Please tell me how to use XMLHTTP to submit JSON and how to obtain it on the server side? It’s not .Net
I previously connected a customer to the SMS interface of Montnets Cloud Communication Platform. I could send urlencode json xml but the return is only json or xml. Currently I use json to submit and return json
sUrl = "http://localhost/UserLogin/"
stext = "{""A"":""1"",""P"":""9630111"",""Email"":""iamm"",""PassWord"":""111111""}"
Set WS1 = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "POST",sUrl,False
If Ws1.ReadyState = 4 Then
TiJiao =BytesToBstr(Ws1.responseBody,"gb2312")
If Ws1.status = 200 Then
TiJiao =BytesToBstr(Ws1.responseBody,"gb2312")
End If
End If
Set WS1 = Nothing