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Login, registration and password modification functions implemented in PHP

Release: 2023-03-28 13:40:01
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This article mainly introduces the login, registration and password modification functions implemented by PHP. It analyzes the related database operations, ajax interaction, data verification and verification code related operation skills of PHP to implement the login function in the form of examples. Friends who need it can Refer to the following

Here is an introduction to the interface layout and function implementation of registration, login, and password modification:

1. Login

2. Forgot password

3. Free registration

##Page layout:

<p id="views" class="views">
  <p id="view-login" class="page-view view-login active">
    <present name="wxuser">
      <p id="wxuser" class="form-group text-center">
          <img src="{sh:$wxuser.headimgurl}">
        <h4 class="nickname">{sh:$wxuser.nickname}</h4>
    <p id="login" class="step">
      <h4 class="popup-title login">登录</h4>
      <p class="go-forget">忘记密码</p>
      <form class="form-horizontal" role="form" type="get">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="tel" name="tel" class="form-item" id="tel_num" placeholder="请输入手机号码" value="">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="password" name="password" class="form-item" placeholder="请填写密码">
        <p class="js-help-info error"></p>
      <p class="popup-options">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-block btn-success js-login">确认</button>
      <p class="go-register">免费注册</p>
    <p id="register" class="step" style="display:none;">
      <h4 class="popup-title">注册账号</h4>
      <form role="form" class="form-horizontal">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="tel" name="tel" class="form-item" id="tel_num" placeholder="请输入手机号码" value="">
        <p class="form-group form-group-r">
          <button class="btn-sm btn-white js-sms-code" type="button">获取验证码</button>
          <input type="text" placeholder="请填写验证码" class="form-item" name="smscode" />
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="password" placeholder="设置登录密码" class="form-item" name="password" maxlength="30">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="password" placeholder="确认登录密码" class="form-item" name="re_password" maxlength="30">
        <p class="js-help-info error">
      <p class="popup-options">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-block btn-success js-register">确认</button>
      <p class="go-login">立即登录</p>
    <p id="changePwd" class="step" style="display:none;">
      <h4 class="popup-title">修改密码</h4>
      <form role="form" class="form-horizontal">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="tel" name="tel" class="form-item" id="tel_num" placeholder="请输入手机号码" value="">
        <p class="form-group form-group-r">
          <button class="btn-sm btn-white js-sms-excode" type="button">获取验证码</button>
          <input type="text" placeholder="请填写验证码" class="form-item" name="smscode" />
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="password" placeholder="设置登录密码" class="form-item" name="password" maxlength="30">
        <p class="form-group">
          <input type="password" placeholder="确认登录密码" class="form-item" name="re_password" maxlength="30">
        <p class="js-help-info error">
      <p class="popup-options">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-block btn-success js-changePwd">确认</button>
      <p class="go-login">立即登录</p>
Copy after login

js processing:

<script type="text/javascript">
var tel = &#39;&#39;;
$(function() {
  var check = {
    checkPwd: function(password) {
      if (typeof password == &#39;undefined&#39; || password == &#39;&#39;) {
        return false;
      return true;
    checkSmscode: function(code) {
      if (typeof code == &#39;undefined&#39; || code == &#39;&#39;) {
        return false;
      return true;
    validTel: function(value) {
      return /^((\+86)|(86))?(1)\d{10}$/.test(&#39;&#39; + value);
  $(".js-login").click(function() {
    var tel = $("#login").find("input[name=&#39;tel&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.validTel(tel)) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入正确的手机号&#39;); //**提示下个页面还有
      return false;
    var password = $("#login").find("input[name=&#39;password&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.checkPwd(password)) {
      return false;
    $(&#39;.js-login&#39;).attr("disabled", "disabled");
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/userLogin&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      data: {
        tel: tel,
        password: password
      success: function(response) {
        if (response.result) {
          location.href = response.href;
        } else {
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 500);
      error: function() {
  $(".js-register").click(function() {
    var tel = $("#register").find("input[name=&#39;tel&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.validTel(tel)) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入正确的手机号&#39;); //**提示下个页面还有
      return false;
    var password = $("#register input[name=&#39;password&#39;]").val();
    var smscode = $("#register input[name=&#39;smscode&#39;]").val();
    var re_password = $("#register input[name=&#39;re_password&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.checkSmscode(smscode)) {
      return false;
    if (!check.checkPwd(password)) {
      return false;
    if (!check.checkPwd(re_password)) {
      return false;
    } else if (password != re_password) {
      return false;
    $(&#39;.js-login&#39;).attr("disabled", "disabled");
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/userRegister&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      data: {
        tel: tel,
        password: password,
        smscode: smscode
      success: function(response) {
        if (response.result) {
          location.href = response.href;
        } else {
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 500);
      error: function() {
  $(&#39;.js-sms-code&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#register #tel_num&#39;).val();
    if (!check.validTel(tel)) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入正确的手机号&#39;); //**提示下个页面还有
      return false;
    // 检测是否已经注册
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/checkTel&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      async: false,
      data: {
        tel: tel
      success: function(json) {
        checkRes = json.status;
      error: function(json) {
    if (checkRes == 1) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html("已是注册用户");return false;
    if (checkRes == 3) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html("错误的请求");return false;
    $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled").html("<span style=&#39;color:#666&#39;><span id=&#39;countdown&#39;>60</span>s 后再试</span>");
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/sendSmscode&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      data: {
        tel: tel
      success: function() {},
      error: function() {
  $(&#39;.go-forget&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#login #tel_num&#39;).val();
    $("#changePwd #tel_num").val(tel).focus();
  $(&#39;.go-register&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#login #tel_num&#39;).val();
    $("#register #tel_num").val(tel).focus();
  $(&#39;#changePwd .go-login&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#changePwd #tel_num&#39;).val();
    $("#login #tel_num").val(tel).focus();
  $(&#39;#register .go-login&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#register #tel_num&#39;).val();
    $("#login #tel_num").val(tel).focus();
  $(&#39;.js-changePwd&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $("#changePwd").find("input[name=&#39;tel&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.validTel(tel)) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入正确的手机号&#39;); //**提示下个页面还有
      return false;
    var password = $("#changePwd input[name=&#39;password&#39;]").val();
    var smscode = $("#changePwd input[name=&#39;smscode&#39;]").val();
    var re_password = $("#changePwd input[name=&#39;re_password&#39;]").val();
    if (!check.checkSmscode(smscode)) {
      $(&#39;#changePwd .js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入验证码&#39;);
      return false;
    if (!check.checkPwd(password)) {
      $(&#39;#changePwd .js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入新密码&#39;);
      return false;
    if (!check.checkPwd(re_password)) {
      $(&#39;#changePwd .js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入确认密码&#39;);
      return false;
    } else if (password != re_password) {
      $(&#39;#changePwd .js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;两次输入的密码不一致&#39;);
      return false;
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/changePwd&#39;)}",
      type: "POST",
      dataType: "json",
      data: {
        tel: tel,
        password: password,
        smscode: smscode
      success: function(response) {
        if (response.result) {
          location.href = response.href;
        } else {
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 500);
      error: function() {
  $(&#39;.js-sms-excode&#39;).click(function() {
    var tel = $(&#39;#changePwd #tel_num&#39;).val();
    if (!check.validTel(tel)) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html(&#39;请输入正确的手机号&#39;); //**提示下个页面还有
      return false;
    // 检测是否已经注册
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/checkTel&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      async: false,
      data: {
        tel: tel
      success: function(json) {
        checkRes = json.status;
      error: function(json) {
    if (checkRes == 2) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html("号码尚未注册");return false;
    if (checkRes == 3) {
      $(&#39;.js-help-info&#39;).html("错误的请求");return false;
    $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled").html("<span style=&#39;color:#666&#39;><span id=&#39;countdown&#39;>60</span>s 后再试</span>");
      url: "{sh::U(&#39;Home/sendSmsexcode&#39;)}",
      type: &#39;POST&#39;,
      dataType: "json",
      data: {
        tel: tel
      success: function(data) {},
      error: function() {
function countdown() { // 递归 验证码倒计时
  setTimeout(function() {
    var time = $("#countdown").text();
    if (time == 1) {
    } else {
      $("#countdown").text(time - 1);
  }, 1000);
Copy after login

php background processing:

public function userLogin() {
  if(IS_AJAX && !$this->member) {
   $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
   $password = $this->_post(&#39;password&#39;, &#39;trim,md5&#39;);
   $member = M(&#39;Member&#39;)->where(array(&#39;tel&#39; => $tel))->find();
   if ($member && $member[&#39;password&#39;] === $password) {
    if ($member[&#39;wxuser_id&#39;] == 0 && $this->wxuser) {
     M(&#39;Member&#39;)->where(array(&#39;id&#39; => $member[&#39;id&#39;]))->save(array(&#39;wxuser_id&#39; => $this->wxuser_id));
    $href = session(LASTREQUEST);
    session(MEMBER, $member[&#39;id&#39;]);
    session(LASTREQUEST, null);
    $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => true, &#39;href&#39; => $href ? $href : U(&#39;Member/index&#39;)));
   } else {
    if (empty($member)) {
     $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;手机号尚未注册.&#39;));
    } else {
     $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;密码不正确.&#39;));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;非法请求.&#39;));
// 用户退出
public function userLogout() {
  session(WXUSER, null);
  session(MEMBER, null);
// 用户注册
public function userRegister() {
  $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
  $password = $this->_post(&#39;password&#39;, &#39;trim,md5&#39;);
  $smscode = $this->_post(&#39;smscode&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
  $session_smscode = session($this->smscode);
  $user_exit = M(&#39;Member&#39;)->where(array(&#39;tel&#39; => $tel))->find();
  if (!preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\d{9}$/", $tel) && $user_exit) {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;手机号不合法&#39;));
  $memberModel = M(&#39;Member&#39;);
  // 检测是否已注册
  $member = $memberModel-> where(array(&#39;tel&#39; =>$tel,&#39;status&#39;=>1))->find();
  if (!empty($member)) {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;已是注册用户&#39;));
  if (time() > $session_smscode[&#39;time&#39;] || $smscode != $session_smscode[&#39;code&#39;]) {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;验证码不正确&#39;)); //--调试,先把验证功能关闭
  $data = array(&#39;tel&#39; => $tel, &#39;password&#39; => $password, &#39;wxuser_id&#39; => intval($this->wxuser_id), &#39;addtime&#39; => time());
  $insert_id = $memberModel->add($data);
  if ($insert_id) {
   $href = session(LASTREQUEST);
   session(MEMBER, $insert_id); //*****只是一个id值
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => true, &#39;href&#39; => $href ? $href : U(&#39;Member/index&#39;)));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;操作失败&#39;, &#39;msg&#39; => M(&#39;Member&#39;)->getError()));
public function changePwd(){
  $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;,&#39;trim&#39;);
  $password = $this ->_post(&#39;password&#39;,&#39;trim&#39;);
  $smscode = $this ->_post(&#39;smscode&#39;,&#39;trim&#39;);
  $session_smscode = session($this ->smscode);
  if (time() > $session_smscode[&#39;time&#39;] || $smscode != $session_smscode[&#39;code&#39;]) {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;验证码不正确&#39;)); //--调试成功
  $data = array(&#39;password&#39; => md5($password), &#39;addtime&#39; => time());
  $memberModel = M(&#39;Member&#39;);
  // 检测是否已注册
  $member = $memberModel-> where(array(&#39;tel&#39; =>$tel,&#39;status&#39;=>1))->find();
  if (empty($member)) {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;号码尚未注册&#39;));
  if ($memberModel->where(array(&#39;tel&#39;=> $tel))->save($data)) {
   $href = session(LASTREQUEST);
   session(MEMBER, $member[&#39;id&#39;]);
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => true, &#39;href&#39; => $href ? $href : U(&#39;Member/index&#39;)));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;操作失败&#39;, &#39;msg&#39; => M(&#39;Member&#39;)->getError()));
// ajax检测号码是否注册
public function checkTel() {
  $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
  if (IS_AJAX && preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\d{9}$/",$tel)) {
   $memberModel = M(&#39;Member&#39;);
   $member = $memberModel->where(array(&#39;tel&#39;=>$tel,&#39;status&#39;=>1))->find();
   if (!empty($member)) {
    $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;status&#39; => 1, &#39;info&#39; => &#39;已注册&#39;));
   } else {
    $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;status&#39; => 2, &#39;info&#39; => &#39;未注册&#39;));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;status&#39; => 3, &#39;info&#39; => &#39;错误的请求&#39;));
public function sendSmscode() {
  session($this->smstime, null);
  $smstime = session($this->smstime);
  $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
  if (IS_AJAX && (!$smstime || time() > $smstime) && preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\d{9}$/",$tel)) {
   $smscode = rand(1000, 9999);
   require LIB_PATH . &#39;ORG/Taobao-sdk-php/TopSdk.php&#39;;
   $c = new TopClient;
   $c->appkey = &#39;23307560&#39;; // 原23294081
   $c->secretKey = &#39;21ef24dd4c51e20693c5db0983c433e7&#39;; // 原0402169f466d8fed780e7f07edd25177
   $req = new AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSendRequest;
   $req->setSmsParam(&#39;{"code":"&#39;. $smscode .&#39;","product":"【多多助店宝】"}&#39;);
   $resp = $c->execute($req);
   if(!$resp->code) {
    session($this->smstime, time() + 50);
    session($this->smscode, array(&#39;code&#39; => $smscode, &#39;time&#39; => time() + 600));
   } else {
    $log = date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;) . " 发送失败 sub_code:{$resp->sub_code} sub_msg:{$resp->sub_msg}" . PHP_EOL;
    file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . &#39;Log/smscode.log&#39;, $log, FILE_APPEND);
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => !$resp->code));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;错误的请求&#39;));
public function sendSmsexcode(){
  session($this->smstime, null);
  $smstime = session($this->smstime);
  $tel = $this->_post(&#39;tel&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
  if (IS_AJAX && (!$smstime || time() > $smstime) && preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\d{9}$/",$tel)) {
   $smscode = rand(1000, 9999);
   require LIB_PATH . &#39;ORG/Taobao-sdk-php/TopSdk.php&#39;;
   $c = new TopClient;
   $c->appkey = &#39;23307560&#39;; // 原23294081
   $c->secretKey = &#39;21ef24dd4c51e20693c5db0983c433e7&#39;; // 原0402169f466d8fed780e7f07edd25177
   $req = new AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSendRequest;
   $req->setSmsFreeSignName("变更验证"); //短信签名固定,不可以换其他字
   $req->setSmsParam(&#39;{"code":"&#39;. $smscode .&#39;","product":"【多多助店宝】"}&#39;);
   $resp = $c->execute($req);
   if(!$resp->code) {
    session($this->smstime, time() + 50);
    session($this->smscode, array(&#39;code&#39; => $smscode, &#39;time&#39; => time() + 600));
   } else {
    $log = date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;) . " 发送失败 sub_code:{$resp->sub_code} sub_msg:{$resp->sub_msg}" . PHP_EOL;
    file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . &#39;Log/smscode.log&#39;, $log, FILE_APPEND);
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => !$resp->code));
  } else {
   $this->ajaxReturn(array(&#39;result&#39; => false, &#39;error&#39; => &#39;错误的请求&#39;));
Copy after login


1. SMS verification is used to register and change passwords.

2. For security reasons, front-end ajax verification. The backend also performs validation.
3. The process is reasonable and can be switched freely.
4. Comprehensive functions, including login, registration, and password modification.

The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

Related recommendations:

PHP implementation of obtaining the values ​​​​of text boxes, password fields, and buttons

PHP method to implement addition and subtraction operations for dates, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.

phpDetailed explanation of random string generation method

The above is the detailed content of Login, registration and password modification functions implemented in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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