A universal php paging class example code

Release: 2023-03-14 11:54:01
1985 people have browsed it

Pagination means dividing a page into two or more pages.

There is an automatic paging mechanism that can divide the content in the mobile Web form

into a group of smaller pages for presentation, suitable for specific equipment. This mechanism also renders user interface elements that can be used to navigate to other pages.

This article mainly introduces a universal PHP paging class, which is particularly easy to use. Friends who need to use PHP paging class should not miss it. The code is as follows

init(1000, 20);
 * $page->setNotActiveTemplate(' {a} ');
 * $page->setActiveTemplate('{a}');
 * echo $page->show();
 * @author 风居住的地方
class Page {
   * 总条数
  private $total;
   * 每页大小
  private $pageSize;
   * 总页数
  private $pageNum;
   * 当前页
  private $page;
   * 地址
  private $uri;
   * 分页变量
  private $pageParam;
  private $limit;
   * 数字分页显示
  private $listnum = 8;
   * 分页显示模板
   * 可用变量参数
   * {total}   总数据条数
   * {pagesize}  每页显示条数
   * {start}   本页开始条数
   * {end}    本页结束条数
   * {pagenum}  共有多少页
   * {frist}   首页
   * {pre}    上一页
   * {next}    下一页
   * {last}    尾页
   * {list}    数字分页
   * {goto}    跳转按钮
  private $template = '



'; /** * 当前选中的分页链接模板 */ private $activeTemplate = '
  • {text}
  • '; /** * 未选中的分页链接模板 */ private $notActiveTemplate = '
  • {text}
  • '; /** * 显示文本设置 */ private $config = array('frist' => '首页', 'pre' => '上一页', 'next' => '下一页', 'last' => '尾页'); /** * 初始化 * @param type $total 总条数 * @param type $pageSize 每页大小 * @param type $param url附加参数 * @param type $pageParam 分页变量 */ public function init($total, $pageSize, $param = '', $pageParam = 'page') { $this->total = intval($total); $this->pageSize = intval($pageSize); $this->pageParam = $pageParam; $this->uri = $this->geturi($param); $this->pageNum = ceil($this->total / $this->pageSize); $this->page = $this->setPage(); $this->limit = $this->setlimit(); } /** * 设置分页模板 * @param type $template 模板配置 */ public function setTemplate($template) { $this->template = $template; } /** * 设置选中分页模板 * @param type $activeTemplate 模板配置 */ public function setActiveTemplate($activeTemplate) { $this->activeTemplate = $activeTemplate; } /** * 设置未选中分页模板 * @param type $notActiveTemplate 模板配置 */ public function setNotActiveTemplate($notActiveTemplate) { $this->notActiveTemplate = $notActiveTemplate; } /** * 返回分页 * @return type */ public function show() { return str_ireplace(array( '{total}', '{pagesize}', '{start}', '{end}', '{pagenum}', '{frist}', '{pre}', '{next}', '{last}', '{list}', '{goto}', ), array( $this->total, $this->setPageSize(), $this->star(), $this->end(), $this->pageNum, $this->frist(), $this->prev(), $this->next(), $this->last(), $this->pagelist(), $this->gopage(), ), $this->template); } /** * 获取limit起始数 * @return type */ public function getOffset() { return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize; } /** * 设置LIMIT * @return type */ private function setlimit() { return "limit " . ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize . ",{$this->pageSize}"; } /** * 获取limit * @param type $args * @return type */ public function __get($args) { if ($args == "limit") { return $this->limit; } else { return null; } } /** * 初始化当前页 * @return int */ private function setPage() { if (!empty($_GET[$this->pageParam])) { if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > 0) { if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > $this->pageNum) return $this->pageNum; else return $_GET[$this->pageParam]; } } return 1; } /** * 初始化url * @param type $param * @return string */ private function geturi($param) { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") ? "" : "?") . $param; $parse = parse_url($url); if (isset($parse["query"])) { parse_str($parse["query"], $params); unset($params["page"]); $url = $parse["path"] . "?" . http_build_query($params); return $url; } else { return $url; } } /** * 本页开始条数 * @return int */ private function star() { if ($this->total == 0) { return 0; } else { return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize + 1; } } /** * 本页结束条数 * @return type */ private function end() { return min($this->page * $this->pageSize, $this->total); } /** * 设置当前页大小 * @return type */ private function setPageSize() { return $this->end() - $this->star() + 1; } /** * 首页 * @return type */ private function frist() { $html = ''; if ($this->page == 1) { $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config['frist'], true); } else { $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config['frist'], false); } return $html; } /** * 上一页 * @return type */ private function prev() { $html = ''; if ($this->page > 1) { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page - 1), $this->config['pre'], false); } else { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page - 1), $this->config['pre'], true); } return $html; } /** * 分页数字列表 * @return type */ private function pagelist() { $linkpage = ""; $lastlist = floor($this->listnum / 2); for ($i = $lastlist; $i >= 1; $i--) { $page = $this->page - $i; if ($page >= 1) { $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false); } else { continue; } } $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$this->page}", $this->page, true); for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastlist; $i++) { $page = $this->page + $i; if ($page <= $this->pageNum) { $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false); } else { break; } } return $linkpage; } /** * 下一页 * @return type */ private function next() { $html = ''; if ($this->page < $this->pageNum) { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page + 1), $this->config['next'], false); } else { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page + 1), $this->config['next'], true); } return $html; } /** * 最后一页 * @return type */ private function last() { $html = ''; if ($this->page == $this->pageNum) { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->pageNum), $this->config['last'], true); } else { $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->pageNum), $this->config['last'], false); } return $html; } /** * 跳转按钮 * @return string */ private function gopage() { $html = ''; $html.=' '; return $html; } /** * 模板替换 * @param type $replace 替换内容 * @param type $result 条件 * @return type */ private function replace($url, $text, $result = true) { $template = ($result ? $this->activeTemplate : $this->notActiveTemplate); $html = str_replace('{url}', $url, $template); $html = str_replace('{text}', $text, $html); return $html; } }
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    The second php paging class

    page_num = ceil( $total / $this->length );
        return $this->page_num;
      function Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page = 1 )
        // 定义左右偏移量
        $py_left = 0;
        $py_right = 0;
        // 定义左右边界
        $bj_left = 0;
        $bj_right = 0;
        // 定义滚动区间边界
        $gd_left = 0;
        $gd_right = 0;
        // 判断是否需要分组
        if ( ( $this->page_num - $this->page_max ) <= 0 )
          // 不需要分组
          $bj_left = 1;
          $bj_right = $this->page_num;
          // 要进行分组
          // 判断容量的奇偶
          $tmp = $this->page_max % 2;
          if ( $tmp === 1 )
            // 奇数
            $py_left = $py_right = ( $this->page_max - 1 ) / 2;
            // 偶数
            $py_left = $this->page_max / 2 - 1;
            $py_right = $this->page_max / 2;
          // 计算滚动区间
          $gd_left = 1 + $py_left;
          $gd_right = $this->page_num - $py_right;
          // 判断当前页是否落入了滚动区间
          if ( $act_page >= $gd_left && $act_page <= $gd_right )
            // 区间内
            $bj_left = $act_page - $py_left;
            $bj_right = $act_page + $py_right;
            // 区间外
            if ( ( $act_page - $py_left ) <= 1 )
              // 左侧固定区间
              $bj_left = 1;
              $bj_right = $this->page_max;
              $bj_left = $this->page_num - $this->page_max + 1;
              $bj_right = $this->page_num;
        $res = array();
        $res['min'] = $bj_left;
        $res['max'] = $bj_right;
        return $res;
      // 主方法
      function make_page( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
        $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
        $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
        if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
          $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
          $url = $url."$param=0";
        if ( $act_page > $page_num )
          $act_page = $page_num;
        // 用正则把url改成正规的
        $url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
        $res = array();
        $d = 0;
        for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
          if ( $i == $act_page )
            $res[$d]['url'] = '';
            $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
            $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
        if ( $this->isNextPage )
          $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
        if ( $this->isFirstPage )
          $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
        return $res;
      //// 带总页数
      function make_page_with_total( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
        $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
        $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
        if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
          $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
          $url = $url."$param=0";
        if ( $act_page > $page_num )
          $act_page = $page_num;
        // 用正则把url改成正规的
        $url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
        $res = array();
        $d = 0;
        for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
          if ( $i == $act_page )
            $res[$d]['url'] = '';
            $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
            $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
            $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
        if ( $this->isNextPage )
          $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
        if ( $this->isFirstPage )
          $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
        $total_num= ceil($total/$this->length);
        return $result;
      // 附加上一页和下一页
      function make_before_next_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
        $tmp = array();
        $before = $act - 1;
        $next = $act + 1;
        if ( $before < 1 )
          $before = 1;
          $tmp[0]['url'] = '';
          $tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
          $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
          $tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
          $tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
          $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
        $counts = sizeof( $arr );
        $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
        for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
        if ( $next > $this->page_num )
          $next = $this->page_num;
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
        return $tmp;
      // 附加首页和尾页
      function make_first_end_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
        $tmp = array();
        $before = 1;
        $next = $this->page_num;
        if ( $act == 1 )
          $before = 1;
          $tmp[0]['url'] = '';
          $tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
          $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
          $tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
          $tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
          $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
        $counts = sizeof( $arr );
        $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
        for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
        if ( $act == $this->page_num )
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
          $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
        return $tmp;
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    The above is the detailed content of A universal php paging class example code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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