How to collect remote pictures to local using PHP
Apr 03, 2017 pm 04:30 PMI wrote this function today and shared it with my friends. It can obtain remote images and save them locally. In fact, you can refer to many PHP management systems that have this function.
The first step is to extract all <img...> from the article using regular expressions.
The code is as follows:
$message //文章内容 //正则(这个还不是) $reg = "/<img[^>]*src=\"(http:\/\/(.+)\/(.+)\.(jpg|gif|bmp|bnp))\"/isU"; //把抠出来的 img 地址存放到 $img_array 变量中 preg_match_all($reg, $message, $img_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); //过滤重复的图片 $img_array = array_unique($img_array[1]);
Second Step. Loop the $img_array array. Save the image and replace the article position.
The code is as follows:
foreach ($img_array as $img){ //判断是否是自己网站上的 图片 if('' != get_domain($img)){// 如果这个图片不是自己服务器上的 //读取图片文件 $Gimg = new GetImage(); $Gimg->source = $img; $Gimg->save_to = './data/temp/'; $FILE = $Gimg->download(); //图片移动到本地 //保存到相册 得到图片保存的位置 $img_path = pic_save($FILE,0,''); //文本路径替换 $message = str_replace($img, $img_path, $message); } }
....At this time, the image in $message has been replaced with itself. The local address of the server, and the image is also saved to your own server.
The code is as follows:
//下面一个函数 和 类是从网络上找的. //从url中获得域名 function get_domain($url){ $pattern = "/[\w-]+\.(com|net|org|gov|cc|biz|info|cn)(\.(cn|hk))*/"; preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches); if(count($matches) > 0) { return $matches[0]; }else{ $rs = parse_url($url); $main_url = $rs["host"]; if(!strcmp(long2ip(sprintf("%u",ip2long($main_url))),$main_url)) { return $main_url; }else{ $arr = explode(".",$main_url); $count=count($arr); $endArr = array("com","net","org","3322");// 等情况 if (in_array($arr[$count-2],$endArr)){ $domain = $arr[$count-3].".".$arr[$count-2].".".$arr[$count-1]; }else{ $domain = $arr[$count-2].".".$arr[$count-1]; } return $domain; }// end if(!strcmp...) }// end if(count...) }// end function // 从远程吧图片载到服务器本地 的 类 class GetImage { var $source; var $save_to; var $quality; function download($method = 'curl') { $info = @GetImageSize($this->source); $mime = $info['mime']; // What sort of image? $type = substr(strrchr($mime, '/'), 1); switch ($type){ case 'jpeg': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; $image_save_func = 'ImageJPEG'; $new_image_ext = 'jpg'; // Best Quality: 100 $quality = isSet($this->quality) ? $this->quality : 100; break; case 'png': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; $image_save_func = 'ImagePNG'; $new_image_ext = 'png'; // Compression Level: from 0 (no compression) to 9 $quality = isSet($this->quality) ? $this->quality : 0; break; case 'bmp': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromBMP'; $image_save_func = 'ImageBMP'; $new_image_ext = 'bmp'; break; case 'gif': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; $image_save_func = 'ImageGIF'; $new_image_ext = 'gif'; break; case 'vnd.wap.wbmp': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromWBMP'; $image_save_func = 'ImageWBMP'; $new_image_ext = 'bmp'; break; case 'xbm': $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromXBM'; $image_save_func = 'ImageXBM'; $new_image_ext = 'xbm'; break; default: $image_create_func = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; $image_save_func = 'ImageJPEG'; $new_image_ext = 'jpg'; } if(isSet($this->set_extension)){ $ext = strrchr($this->source, "."); $strlen = strlen($ext); $new_name = basename(substr($this->source, 0, -$strlen)).'.'.$new_image_ext; }else{ $new_name = basename($this->source); } $save_to = $this->save_to."/blog_insert_temp_".time().mt_rand(1,99).".".$new_image_ext; //输出对象 组成跟$_FILE变量一样 得到后自己和平常图片上传处理一样了 $img_info['name'] = basename($this->source); $img_info['type'] = $mime; $img_info['size'] = 1000; $img_info['tmp_name'] = $save_to; $img_info['error'] = 0; if($method == 'curl'){ $save_image = $this->LoadImageCURL($save_to); }elseif($method == 'gd'){ $img = $image_create_func($this->source); if(isSet($quality)){ $save_image = $image_save_func($img, $save_to, $quality); }else{ $save_image = $image_save_func($img, $save_to); } } return $img_info; } function LoadImageCURL($save_to){ $ch = curl_init($this->source); $fp = fopen($save_to, "wb"); // set URL and other appropriate options $options = array(CURLOPT_FILE => $fp, CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60); // 1 minute timeout (should be enough) curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); } }
The above is the detailed content of How to collect remote pictures to local using PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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