genymotion 调试时push apk 速度比真机快多了 但是发现加载so有问题
我装的是windows64 的,然后虚拟机镜像下了个galaxy note3,
一开始提示/system/lib/ 没找到,
然后按这里Get ARM translator to work in Android-X86 4.0.4 RC2 把一些arm so 通过adb push 到system/lib里 so 加载的时候文件找不到的报错OK了,
但有出来了一些其它报错A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
是不是genymotion 里面的虚拟机只支持x86 的库?没有arm的?
Due to copyright issues, genymotion2 has removed arm and google apps support.
But there is still a solution:
The reason why genymotion can execute so fast is because it does not use arm architecture ROM, so the library you use must provide an x86 version to load normally on genymotion.