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thinkphp query,3.X 5.0 method

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The following editor will bring you a thinkphp query, 3.X 5.0 method (it is feasible to try it yourself). The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.

1. Introduction

ThinkPHP has built-in very flexible query methods that can quickly query data Operations, query conditions can be used for operations such as reading, updating, and deleting, which mainly involve coherent operations such as the where method. No matter what database is used, you almost use the same query method (some databases such as Mongo use expression queries There will be differences), the system helps you solve the differences between different databases, so we call this query method of the framework a query language. The query language is also the ORM highlight of the ThinkPHP framework, making query operations simpler and easier to understand. Let’s explain the connotation of query language one by one.

2. Query method

ThinkPHP can support the direct use of strings as query conditions, but in most cases it is recommended to use index arrays or objects. As a query condition, because it will be safer.

1. Use strings as query conditions

This is the most traditional way, but it is not very safe, for example:

$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$User->where(&#39;type=1 AND status=1&#39;)->select(); 
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The last generated SQL statement is

SELECT * FROM think_user WHERE type=1 AND status=1

When using string query, we can use the string provided by the new version The safety preprocessing mechanism of conditions will not be discussed in detail for the time being.

2. Use arrays as query conditions

This method is the most commonly used query method, for example:

$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$condition[&#39;name&#39;] = &#39;thinkphp&#39;; 
$condition[&#39;status&#39;] = 1; 
// 把查询条件传入查询方法 
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The final generated SQL statement is

SELECT * FROM think_user WHERE `name`='thinkphp' AND status=1

If you perform a multi-field query, the default logical relationship between fields is logical AND, but the default logical judgment can be changed using the following rules, by using _logic to define query logic:

$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$condition[&#39;name&#39;] = &#39;thinkphp&#39;; 
$condition[&#39;account&#39;] = &#39;thinkphp&#39;; 
$condition[&#39;_logic&#39;] = &#39;OR&#39;; 
// 把查询条件传入查询方法 
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The final generated SQL statement is

SELECT * FROM think_user WHERE `name` ='thinkphp' OR `account`='thinkphp'

3. Use the object method to query

Here, take the stdClass built-in object as an example :

$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
// 定义查询条件 
$condition = new stdClass(); 
$condition->name = &#39;thinkphp&#39;; 
$condition->status= 1; 
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The final generated SQL statement is the same as above

SELECT * FROM think_user WHERE `name`='thinkphp' AND status=1

Use object mode to query and use The effects of array queries are the same and are interchangeable. In most cases, we recommend using the array method to be more efficient.

3. Expression query

The above query condition is just a simple equality judgment. Query expressions can be used to support more SQL query syntax is also the essence of ThinkPHP query language.

The format of query expression: $map['field name'] = array('expression','query condition');

Expressions are not case-sensitive. The following query expressions are supported, and their respective meanings are:

EQ is equal to (=)
NEQ is not equal to (<>)
GT is greater than (>)
EGT is greater than or equal to (>=)
LT is less than (<)
ELT is less than or equal to (<=)
LIKE fuzzy query
[NOT] BETWEEN (not in) interval query
[NOT] IN (not in)IN query
EXP expression query, supports SQL syntax

The example is as follows:

1.EQ: equal to (=)

For example: $map['id'] = array('eq',100); and the following query, etc. The query condition represented by $map['id'] = 100; is id = 100

2.NEQ: Not equal to (<>)

For example :$map['id'] = array('neq',100); The query condition represented is id <> 100

3.GT: Greater than (>)

For example: $map['id'] = array('gt',100); The query condition represented is id > 100

4.EGT: greater than or equal to ( >=)

For example: $map['id'] = array('egt',100); The query condition represented is id >= 100

5.LT: Less than (<)

For example: $map['id'] = array('lt',100); The query condition represented is id < 100

6.ELT: Less than or equal to (<=)

For example: $map['id'] = array('elt',100); The query condition expressed is id <= 100

7.[NOT] LIKE: Same as sql LIKE

For example: $map['name'] = array('like', 'thinkphp%'); The query condition becomes name like 'thinkphp%'

If the DB_LIKE_FIELDS parameter is configured, some fields will automatically perform fuzzy query. For example, if 'DB_LIKE_FIELDS'=>'title|content' is set, use $map['title'] = 'thinkphp'; the query condition will become name like '%thinkphp%'

Support array mode:

例如 $map['a'] =array('like',array('%thinkphp%','%tp'),'OR'); $map['b']=array('notlike',array('%thinkphp%','%tp'),'AND');


(a like '%thinkphp%' OR a like '%tp') AND (b not like '%thinkphp%' AND b not like '%tp')

8.[NOT] BETWEEN :同sql的[not] between, 查询条件支持字符串或者数组,

例如: $map['id'] = array('between','1,8');和下面的等效: $map['id'] = array('between',array('1','8'));

查询条件就变成 id BETWEEN 1 AND 8

9.[NOT] IN: 同sql的[not] in ,查询条件支持字符串或者数组,

例如: $map['id'] = array('not in','1,5,8');和下面的等效: $map['id'] = array('not in',array('1','5','8'));

查询条件就变成 id NOT IN (1,5, 8)


例如:$map['id'] = array('in','1,3,8');可以改成: $map['id'] = array('exp',' IN (1,3,8) ');


$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
// 要修改的数据对象属性赋值 
$data[&#39;name&#39;] = &#39;ThinkPHP&#39;; 
$data[&#39;score&#39;] = array(&#39;exp&#39;,&#39;score+1&#39;);// 用户的积分加1 
$User->where(&#39;id=5&#39;)->save($data); // 根据条件保存修改的数据 
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$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$map[&#39;name|title&#39;] = &#39;thinkphp&#39;; 
// 把查询条件传入查询方法 
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name= 'thinkphp' OR title = 'thinkphp'


$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$map[&#39;status&title&#39;] =array(&#39;1&#39;,&#39;thinkphp&#39;,&#39;_multi&#39;=>true); 
// 把查询条件传入查询方法 
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'_multi'=>true必须加在数组的最后,表示当前是多条件匹配,这样查询条件就变成 status= 1 AND title = 'thinkphp',


$map['status&score&title'] =array('1',array('gt','0'),'thinkphp','_multi'=>true);


status= 1 AND score >0 AND title = 'thinkphp'




例如: $map['id'] = array(array('gt',1),array('lt',10)) ;

得到的查询条件是: (`id` > 1) AND (`id` < 10)

例如:$map['id'] = array(array('gt',3),array('lt',10), 'or') ;

得到的查询条件是: (`id` > 3) OR (`id` < 10)

例如:$map['id'] = array(array('neq',6),array('gt',3),'and');

得到的查询条件是:(`id` != 6) AND (`id` > 3)

最后一个可以是AND、 OR或者 XOR运算符,如果不写,默认是AND运算。


$map['name'] = array(array('like','%a%'), array('like','%b%'), array('like','%c%'), 'ThinkPHP','or');


(`name` LIKE '%a%') OR (`name` LIKE '%b%') OR (`name` LIKE '%c%') OR (`name` = 'ThinkPHP')



1.字符串模式查询(采用_string 作为查询条件)


$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象 
$map[&#39;id&#39;] = array(&#39;neq&#39;,1); $map[&#39;name&#39;] = &#39;ok&#39;; $map[&#39;_string&#39;] = &#39;status=1 AND score>10&#39;; $User->where($map)->select(); 
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( `id` != 1 ) AND ( `name` = 'ok' ) AND ( status=1 AND score>10 )



$map[&#39;id&#39;] = array(&#39;gt&#39;,&#39;100&#39;); 
$map[&#39;_query&#39;] = &#39;status=1&score=100&_logic=or&#39;; 
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`id`>100 AND (`status` = '1' OR `score` = '100')




$where[&#39;name&#39;] = array(&#39;like&#39;, &#39;%thinkphp%&#39;); 
$where[&#39;title&#39;] = array(&#39;like&#39;,&#39;%thinkphp%&#39;); 
$where[&#39;_logic&#39;] = &#39;or&#39;; 
$map[&#39;_complex&#39;] = $where; 
$map[&#39;id&#39;] = array(&#39;gt&#39;,1); 
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( id > 1) AND ( ( name like '%thinkphp%') OR ( title like '%thinkphp%') )



$where['id'] = array('gt',1);
$where['_string'] = ' (name like "%thinkphp%") OR ( title like "%thinkphp") ';




Count 统计数量,参数是要统计的字段名(可选)
Max 获取最大值,参数是要统计的字段名(必须)
Min 获取最小值,参数是要统计的字段名(必须)
Avg 获取平均值,参数是要统计的字段名(必须)
Sum 获取总分,参数是要统计的字段名(必须)


$User = M("User"); // 实例化User对象

获取用户数: $userCount = $User->count();

或者根据字段统计: $userCount = $User->count("id");

获取用户的最大积分: $maxScore = $User->max('score');

获取积分大于0的用户的最小积分: $minScore = $User->where('score>0')->min('score');

获取用户的平均积分: $avgScore = $User->avg('score');

统计用户的总成绩: $sumScore = $User->sum('score');




1.query方法 :执行SQL查询操作

用法 query($sql,$parse=false)

参数 sql(必须):要查询的SQL语句


返回值 如果数据非法或者查询错误则返回false



$Model = new Model() // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表 
$Model->query("select * from think_user where status=1"); 
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2.execute方法 :execute用于更新和写入数据的sql操作

用法 execute($sql,$parse=false)

参数 sql(必须):要执行的SQL语句


返回值 如果数据非法或者查询错误则返回false 否则返回影响的记录数


$Model = new Model() // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表 
$Model->execute("update think_user set name=&#39;thinkPHP&#39; where status=1"); 
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getBy 根据字段的值查询数据 例如,getByName,getByEmail
getFieldBy 根据字段查询并返回某个字段的值 例如,getFieldByName


例如,User对象拥有id,name,email,address 等属性,那么我们就可以使用下面的查询方法来直接根据某个属性来查询符合条件的记录。

$user = $User->getByName(&#39;liu21st&#39;); 
$user = $User->getByEmail(&#39;liu21st@gmail.com&#39;); 
$user = $User->getByAddress(&#39;中国深圳&#39;); 
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2.getFieldBy dynamic query: query a certain field and return the value of a certain field, for example

$userId = $User->getFieldByName('liu21st',' id');

means to obtain the user's id value based on the user's name.

11. Subquery

Since version 3.0, subquery support has been added, and there are two ways to use it:

1. Use the select method

When the parameter of the select method is false, it means that no query is performed and only the constructed SQL is returned, for example:

// Construct first Subquery SQL
$subQuery = $model->field('id,name')->table('tablename')->group('field')->where($where)-> ;order('status')->select(false);

When the select method passes in the false parameter, it means that the current query will not be executed, but only the query SQL will be generated.

2. Use the buildSql method

$subQuery = $model->field('id,name')->table('tablename')-> ;group('field')->where($where)->order('status')->buildSql();

The actual query operation will not be performed after calling the buildSql method, but It only generates the SQL statement for this query (in order to avoid confusion, parentheses will be added on both sides of the SQL), and then we call it directly in subsequent queries.

//Use subquery to query
$model->table($subQuery.' a')->where()->order()->select()

The constructed subquery SQL can be used in ThinkPHP's coherent operation methods, such as table where, etc.

The above thinkphp query, 3. Home.

The above is the detailed content of thinkphp query,3.X 5.0 method. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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