We have designed a relatively complete database in the previous article, and this article starts with the code. First, execute the database script designed in the previous article in the database to generate the database, and then create the project in VS. In order to facilitate understanding and viewing, I designed very straightforward class names and file names without namespace prefixes.
Adopt interface method, a total of 8 projects: 7 class libraries and one MVC project, respectively:
to Access interface IBLL, specific implementation BLL for
## tityFramework context object and some cache management, business logic layer and data access I will hand over the interface production (implementation) work of the layer to Spring.NET injection implementation. After the framework is built, it is as follows:
After the framework is built, add the database and add it in DAL (note that DAL is not datamodel) New item, select data--ADO.NET entity data model:
Give it a name, let’s call it WeixinModel, select Generate from database, configure Connect the database to the previously generated database, follow the next step, and finally load it into edmx. Right-click on edmx - add code generation item, select code:
Select DbContext Generator, and then save Click edmx, then copy edmx and weixinmodel.tt to DataModel, delete edmx and weixinmodel.tt in DAL, open weixinmodel.tt in datamodel and save it. In addition, it needs to be declared in WeiXinModel.Context.cs retained in DAL. datamodel namespace.
Now that the framework and data model are available, add references according to the correct reference levels in DAL, IDAL, BLL, and IBLL, and write a few common methods, and then you can start using them in the display layer.
//添加 public T AddEntity<T>(DbContext db,T entity) where T : class { db.Entry<T>(entity).State = EntityState.Added; db.SaveChanges(); return entity; } //修改 public bool UpdateEntity<T>(DbContext db,T entity) where T : class { db.Set<T>().Attach(entity); db.Entry<T>(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return true; } //删除 public bool DeleteEntity<T>(DbContext db,T entity) where T : class { db.Set<T>().Attach(entity); db.Entry<T>(entity).State = EntityState.Deleted; db.SaveChanges(); return true; } // 返回一个对象 public T InfoEntities<T>(DbContext db, Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereLambda) where T : class { return db.Set<T>().Where<T>(whereLambda).FirstOrDefault(); }
现在来到显示层,默认的MVC项目是返回VIEW, 这里我们不需要返回页面, 把home中的index改成Void返回类型, 接下去就是接收微信发来的请求进行判断了,验证请求----接收POST数据---分析XML----解析成自己想要的数据
private IBLL.IDoWei BLLWei { set; get; } public DbContext dbHome { get; set; } private string token { get; set; } Dictionary<string, string> xmlModel = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public void Index() { dbHome=FContext.WeiXinDbContext(); //xml字符串 string xmlData = string.Empty; //请求类型 string method=Request.HttpMethod.ToLower(); string signature = Request.QueryString["signature"]; string timestamp = Request.QueryString["timestamp"]; string nonce = Request.QueryString["nonce"]; //验证接入和每次请求验证真实性 if (method == "get") { if (CheckSign(signature,timestamp,nonce)) { Often.ResponseToEnd(Request.QueryString["echostr"]); } else { Response.Status = "403"; Often.ResponseToEnd(""); } } //处理接收到的POST消息 else if (method == "post") { using (Stream stream = Request.InputStream) { Byte[] byteData = new Byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(byteData, 0, (Int32)stream.Length); xmlData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteData); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlData)) { try { xmlModel = ReadXml.GetXmlModel(xmlData); } catch { //未能正确处理 给微信服务器回复默认值 Often.ResponseToEnd(""); } } if (xmlModel.Count > 0) { string msgType = ReadXml.ReadModel("MsgType", xmlModel); LookMsgType(msgType); } } else//除了post和get外 如head皆视为非法请求 { Response.Status = "403"; Often.ResponseToEnd(""); } dbHome.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 验证签名 /// </summary> /// <param name="signature"></param> /// <param name="timestamp"></param> /// <param name="nonce"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckSign(string signature, string timestamp, string nonce) { List<string> list = new List<string>(); list.Add(token); list.Add(timestamp); list.Add(nonce); //默认排序 list.Sort(); string tmpStr = string.Empty; list.All(l => { tmpStr += l; return true; }); tmpStr = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(tmpStr, "SHA1"); //验证 if (tmpStr == signature) { return true; } return false; }
public static DbContext WeiXinDbContext() { DbContext dbcontext =new WeiXinEntities(); //创建 dbcontext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;//自动检测配置更改 dbcontext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;//延迟加载 dbcontext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;//自动跟踪 return dbcontext; }
//把接收到的XML转为字典 public static Dictionary<string, string> GetXmlModel(string xmlStr) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlStr); Dictionary<string, string> mo = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var data = doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { mo.Add(data.Item(i).LocalName, data.Item(i).InnerText); } return mo; } ////从字典中读取指定的值 public static string ReadModel(string key, Dictionary<string, string> model) { string str = ""; model.TryGetValue(key, out str); if (str== null) str = ""; return str; }
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