Implement article class display in CMS through php

Release: 2023-04-01 16:30:02
1518 people have browsed it

This article mainly introduces the display of articles in CMS based on php, involving various common settings and operation skills for articles. Friends in need can refer to it

The example of this article describes the CMS based on php Display article categories in . Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

set_sql("SELECT `id`,`title`,`dateandtime`,`thetype` FROM `df_company_bringup` ORDER BY `dateandtime` DESC");
$test->set_icon(" ☆ ");
/****Article List Class****/
class show_article
 var $sql,$query,$arr,$article_list;
  var $strlen,$articleline,$dateandtime;
  var $len,$line,$icon,$omitstr,$line_height,$more_name;
  var $year,$month,$day,$datetype;
  var $showmore,$showdate,$showomit,$showclueon,$showicon;
 function show_article()
  $this->set_strlen(40); //设置每行显示字数;
  $this->set_articleline(10); //设置Article显示行数;
  $this->set_showmore(false); //是否显示"更多Article";
  $this->set_showdate(true); //是否显示Article发布日期;
  $this->set_showomit(true); //字数超过指定字符后是否显示所设置的字符,如"...";
  $this->set_showclueon(true); //是否显示Article提示(鼠标移动到Article标题上面显示的提示);
  $this->set_open(true); //是否在新窗口打开;
  $this->set_showicon(true); //是否显示Article修改前缀;
  $this->set_lineheight(1.5); //段落行高值;
  $this->set_datetype(1); //设置日期格式,1为2004-10-21 2为2004年10月21日;
 function set_strlen($strlen)
  $this->len = $strlen;
 function set_articleline($articleline)
  $this->line = $articleline;
 function set_sql($sql)
  $this->sql = $sql;
 function set_icon($icon)
  $this->icon = $icon;
 function set_showicon($showicon)
  $this->showicon = $showicon;
 function set_open($open)
  $this->open = $open;
 function set_omitstr($omitstr)
  $this->omitstr = $omitstr;
 function set_filename($filename)
  $this->filename = $filename;
 function set_morename($more_name)
  $this->more_name = $more_name;
 function set_typename($type_name)
  $this->type_name = $type_name;
 function set_showmore($showmore)
  $this->showmore = $showmore;
 /****设置日期格式(1:2004-10-21 2:2004年10月21日)****/
 function set_datetype($datetype)
  $this->datetype = $datetype;
 function formatdate($dateandtime,$num)
  list($year,$month,$day) = split("[-]",substr($dateandtime,0,10));
  if($num == 1){
   return $year."-".$month."-".$day;
   return $year."年".$month."月".$day."日";
 function set_showdate($showdate)
  $this->showdate = $showdate;
 function set_lineheight($line_height)
  $this->line_height = $line_height;
 function set_showomit($showomit)
  $this->showomit = $showomit;
 function set_showclueon($showclueon)
  $this->showclueon = $showclueon;
 function execute_row($query)
  return $this->arr = mysql_fetch_row($query);
 function execute_array($query)
  return $this->arr = mysql_fetch_array($query);
 /****将释放所有与结果标识符 result 所关联的内存****/
 function free_record($query)
 /****调用指定Article List****/
 function show_company_bringup()
  $n = 1;
  $article_list = "

line_height."'>"; $this->query = mysql_query($this->sql); while($this->execute_row($this->query)) { if($this->showicon){$article_list .= $this->icon;} $article_list .= "filename.".php?id=".$this->arr[0]."'"; if($this->showclueon){$article_list .= " title='".$this->arr[1]."' ";} if($this->open){$article_list .= " target='_blank' ";} $article_list .= ">"; if(strlen($this->arr[1]) > $this->len) { if($this->showomit){ $article_list .= substr($this->arr[1],0,$this->len).$this->omitstr; }else{ $article_list .= substr($this->arr[1],0,$this->len); } }else{ $article_list .= $this->arr[1]; } if($this->showdate){$article_list .= "[".$this->formatdate($this->arr[2],$this->datetype)."]";} $article_list .= "
\n"; if($n == $this->line){break;} $n++; } if($this->showmore){ $article_list .= "

more_name.".php?type=".$this->type_name."'>>> >更多

"; }else{ $article_list .= "

"; } $this->free_record($this->query); print $article_list; } } ?>
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The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study. For more related content, please Follow PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of Implement article class display in CMS through php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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