Summary of common formatting string methods in Python [percent sign and format method]

Release: 2017-02-22 16:40:26
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The examples in this article describe common formatting string methods in Python. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

[Method 1] Percent sign (%) method, C-like printf, needs to be of different types.

1. Anonymous tuple. (Recommended when there are few parameters)

>>> '姓名:%s, 年龄:%d' % ('walker', 99)
'姓名:walker, 年龄:99'
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2. Name the dict, and the dictionary keys can be reused.

>>> '姓名:%(name)s, 年龄:%(age)d, 工龄:%(age)d' % {'name':'walker', 'age':99}
'姓名:walker, 年龄:99, 工龄:99'
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[Method 2] format function, there is no need to specify string or numeric type.

1. Anonymous parameters.

>>> '姓名:{0}, 年龄:{1}'.format('walker', 99)
'姓名:walker, 年龄:99'
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2. Named parameters, parameters can be reused. (Recommended when there are many parameters)

>>> '姓名:{name}, 年龄:{age}, 工龄:{age}'.format(name='walker', age=99)
'姓名:walker, 年龄:99, 工龄:99'
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For more summary of common Python formatting string methods [Percent sign and format method] please refer to related articles Follow PHP Chinese website!

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