的键和值,例如 "<{ loop $arrs $key => $value }> <{ /loop}>" */
    &#39;/&#39;.$left.&#39;\s*loop\s+\$(\S+)\s+\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\s*=>\s*\$(\S+)\s*&#39;.$right.&#39;(.+?)&#39;.$left.&#39;\s*\/loop \s*&#39;.$right.&#39;/is&#39;, 
    /* 匹配include标识符, 例如,&#39;<{ include "header.html" }>&#39; */
   /* 替换从模板中使用正则表达式匹配到的字符串数组 */
   $replacement = array( 
    /* 替换模板中的变量 <?php echo $this->tpl_vars["var"]; */
    &#39;<?php echo $this->tpl_vars["${1}"]; ?>&#39;,  
    /* 替换模板中的if字符串 <?php if($col == "sex") { ?> <?php } ?> */
    &#39;$this->stripvtags(\&#39;<?php if(${1}) { ?>\&#39;,\&#39;${2}<?php } ?>\&#39;)&#39;,  
    /* 替换elseif的字符串 <?php } elseif($col == "sex") { ?> */
    &#39;$this->stripvtags(\&#39;<?php } elseif(${1}) { ?>\&#39;,"")&#39;, 
    /* 替换else的字符串 <?php } else { ?> */
    &#39;<?php } else { ?>&#39;, 
    /* 以下两条用来替换模板中的loop标识符为foreach格式 */
    &#39;<?php foreach($this->tpl_vars["${1}"] as $this->tpl_vars["${2}"]) { ?>${3}<?php } ?>&#39;, 
    &#39;<?php foreach($this->tpl_vars["${1}"] as $this->tpl_vars["${2}"] => $this->tpl_vars["${3}"]) { ?>${4}<?php } ?>&#39;, 
   /* 使用正则替换函数处理 */
   $repContent = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);  
   /* 如果还有要替换的标识,递归调用自己再次替换 */
   if(preg_match(&#39;/&#39;.$left.&#39;([^(&#39;.$right.&#39;)]{1,})&#39;.$right.&#39;/&#39;, $repContent)) {  
    $repContent = $this->tpl_replace($repContent);    
   /* 返回替换后的字符串 */
   return $repContent;          
   @param string $expr  提供模板中条件语句的开始标记   
   @param string $statement 提供模板中条件语句的结束标记 
   @return strin    将处理后的条件语句相连后返回 
  private function stripvtags($expr, $statement=&#39;&#39;) {
   /* 匹配变量的正则 */
   $var_pattern = &#39;/\s*\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\s*/is&#39;; 
   /* 将变量替换为值 */
   $expr = preg_replace($var_pattern, &#39;$this->tpl_vars["${1}"]&#39;, $expr); 
   /* 将开始标记中的引号转义替换 */
   $expr = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $expr);
   /* 替换语句体和结束标记中的引号 */
   $statement = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $statement); 
   /* 将处理后的条件语句相连后返回 */
   return $expr.$statement;        






require("mytpl.class.php");    //包含模板引擎类,相当于模板引擎安装
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$tpl=new MyTpl(); //创建模板引擎类的对象,也可以根据参数对成员初始化


$tpl->assign("var","this is a value"); //可以分配标量类型数据,可以使用多次
$tpl->assign("arr",array(array(1,2),array("a","b"))); //也可以分配数组包括多维数组
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$tpl->display("test.tpl");    //参数“test.tpl”为特定目录下的模板文件
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姓名:<{$name}>,年龄:<{$age}>,性别:<{$sex}> //模板中使用占位符


<{loop $arr $value }>     //遍历数组$arr中的元素值
 数组中的元素值<{$value}>   //每次遍历输出元素中的值
<{/loop}>        //在模板中遍历数组的结束标记
<{loop $arr $key=>$value }>   //遍历数组$arr中的元素下标和元素值
 数组中的元素键<{$key}>    //每次遍历输出元素中的下标
 数组中的元素值<{$value}>   //每次遍历输出元素中的值
<{/loop}>        //在模板中遍历数组的结束标记
<{loop $arr $value }>     //遍历数组$arr中的元素值
 <{loop $arr $data }>    //使用嵌套标记遍历二维数组
  数组中的元素值<{$value}>  //每次遍历输出元素中的值
 <{/loop}>       //在模板中遍历数组的内层结束标记
<{/loop}>        //在模板中遍历数组的外层结束标记
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 <p style="color:red">这是“红色”的字</p>
 <p style="color:green">这是“绿色”的字</p>
  <p style="font-size:20">这是“20px”大小的字</p>
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<{include &#39;other.tpl&#39; }>
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 name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
 sex VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
 age SMALLINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;0&#39;,
 email VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT &#39;&#39;,
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INSERT INTO User (name,sex,age,email) VALUES 
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <title> <{$title}> </title>
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  <p style="width:200px;margin: 0 auto;">##### <{$author}> #####</p>  
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<{include &#39;header.tpl&#39;}>
 <table border="1" align="center" width="500">
  <{ loop $users $user }>
    <{loop $user $u }>

      <{if $u == "男" }>
       <td style="color:green">
      <{elseif $u == "女"}>
       <td style="color:red">

<{include &#39;footer.tpl&#39;}>
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 include "mytpl.class.php";
 $tpl = new Mytpl;
 $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb", "admin", "123456");
 $stmt = $pdo -> prepare("select id, name, sex,age,email from User order by id");
 $stmt ->execute();
 $data = $stmt -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 $tpl -> display("main.tpl");
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The above is the detailed content of Sample code sharing for PHP's custom template engine. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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