The iOS SDK has an upload function that can be called directly,
NSString token = @"从服务端SDK获取"; QNUploadManager *upManager = [[QNUploadManager alloc] init]; NSData *data = [@"Hello, World!" dataUsingEncoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [upManager putData:data key:@"hello" token:token complete: ^(QNResponseInfo *info, NSString *key, NSDictionary *resp) { NSLog(@"%@", info); NSLog(@"%@", resp); } option:nil];
If you are talking about letting your backend upload to your server, then you can also let your backend server access the server's SDK:
The iOS SDK has an upload function that can be called directly,
If you are talking about letting your backend upload to your server, then you can also let your backend server access the server's SDK: