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PHP implements shopping website

Release: 2023-03-24 19:34:01
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The content of this article is about implementing a shopping website in PHP. It has a certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it.

This is when I was a graduate student. The teacher asked me to build a shopping website similar to the original Taobao. Because I don’t know PHP, I just learned it for this assignment. It took two weeks to make this website. Here is a summary of this small project.


DONE. User rights management. Including administrators and ordinary users. The administrator has all permissions, including updating website status
Other values ​​for login are username and password. If the username and password are correct, jump to the next page.
ADMIN has permissions to add, delete, update, etc. Users can only view phones, can only add phones to their shopping cart, etc.

DONE. New users: This module is for users without an account. Here the user can create an account to log in. Account creation is done by filling in the registration form with the user’s details such as name, phone, email, etc.

DONE. Product management and display: This module displays mobile phone product information, such as product number, item, name, category, product image, description, functions and product limitations, etc. All of this will be entered into the database so it can be found on the website.

DONE.Search: This module helps customers to ease their search as per their budget or interest. Search can be done on different categories like brand, model name, model number, color or price etc.

DONE: Transaction: In this module, the management of the shopping cart is completed. This module shopper can select any number of items (mobile phones, accessories) and add them to the shopping cart, after purchasing the items from the shopping cart, all the items to be purchased can be viewed again. The shopper can also remove it from the cart if he doesn't like it later. Shoppers can also check the products saved in their cart one by one. As products are checked out of the cart, the total price will be added.

DONE:Shipping: In this module, shoppers can choose the appropriate shipping option. Shoppers have access to a variety of shipping options offered by different service providers.

DONE: Payment: This module describes the payment completed by the customer. Shoppers can choose from different payment methods and provide confidential payment information as required by the selected payment method. Payment information may also include information such as purchase model, quantity and supplier name.

DONE:Reports: In this module, all reports will be generated. Whenever an item is sold or a customer orders a product, an alert should be sent to his supplier immediately via email so that he can ship the item as soon as possible. This module has 3 sub-modules; Stock Report, Order Report and Delivery Report.

  • Stock reporting will generate a report of available product quantities and product status.

  • The order report will list the list of products ordered and details of the customer who purchased the product, which was not delivered.

  • Delivery report will generate a list of products sold and their delivery status.

The following is the code of the above functions and some related explanations:
The simplest main interface:
//Only one registration and one registration Login link

<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Phones on saling</title></head> <h1>Phones on saling!</h1>
    <a href="chooseCharactor.html" target="_blank">Sign in the website.</a><br><br>
    <a href="login.php" target="_blank">Login into the website.</a></html>
Copy after login

1. Registration function:

First select the role type: (This function was just practiced at the beginning. In fact, the role selection and registration functions should be placed on one page. , it is now divided into three, namely selection, administrator registration and user registration, which is more troublesome. Later, time was tight, so I didn’t change it anymore. It can actually be merged into one.)


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Sign in to phone website</title></head> 
    <h1>Choose your charactor</h1>
    Please choose which kind of charactor you want to sign in?    <form action="chooseCharactor.php" method="get">
        <select name="q">
        <option value="">Choose charactor</option>
        <option value="admin">Admin</option>
        <option value="user">User</option>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
Copy after login

//After selecting the corresponding role, it will jump to the registration interface of different roles

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Choose charactor</title></head><body>
    <?php           $q = isset($_GET[&#39;q&#39;])? htmlspecialchars($_GET[&#39;q&#39;]) : &#39;&#39;;
           if($q == "") {
                echo "You must choose a charactor!";
            }else if($q != ""){
                if($q ==&#39;admin&#39;) {
                    header(&#39;Location: adminSign.html&#39;);
                } else if($q ==&#39;user&#39;) {
                    header(&#39;Location: sign.html&#39;);
Copy after login

1) Administrator registration:
//Administrator registration interface. Administrator registration requires an internal Invitation number (invitation code) before registration can proceed. If you have already registered, you can click the login link below to log in directly and you will be redirected to the login.php interface.

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Sign in to phone website as admin user</title></head> 
    <h1>Sign in</h1>
    <form action="adminSign.php" method="post">
        User name:<input type="text" name="username"><br>
        User password:<input type="password" name="psw"><br>
        Confirm user password:<input type="password" name="cofpsw"><br>
        Invitation number:<input type="text" name="invtnum"><br>
        <input type="submit" name="submit">
    If you have already signed in, please click here to login.<br>
    <a href="login.html" target="_blank">Login into the website.</a></html>
Copy after login

//Processing administrator registration request

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Sign in the phone web as admin user, success!</title></head><body>
        include &#39;executeSql.php&#39;;        $userName = $_POST["username"];        $pwd = $_POST["psw"];        $cofPsw = $_POST["cofpsw"];        $invtNum = $_POST["invtnum"];

        if($userName == ""||$pwd == ""||$cofPsw == ""|| $invtNum == ""){
            echo "None of the value can be empty!";
        }else if($pwd != $cofPsw){
            echo "The password entered for two time is not same!";
        }else if($invtNum != "SN90IE58KP"){
            echo "The invitation number is wrong!"; 
            echo "All values are right, your have sucessfully sign in as admin user!";            $sql = "INSERT INTO admin_info (admin_name,admin_pwd) VALUES(&#39;" . $userName . "&#39;,&#39;" . $pwd . "&#39;);";
            //$sql = "INSERT INTO admin_info (admin_name,admin_pwd) VALUES(&#39;superadmin&#39;,&#39;admin123&#39;);";
            //echo $sql;
Copy after login

2) User registration
//User registration interface

<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Sign in to phone website</title></head> <h1>Sign in</h1><form action="sign.php" method="post">
    User name:<input type="text" name="username"><br>
    User password:<input type="password" name="psw"><br>
    Confirm user password:<input type="password" name="cofpsw"><br>
    Phone:<input type="text" name="phone"><br>
    Email:<input type="email" name="email"><br>
 <input type="submit" name="submit"></form></html>
Copy after login

//Process user registration request, collect basic information and add it to the database. If there is missing data, you will not be able to register. A basic test will be done on the password entered twice and the correctness of the email format will be checked.
//After registration, you will jump to the login.php interface, but because after ordinary users register, they will automatically log in for the current user, and store the user's login status in the current cookie, so there is no need to log in again, you can Jump directly from the web link to the mobile purchase interface.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Sign in sucess!</title>
    .button {        background-color: #4CAF50;        border: none;        color: white;        padding: 15px 32px;        text-align: center;        text-decoration: none;        display: inline-block;        font-size: 16px;        margin: 4px 2px;        cursor: pointer;    }
    .table{    border-style:solid;    border-color:#98bf21;    align-self: center;    align-items: center;    }
    /*.pcss5-right{width:320px; height:120px;border:1px solid #F00;float:right} */
    /* css注释:对pcss5-right设置float:right即可让对象靠右浮动 */
    function executeSql($sql){        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();
        if($sql == ""){
            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;
        return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $userName = $_POST["username"];    $pwd = $_POST["psw"];    $cofPsw = $_POST["cofpsw"];    $phone = $_POST["phone"];    $email = $_POST["email"];

    if($userName == "" || $pwd == "" || $cofPsw == "" || $phone == "" || $email == ""){
        echo "None of the value can be empty!";
    else if($pwd != $cofPsw){
        echo "The password entered for two time is not same!";
    }else if ($pwd == $cofPsw){        $sql = "INSERT INTO user_info (u_name,u_pwd,u_phone,u_email) VALUES(&#39;" .$userName ."&#39;,&#39;" . $pwd ."&#39;,&#39;" . $phone . "&#39;,&#39;" . $email . "&#39;);";        $result = executeSql($sql);
        if($result){            $select_sql = "SELECT u_id FROM user_info WHERE u_name = &#39;".$userName."&#39;;";            $result = executeSql($select_sql);
                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[1])){                    $u_id=$row["u_id"];
Copy after login

2. Login function:

//User login interface, you can choose administrator user login and ordinary user login.
After logging in as an administrator user, jump to the product management interface. After logging in as an ordinary user, jump to the homepage of the website, which is the mobile purchase interface.

<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Login in to phone website</title><style>
    .button {        background-color: #4CAF50;        border: none;        color: white;        padding: 15px 32px;        text-align: center;        text-decoration: none;        display: inline-block;        font-size: 16px;        margin: 4px 2px;        cursor: pointer;        align-self:right;        float: left;    }
    </style><h2>User Login</h2></head>
    <body class = "body">
            echo "Login already.";
        <a href=&#39;showPhones.php&#39;>Click here to buy phones.</a>
        <form action="process_login.php" method="post">

            <select name="character">
                <option value="">Choose your character</option>
                <option value="admin">admin</option>
                <option value="user">user</option>

            User name:<input type="text" name="username"><br>
            User password:<input type="password" name="psw"><br>
            <input type="submit" class = "button" name="submit" value="Choose">
Copy after login

process_login.php//Process login request

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
    function executeSql($sql){        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();
        if($sql == ""){
            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;
            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $userName = $_POST["username"];    $pwd = $_POST["psw"];

    if(isset($_POST["submit"])){        $selected_Charactor = $_POST["character"];    
        echo "You have choose the wrong charactor!";
        echo "<br>";

    if($userName == ""||$pwd == ""){
        echo "None of the value can be empty!";
        echo "<br>";

    //declare the sql var and decides the value
    if($selected_Charactor == "admin"){        $sql = "SELECT admin_id FROM admin_info WHERE admin_name = &#39;" . $userName . "&#39; and admin_pwd = &#39;". $pwd ." &#39; ;" ;        $result = executeSql($sql);
        if ($result[0]) {
            header(&#39;Location: p_manage.php&#39;);
        } else {
            echo "Error! Something wrong in your username or password!";
            echo "<br>";
    }else if($selected_Charactor == "user"){        $sql = "SELECT u_id FROM user_info WHERE u_name = &#39;" . $userName ."&#39; and u_pwd = &#39;".$pwd."&#39; ;" ;        $result = executeSql($sql);

            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[1])){                    $u_id=$row["u_id"];
            header(&#39;Location: showPhones.php&#39;);
            echo "Error! Something wrong in your username or password!";
            echo "<br>";
Copy after login

3. Mobile phone product management (administrator):

1) Add a new mobile phone:
add_product. html
//Add new mobile phone inventory

    <title>Add new product</title>
    .button {        background-color: #4CAF50;        border: none;        color: white;        padding: 15px 32px;        text-align: center;        text-decoration: none;        display: inline-block;        font-size: 16px;        margin: 4px 2px;        cursor: pointer;        align-self:right;        float: right;    }
    .table{    border-style:solid;    border-color:#98bf21;    align-self: center;    align-items: center;    width: "12%";    height: "20%";    }
    </style></head><h1 align="center">Hello admin user, you can add a new product into database!</h1><body>
    <form action="add_product.php" method="post">
        <table align="center" class = "table" border="1">
            <th>Product Name</th>
            <th>Product Brand</th>
            <th>Product Type</th>
            <th>Product Price</th>
            <th>Product Inventory</th>
            <th>Product Description</th>
            <th>Product Color</th>
            <th>Product Url</th>
                <td><input type="text" name="name"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="brand"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="type"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="price"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="inventory"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="descr"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="color"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="url"></td>
        <input type="submit" class = "button" name="submit" value="Submit">
Copy after login

//Process add requests

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>Add new product</title></head><body>
    function executeSql($sql){        $flag = false;
        if($sql == ""){
            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";

            // 创建连接            $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
            // 检测连接
            if ($conn->connect_error) {
                die("Fail to connect!: " . $conn->connect_error);
            if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {                $flag = TRUE;
            } else {
                echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
            }            $conn->close();
            return $flag;
    }    $p_name=$_POST["name"];    $p_brand=$_POST["brand"];    $p_type=$_POST["type"];    $p_price=$_POST["price"];    $p_inventory=$_POST["inventory"];    $p_descr=$_POST["descr"];    $p_color=$_POST["color"];    $p_image_url=$_POST["url"];

    if($p_name ==""||$p_brand ==""||$p_type ==""||$p_price ==""||$p_inventory ==""||$p_descr ==""||$p_color ==""){
        echo "You can not provide empty values!";
    }else{        $sql = "INSERT INTO product_info(p_name,p_brand,p_type,p_price,p_descr,p_color,p_image_url) VALUES 
        (&#39;".$p_name."&#39;,&#39;".$p_brand."&#39;,&#39;".$p_type."&#39;,&#39;".$p_price."&#39;,&#39;".$p_descr."&#39;,&#39;".$p_color."&#39;,&#39;".$p_image_url."&#39;);";        $result = executeSql($sql);
        if($result){            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";

            // 创建连接            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

            // Check connection
            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $select_sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_name = &#39;".$p_name."&#39;;";            $result=mysqli_query($conn,$select_sql);//result is a PHP array

            var_dump($result);            $num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
            //echo $num_rows;


            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){            $p_id=$row["p_id"];            $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO stock_info(p_id,p_inventory) VALUES (".$p_id.",".$p_inventory.");";            $feedback = executeSql($insert_sql);

Copy after login


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Read product information from database</title>
    .button {        background-color: #4CAF50;        border: none;        color: white;        padding: 15px 32px;        text-align: center;        text-decoration: none;        display: inline-block;        font-size: 16px;        margin: 4px 2px;        cursor: pointer;        align-self:right;        float: right;    }
    .table{    border-style:solid;    border-color:#98bf21;    align-self: center;    align-items: center;    width: "10%";    }
    a:link {color:#000000;}      /* 未访问链接*/
    a:visited {color:#4CAF50;}  /* 已访问链接 */
    a:hover {color:#4CAF50;}  /* 鼠标移动到链接上 */
    a:active {color:#0000FF;}  /* 鼠标点击时 */
    <h1 align="center">Welcome! Admin user. This is the page of Product Management.</h1>
    <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
        function newPage(){
        }        function deleteProduct(p_id){
                type: "POST",
                url: "deleteProduct.php",
                data: "pid="+p_id,
                success: function(msg){
        }    </script><body>
    <table border="1" align="center" class = "table">
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product ID</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Name</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Brand</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Type</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Price</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Inventory</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Description</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Color</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Product Image</th>
            <th align="center" width="10%">Delete Product</th>

    <?php        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "";        $dbname = "hw";

        // 创建连接        $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

        // Check connection
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        }        $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info;";        $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//result is a PHP array        $num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
        //echo $num_rows;        $i=0;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){            $p_id=$row["p_id"];            $p_name=$row["p_name"];            $p_brand=$row["p_brand"];            $p_type=$row["p_type"];            $p_price=$row["p_price"];            $p_inventory=0;            $select_sql = "SELECT p_inventory FROM stock_info WHERE p_id = ".$p_id.";";            $select_result=mysqli_query($conn,$select_sql);            $select_num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
                while($select_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result)){                    $p_inventory=$select_rows["p_inventory"];
                echo "not fetch";
            }            $p_descr=$row["p_descr"];            $p_color=$row["p_color"];            $p_image_url = $row["p_image_url"];

            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_id."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_name."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_brand."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_type."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_price."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_inventory."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_descr."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_color."</td>";

            //$image = &#39;https://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/pics/apple/apple-iphone-x-new-1.jpg&#39;;            $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($p_image_url));
            //echo &#39;<p class="img">&#39;;
            echo &#39;<td align="center"><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,&#39;.$imageData.&#39;"  class="lazy"   alt="Forest"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%"></td>&#39;;
            //echo &#39;</p>&#39;;
            //echo "<td><input type=&#39;button&#39; value=&#39;Delete&#39; onclick=&#39;deleteProduct(".$p_id.")&#39;></td>";
            <td align="center"><a href=&#39;deleteProduct.php?goods_id=<?php echo $p_id; ?>&#39;>Delete</a></td>
            echo "</tr>";            $i++;
    <p class="pcss5-right">
    <input type="button" class = "button" value="Add new product" onclick="newPage()">
Copy after login

PHP implements shopping website




<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Product information</title>
    .button {        background-color: #4CAF50;        border: none;        color: white;        padding: 15px 32px;        text-align: center;        text-decoration: none;        display: inline-block;        font-size: 16px;        margin: 4px 2px;        cursor: pointer;        align-self:right;        float: right;    }
    .table{    border-style:solid;    border-color:#98bf21;    align-self: center;    align-items: center;    width: "10%";    }
    a:link {color:#000000;}      /* 未访问链接*/
    a:visited {color:#4CAF50;}  /* 已访问链接 */
    a:hover {color:#4CAF50;}  /* 鼠标移动到链接上 */
    a:active {color:#0000FF;}  /* 鼠标点击时 */

    <h2 align=&#39;center&#39;>Welcome! You can buy your own phone here.</h2><body class="body">
    <table border="1" class="table"  align=&#39;center&#39;>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Name</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Brand</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Type</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Price</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Inventory</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Description</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Color</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Product Image</th>
            <th align=&#39;center&#39; width="10%">Add to Cart</th>

    <?php        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "";        $dbname = "hw";

        // 创建连接        $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

        // Check connection
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        }        $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info;";        $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//result is a PHP array        $num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
        //echo $num_rows;        $i=0;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){            $p_id=$row["p_id"];            $p_name=$row["p_name"];            $p_brand=$row["p_brand"];            $p_type=$row["p_type"];            $p_price=$row["p_price"];            $p_inventory=0;            $select_sql = "SELECT p_inventory FROM stock_info WHERE p_id = ".$p_id.";";            $select_result=mysqli_query($conn,$select_sql);            $select_num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
                while($select_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result)){                    $p_inventory=$select_rows["p_inventory"];
                echo "not fetch";
            }            $p_descr=$row["p_descr"];            $p_color=$row["p_color"];            $p_image_url = $row["p_image_url"];

            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_name."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_brand."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_type."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_price."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_inventory."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_descr."</td>";
            echo "<td align=&#39;center&#39;>".$p_color."</td>";

            //$image = &#39;https://cdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/pics/apple/apple-iphone-x-new-1.jpg&#39;;            $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($p_image_url));
            echo &#39;<td align="center"><img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,&#39;.$imageData.&#39;"  class="lazy"   alt="PHP implements shopping website" ></td>&#39;;

            <td><a  align=&#39;center&#39; href=&#39;process_shopCart.php?goods_id=<?php echo $p_id; ?>&goods_name=<?php echo $p_name; ?>&#39;>addCart</a></td><?php

            echo "</tr>";            $i++;
    <a  align=&#39;right&#39; href=&#39;view_shopCart.php&#39;>Enough adding, click here to shopcart.</a>
Copy after login



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>All fees of shipment.</title>
<body>    <?php
    function executeSql($sql){
        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $unitPrice  = 0.0;    if(isset($_POST["submit"])){        $orignLocation = $_POST["orgn_location"];        $targetLocation = $_POST["trgt_location"];        $company = $_POST["company"];        if($company == "shun_feng"){$unitPrice = 80.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        if($company == "zhong_tong"){$unitPrice = 40.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        if($company == "yuan_tong"){$unitPrice = 50.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        if($company == "yun_da"){$unitPrice = 39.8;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        if($company == "shen_tong"){$unitPrice = 57.6;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        $totalItem = $_COOKIE[&#39;total_item&#39;];        $shipmentPrice = $unitPrice * $totalItem;        $numbers = range (1,1000000); 
        //shuffle 将数组顺序随即打乱 
        shuffle ($numbers); 
        //array_slice 取该数组中的某一段 
        $result = array_slice($numbers,0,$num); 
        $d_random = $result[0];        $sql = "INSERT INTO delivery_info (d_company, d_init_add, d_trgt_add, d_price, d_random)
        VALUES (&#39;".$company."&#39;, &#39;".$orignLocation."&#39;, &#39;".$targetLocation."&#39;,".$shipmentPrice.",".$d_random.");";        $result = executeSql($sql);        if($result[0]){
            setcookie(&#39;shipment_price&#39;,$shipmentPrice);            $select_sql = "SELECT d_id FROM delivery_info WHERE d_random = ".$d_random.";";            $select_result = executeSql($select_sql);            if($select_result[0]){                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){                    //var_dump($row);
    header("location:payInfo.php");    ?></body>
Copy after login


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Shop cart</title></head><h1>View your shop cart here.</h1><body>
    <table border="1">
            <th>Product Name</th>
            <th>Product Brand</th>
            <th>Product Price</th>
            <th>Product Description</th>
            <th>Product Color</th>
            <th>Delete from Cart</th>
        <?php        $totalPrice = 0;        $totalItem = 0;        $p_info = 0;
            foreach ($_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;] as $item){                $p_id = $item[0];                $p_name = $item[1];                $goods_num = $item[2];                $p_info = $p_info.$p_id.",".$goods_num."/";                $servername = "localhost";                $username = "root";                $password = "";                $dbname = "hw";                $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

                if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
                }                $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_id =".$p_id.";";                $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//result is a PHP array                $num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($result);
                //echo $num_rows;


                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){                    $p_brand=$row["p_brand"];                    $p_type=$row["p_type"];                    $p_price=$row["p_price"];
                    //$p_inventory=$row["p_inventory"];                    $p_descr=$row["p_descr"];                    $p_color=$row["p_color"];

                    echo "<tr>";
                    echo "<td>".$p_name."</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$p_brand."</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$p_price."HKD</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$p_descr."</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$p_color."</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$goods_num."</td>";

                    <td><a href=&#39;delCart.php?goods_id=<?php echo $p_id; ?>&#39;>Delete</a></td>
                    echo "</tr>";                    $singlePrice = $p_price * $goods_num;                    $totalPrice = $totalPrice + $singlePrice;                    $totalItem = $totalItem + $goods_num;
            //echo $p_info;
            <td><a href=&#39;clearCart.php?goods_id=<?php echo $p_id; ?>&#39;>Clear cart</a></td>
                echo "".$totalItem."   Items. ";
                echo "Totol prize: ".$totalPrice." HKD";
    <a href=&#39;shipment.php&#39;>Shipment</a>
    echo "The shop cart is empty!";
    <a href=&#39;showPhones.php&#39;>Back to add goods</a>
Copy after login

PHP implements shopping website



<?phpsession_start();//$p_name = $_GET["goods_name"];$p_id = $_GET["goods_id"];$goods_num = 1;function id_inarray($findID, $cart_array){
    $flag = false;    $counter = 0;    foreach ($cart_array as $itemList) {        if (strcmp($itemList[0], $findID) == 0) {            $flag = true;            break;
        }        $counter++;
    }    return array($flag, $counter);
}$result = id_inarray($p_id,$_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;]);if($result[0]){    //如果存在该项,从session中删除
    if(isset($result[1])){        unset($_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;][$result[1]]);        $_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;] = array_values($_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;]);
}else{    echo "Cannot delete non-existent items!";

Copy after login


<?phpsession_start();$p_id = $_GET["goods_id"];echo $p_id;if(isset($_SESSION[&#39;shop-cart&#39;])){    echo "destroy session";    echo "<br>";    echo "<br>";    $result = session_destroy();
}else{    echo "There is no goods in shop cart!";
}echo "<br>";echo $result;echo "<br>";echo "<br>";
Copy after login



    <meta charset="utf-8">
?><h1>You have already fill the shipment information</h1><body><a href=&#39;payInfo.php&#39;>Click here to pay</a></body><?php
?><h1>Choose your shipment way</h1><body>
    <form action="process_shipment.php" method="post">
            <th>Delivery Company</th>
            <th>Orign Location</th>
            <th>Target Location</th>
                    <select name="company">
                        <option value="">Choose Company</option>
                        <option value="shun_feng">Shun Feng</option>
                        <option value="zhong_tong">Zhong Tong</option>
                        <option value="yuan_tong">Yuan Tong</option>
                        <option value="yun_da">Yun Da</option>
                        <option value="shen_tong">Shen Tong</option>
                <td><input type="text" name="orgn_location"></td>
                <td><input type="text" name="trgt_location"></td>
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <title>All fees of shipment.</title></head><body>
    function executeSql($sql){        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();
        if($sql == ""){
            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;
            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $unitPrice  = 0.0;
    if(isset($_POST["submit"])){        $orignLocation = $_POST["orgn_location"];        $targetLocation = $_POST["trgt_location"];        $company = $_POST["company"];

        if($company == "shun_feng"){$unitPrice = 80.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}
        if($company == "zhong_tong"){$unitPrice = 40.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}
        if($company == "yuan_tong"){$unitPrice = 50.0;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}
        if($company == "yun_da"){$unitPrice = 39.8;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}
        if($company == "shen_tong"){$unitPrice = 57.6;setcookie("shipment_way",$company);}        $totalItem = $_COOKIE[&#39;total_item&#39;];        $shipmentPrice = $unitPrice * $totalItem;        $numbers = range (1,1000000); 
        //shuffle 将数组顺序随即打乱 
        shuffle ($numbers); 
        //array_slice 取该数组中的某一段 
        $result = array_slice($numbers,0,$num); 
        $d_random = $result[0];        $sql = "INSERT INTO delivery_info (d_company, d_init_add, d_trgt_add, d_price, d_random)
        VALUES (&#39;".$company."&#39;, &#39;".$orignLocation."&#39;, &#39;".$targetLocation."&#39;,".$shipmentPrice.",".$d_random.");";        $result = executeSql($sql);

            setcookie(&#39;shipment_price&#39;,$shipmentPrice);            $select_sql = "SELECT d_id FROM delivery_info WHERE d_random = ".$d_random.";";            $select_result = executeSql($select_sql);
                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){
                    //var_dump($row);                    $d_id=$row["d_id"];
Copy after login

PHP implements shopping website



    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Shop cart</title></head><h1>Total money here, please fill your payment information.</h1><body>

        echo "You have fill the payment information.";
        <a href=&#39;pay_money.php&#39;>Click here to continue</a>
    <table border="1">
            <th>Total Item</th>
            <th>Phones Price</th>
            <th>Shipment Way</th>
            <th>Shipment Price</th>
            <th>Total Price</th>
        $total_item = $_COOKIE[&#39;total_item&#39;];
        $shipment_price = $_COOKIE[&#39;shipment_price&#39;];
        $shipment_way = $_COOKIE[&#39;shipment_way&#39;];
        $phonesPrice = $_COOKIE[&#39;phones_price&#39;];
        $totalPrice = $shipment_price + $phonesPrice;
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>".$total_item."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$phonesPrice."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$shipment_way."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$shipment_price."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$totalPrice."</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    <form action="payway.php" method="post">
        <input type="radio" name="payway" value="Alipay" checked="">Alipay        <input type="radio" name="payway" value="WeChatPay">WeChatPay        <input type="radio" name="payway" value="Credit">Credit card        <input type="radio" name="payway" value="UnionPay">UnionPay<br>
        <table border = &#39;1&#39;>
                <th>Pay user</th>
                <th>Pay account</th>
                <th>Receive user</th>
                <th>Receive account</th>
                <th><input type="text" name="payuser"></th>
                <th><input type="text" name="payaccount"></th>
                <th><input type="text" name="receiveuser"></th>
                <th><input type="text" name="receiveaccount"></th>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
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PHP implements shopping website


<?phpfunction executeSql($sql){
    $flag = false;    $feedback = array();    if($sql == ""){        echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
    }else{        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "";        $dbname = "hw";        $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);        if (mysqli_connect_errno()){            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $payWay = $_POST[&#39;payway&#39;];    $payUser = $_POST[&#39;payuser&#39;];    $payAccount = $_POST[&#39;payaccount&#39;];    $receiveUser = $_POST[&#39;receiveuser&#39;];    $receiveAccount = $_POST[&#39;receiveaccount&#39;];    $payStatus = false;    $numbers = range (1,1000000); 
    shuffle ($numbers); 
    $result = array_slice($numbers,0,$num); 
    $pay_random = $result[0];    if($payUser == "" ||$payAccount == "" || $receiveUser == "" || $receiveAccount == ""){        echo "You must fill the blanks.";
    }else{        $sql = "INSERT INTO payment_info (pay_user, receive_user, pay_account, receive_account,pay_way,pay_status,pay_random)
        VALUES (&#39;".$payUser."&#39;, &#39;".$receiveUser."&#39;, ".$payAccount.",".$receiveAccount.",&#39;".$payWay."&#39;,&#39;".$payStatus."&#39;,".$pay_random.");";        $result = executeSql($sql);        if($result[0]){            $select_sql = "SELECT pay_id FROM payment_info WHERE pay_random = ".$pay_random.";";            $select_result = executeSql($select_sql);            if($select_result[0]){                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){                    $pay_id=$row["pay_id"];
Copy after login


function executeSql($sql){        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;
            }        return array($flag,$feedback);
    }if(isset($_COOKIE[&#39;pay_way&#39;])){    $payWay = $_COOKIE[&#39;pay_way&#39;];
}else{    echo "Error!";
}if($payWay == "Alipay"){    echo "<script>window.open(&#39;https://auth.alipay.com/login/index.htm?goto=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.alipay.com%2Fportal%2Fi.htm&#39;)</script>";
    //$image_url = "https://www.hkelectric.com/zh/CustomerServices/PublishingImages/Alipay_Download_QR.jpg";
    //$imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($image_url));
    //echo &#39;<img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,&#39;.$imageData.&#39;"  class="lazy"   alt="PHP implements shopping website" >&#39;;
}else if($payWay == "WeChatPay"){
    //$image_url = "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ymZs4Aij_f8/WnXUq9v5Z9I/AAAAAAAAFeA/Zrnru65sDLEgGbVbJ_KevD9_izoL3YO5wCLcBGAs/s1600/wechat.jpg";
    //$imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($image_url));
    //echo &#39;<img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,&#39;.$imageData.&#39;"  class="lazy"   alt="PHP implements shopping website" >&#39;;    echo "<script>window.open(&#39;https://pay.weixin.qq.com/index.php/public/wechatpay&#39;)</script>";
}else if($payWay == "Credit"){    echo "<script>window.open(&#39;https://bank.hangseng.com/1/2/chi/e-services/personal-ebanking/hk-personal-ebanking&#39;)</script>";
}else if($payWay == "UnionPay"){    echo "<script>window.open(&#39;https://cn.unionpay.com/front.do&#39;)</script>";

setcookie(&#39;pay_status&#39;,true);$sql = "UPDATE payment_info SET pay_status=1 WHERE pay_id = ".$_COOKIE[&#39;pay_id&#39;].";";$result = executeSql($sql);if($result[0]){    echo "<br>";    echo "<br>";    echo "<a href=&#39;process_order.php&#39;>Click here to see order information.</a>";
}else{    echo "You have to pay first!";

Copy after login



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Order information</title>
<body>    <?php
    function executeSql($sql){
        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    function infoSplit($p_info){
        $result = array();        $single_info = explode("/", $p_info);        foreach($single_info as $val){            $single_result = array();            $details = explode(",",$val);            foreach ($details as $value){
                array_push($single_result, $value);    
            array_push($result, $single_result);
        array_pop($result);        return $result;
    }    $u_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;u_id&#39;];    $d_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;d_id&#39;];    $pay_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;pay_id&#39;];    $p_info = $_COOKIE[&#39;p_info&#39;];    echo $p_info;    $o_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");    $o_id = 0;    //echo gettype($o_date);

    $sql = "INSERT INTO order_info (u_id,d_id,o_date,pay_id) VALUES(".$u_id.",".$d_id.",&#39;".$o_date."&#39;,".$pay_id.");";    $insert_result = executeSql($sql);    if($insert_result[0]){        $select_sql = "SELECT o_id FROM order_info WHERE pay_id = ".$pay_id.";";        $select_result = executeSql($select_sql);        if($select_result[0]){            while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){                $o_id=$row["o_id"];
    }    $split_result = infoSplit($p_info);    //var_dump($split_result);
    for($i = 0; $i < count($split_result);$i++){        $p_id = $split_result[$i][0];        $p_num = $split_result[$i][1];        $p_inventory = 0;        $insert_order_sql = "INSERT INTO orderDetailRecord_info (o_id,p_id,p_num) VALUES(".$o_id.",".$p_id.",".$p_num.");";        $insert_order_result = executeSql($insert_order_sql);        if($insert_order_result[0]){            //select product num from stock_info and update
            $select_stock_num_sql = "SELECT p_inventory FROM stock_info WHERE p_id = ".$p_id.";";            $select_stock_num_result = executeSql($select_stock_num_sql);            if($select_stock_num_result[0]){                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_stock_num_result[1])){                    $p_inventory = $row[&#39;p_inventory&#39;];
            }            //update p_inventory
            $p_inventory = $p_inventory - $p_num;            $update_sql = "UPDATE stock_info SET p_inventory = &#39;".$p_inventory."&#39; WHERE p_id = &#39;".$p_id."&#39;;";            $update_result = executeSql($update_sql);            if($update_result[0]){
    }        ?>
Copy after login


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Order Information</title>
<body>    <?php
    if($_COOKIE[&#39;pay_status&#39;]){        $o_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;o_id&#39;];        $u_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;u_id&#39;];        $tracking_num = $_COOKIE[&#39;d_id&#39;];        $pay_id = $_COOKIE[&#39;pay_id&#39;];        $total_item = $_COOKIE[&#39;total_item&#39;];        $phones_price = $_COOKIE[&#39;phones_price&#39;];        $shipment_price = $_COOKIE[&#39;shipment_price&#39;];        $total_price = $phones_price + $shipment_price;        $pay_status = $_COOKIE[&#39;pay_status&#39;];        ?>
        <table border="1">
            <caption><h2>Order information</h2></caption>
                <th>Order id</th>
                <th>Tracking Number</th>
                <th>Product Price</th>
                <th>Delivery Price</th>
                <th>Total Items</th>
                <th>Total Price</th>
                <th>Payment ID</th>
                <th>Pay Status</th>
            </tr>    <?php
            echo "<tr>";            echo "<td>".$o_id."</td>";            echo "<td>".$u_id."</td>";            echo "<td>".$tracking_num."</td>";            echo "<td>".$phones_price."HKD</td>";            echo "<td>".$shipment_price."HKD</td>";            echo "<td>".$total_item."</td>";            echo "<td>".$total_price."HKD</td>";            echo "<td>".$pay_id."</td>";            if($pay_status){                echo "<td>Paid</td>";
            }else{                echo "<td>Not Paid</td>";
            }            echo "</tr>";            echo "</table>";            echo "<br>";            echo "<a href=&#39;eStockReport.php&#39;>Export Product Report</a>";            echo "<br>";            echo "<br>";            echo "<a href=&#39;eOrderReport.php&#39;>Export Order Report</a>";            echo "<br>";            echo "<br>";            echo "<a href=&#39;eDeliveryReport.php&#39;>Export Delivery Report</a>";

        }    ?>
Copy after login



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Export Report</title>
<body>    <?php
    function executeSql($sql){
        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $myfile = fopen("OrderReport.txt", "w")    or die("Unable to open file!");    $file_stream = null;    $sql = "SELECT * FROM order_info;";    $result = executeSql($sql);    if($result[0]){        $i=0;        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[1])){            $o_id=$row["o_id"];            $u_id=$row["u_id"];            $d_id=$row["d_id"];            $o_date=$row["o_date"];            $pay_id=$row["pay_id"];            $file_stream = $file_stream."Order ID: ".$o_id."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."User ID: ".$u_id."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery ID: ".$d_id."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Order Date: ".$o_date."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Payment ID: ".$pay_id."\n";            $select_sql = "SELECT * FROM orderDetailRecord_info WHERE o_id = ".$o_id.";";            $select_result=executeSql($select_sql);            if($select_result[0]){                $j = 0;                while($select_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){                    $r_id=$select_rows["r_id"];                    $p_id=$select_rows["p_id"];                    $p_num=$select_rows["p_num"];                    $file_stream = $file_stream."Product ID: ".$p_id."   \t";                    $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Number: ".$p_num."\n";                    $j++;
            }else{                echo "not fetch";
            }            $i++;            $file_stream = $file_stream."\n\n\n";
    }    //向文件中写入字符串
    fwrite($myfile, $file_stream);    //关闭文件句柄

    header(&#39;location:view_order.php&#39;);    ?></body>
Copy after login


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Export Report</title>
<body>    <?php
    $file_stream = null;    function executeSql($sql){
        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $myfile = fopen("StockReport.txt", "w")    or die("Unable to open file!");    $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info;";    $result = executeSql($sql);    if($result[0]){        $i=0;        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[1])){            $p_id=$row["p_id"];            $p_name=$row["p_name"];            $p_brand=$row["p_brand"];            $p_type=$row["p_type"];            $p_price=$row["p_price"];            $p_inventory=0;            $select_sql = "SELECT p_inventory FROM stock_info WHERE p_id = ".$p_id.";";            $select_result=executeSql($select_sql);            if($select_result[0]){                while($select_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($select_result[1])){                    $p_inventory=$select_rows["p_inventory"];
            }else{                echo "not fetch";
            }            $p_descr=$row["p_descr"];            $p_color=$row["p_color"];            $p_image_url = $row["p_image_url"];            //$imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($p_image_url));

            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product ID: ".$p_id."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Name: ".$p_name."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Brand: ".$p_brand."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Type: ".$p_type."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Price: ".$p_price."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Inventory: ".$p_inventory."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Description: ".$p_descr."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Color: ".$p_color."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Product Image URL: ".$p_image_url."\n\n\n";            $i++;
    }    //向文件中写入字符串
    fwrite($myfile, $file_stream);    //关闭文件句柄
    fclose($myfile);    function php_sendmail($stream){

//$mail->Host = "ssl://smtp.gmail.com"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); //实例化  $mail->IsSMTP(); // 启用SMTP  //$mail->Host = "smtp.163.com"; //SMTP服务器 163邮箱例子  $mail->Host = "smtp.126.com"; //SMTP服务器 126邮箱例子  //$mail->Host = "smtp.qq.com"; //SMTP服务器 qq邮箱例子  $mail->Port = 25;  //邮件发送端口  $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;  //启用SMTP认证  $mail->CharSet  = "UTF-8"; //字符集  $mail->Encoding = "base64"; //编码方式  $mail->Username = "ninnyyan@126.com";  //你的邮箱  $mail->Password = "sandy.126";  //你的密码  $mail->Subject = "Product information updating"; //邮件标题  $mail->From = "ninnyyan@126.com";  //发件人地址(也就是你的邮箱)  $mail->FromName = "ninny";   //发件人姓名  $address = "714921503@qq.com";//收件人email  $mail->AddAddress($address, "feng");    //添加收件人1(地址,昵称)    //$mail->AddAttachment(&#39;xx.xls&#39;,&#39;我的附件.xls&#39;); // 添加附件,并指定名称  $mail->IsHTML(true); //支持html格式内容  //$mail->AddEmbeddedImage("logo.jpg", "my-attach", "logo.jpg"); //设置邮件中的图片  $mail->Body = $file_stream; //邮件主体内容  //发送if(!$mail->Send()){ 
    echo "Fialed to send " . $mail->ErrorInfo;  
} else {  
    echo "Successfully send the email!";  

Copy after login


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Export Report</title>
<body>    <?php
    function executeSql($sql){
        $flag = false;        $feedback = array();        if($sql == ""){            echo "Error! Sql content is empty!";
        }else{            $servername = "localhost";            $username = "root";            $password = "";            $dbname = "hw";            $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            if (mysqli_connect_errno()){                echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
            }            $query_result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//query_result is a PHP array
            if($query_result){                $flag = true;                $feedback = $query_result;                //$num_rows=mysqli_num_rows($query_result);
            }            return array($flag,$feedback);
    }    $myfile = fopen("DeliveryReport.txt", "w")    or die("Unable to open file!");    $file_stream = null;    $sql = "SELECT * FROM delivery_info;";    $result = executeSql($sql);    if($result[0]){        $i=0;        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result[1])){            $d_id=$row["d_id"];            $d_company=$row["d_company"];            $d_init_add=$row["d_init_add"];            $d_trgt_add=$row["d_trgt_add"];            $d_price=$row["d_price"];            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery ID: ".$d_id."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery Company: ".$d_company."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery Initial Address: ".$d_init_add."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery Target Address: ".$d_trgt_add."\n";            $file_stream = $file_stream."Delivery Price: ".$d_price."\n\n\n";            $i++;
    }    //向文件中写入字符串
    fwrite($myfile, $file_stream);    //关闭文件句柄

    header(&#39;location:view_order.php&#39;);    ?></body>
Copy after login



<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Search phones</title></head> <h1>Search what you want</h1>
    <form action="search.php" method="post">

            <select name="select_condition">
                <option value="">Choose a condition</option>
                <option value="brand">Brand</option>
                <option value="name">Product Name</option>
                <option value="type">Type</option>
                <option value="color">Color</option>
                <option value="price">Price</option>

            Enter your condition here:<br>
            <input type="text" name="value"><br><br>
            If you choose price, please enter the price range here:<br>
            Low range:<input type="text" name="low_range"><br>
            High range:<input type="text" name="high_range"><br>
            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

Copy after login


<!DOCTYPE html>
    if(isset($_POST["submit"])){        $selected_Condition = $_POST["select_condition"];
    }else{        echo "No condition selected!";        echo "<br>";
    }    if($selected_Condition == "brand"){        $value = $_POST["value"];        if($value ==""){            echo "The value can&#39;t be empty!";            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_brand LIKE &#39;%".$value."%&#39;;";

    }else if($selected_Condition == "name"){        $value = $_POST["value"];        if($value ==""){            echo "The value can&#39;t be empty!";            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_name LIKE &#39;%".$value."%&#39;;";

    }else if($selected_Condition == "type"){        $value = $_POST["value"];        if($value ==""){            echo "The value can&#39;t be empty!";            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_type LIKE &#39;%".$value."%&#39;;";

    }else if($selected_Condition == "color"){        $value = $_POST["value"];        if($value ==""){            echo "The value can&#39;t be empty!";            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_color LIKE &#39;%".$value."%&#39;;";

    }else if($selected_Condition == "price"){        $low_range = $_POST["low_range"];        $high_range = $_POST["high_range"];        if($low_range ==""||$high_range == ""){            echo "The range can&#39;t be empty!";            echo "<br>";
        }else{            $sql = "SELECT * FROM product_info WHERE p_price BETWEEN ".$low_range." AND ".$high_range.";";

    }    function showResult($sql){
        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "";        $dbname = "hw";        $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);        // Check connection
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()){            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        }        $result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);//result is a PHP array


        mysqli_close($conn);        if($num_rows == 0){            echo "There is no meeted results.";
        }else{            echo &#39;<table border="1">&#39;;            echo "<tr>";            echo "<th>Product Name</th>";            echo "<th>Product Brand</th>";            echo "<th>Product Type</th>";            echo "<th>Product Price</th>";            echo "<th>Product Description</th>";            echo "<th>Product Color</th>";            echo "<th>Product Image</th>";            echo "</tr>";            $i=0;            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){                $p_name=$row["p_name"];                $p_brand=$row["p_brand"];                $p_type=$row["p_type"];                $p_price=$row["p_price"];                $p_descr=$row["p_descr"];                $p_color=$row["p_color"];                $p_image_url = $row["p_image_url"];                echo "<tr>";                echo "<td>".$p_name."</td>";                echo "<td>".$p_brand."</td>";                echo "<td>".$p_type."</td>";                echo "<td>".$p_price."</td>";                echo "<td>".$p_descr."</td>";                echo "<td>".$p_color."</td>";                $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($p_image_url));                echo &#39;<td><img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,&#39;.$imageData.&#39;"  class="lazy"   alt="PHP implements shopping website" ></td>&#39;;                echo "</tr>";                $i++;
            }            echo "</table>";
Copy after login





Design ideas of relational schema: Since the website will not be too complex, so I just design basic fields of the whole website logic. As for the tables “order_info” and “orderDetailRecord_info”, I separate order information into two tables to solve the problem that one order may have two types of products. Plus, the “p_image_url” field in the table “product_info”, will be used for analyzing url of images of products. Plus plus: actually an order may conclude many products, every products may choose different delivery method, but here we simplify it and assume that an order only have one delivery method.


The following are the specific table names and fields:
PHP implements shopping website
PHP implements shopping website
PHP implements shopping website

##12. Limitations and reflections

This small project The time was very tight, it lasted two weeks, but the actual validity period was only 10 days, and I was busy with other things in the middle. So it leaves a lot to be desired.

Some codes could have been written more concisely and merged together.
Connecting to the database and other operations of executing SQL statements can be encapsulated and called in separate files. It is also relatively simple to process them wherever they are used.
There are two ways of linking the database, which are not unified.

There are still many areas worthy of improvement.

Related recommendations:

PHP implements WeChat web page login authorization development

The above is the detailed content of PHP implements shopping website. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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