<audio autoplay="{{mp31}}">
<source ng-src="{{HSKMp3Path1}}" type="audio/mpeg" />
<img ng-style="{display:HSKzi.PY1?'inline':'none'}" id="mp3Img" src="../../images/msg.gif" ng-click="mp3Play1()" />
Thank you for your answers. The problem has been solved. I used a stupid method. I found the filter method of $sce, and then loaded the click event to the image to get the ID of the <audio> tag, and then used it dynamically. ng-bind-html binds the code of the <audio> tag.
I think you can directly use the API of html5
and use js in the controller to directly control the playback ofaudio
. Here are some simple methods of control.is a bug in angular. This issue has been closed on github, you can refer to the solution