Home > WeChat Applet > Mini Program Development > The dynamic API developed by WeChat mini program mall realizes the streaming layout code of special sales products

The dynamic API developed by WeChat mini program mall realizes the streaming layout code of special sales products

Release: 2018-08-16 16:56:16
5284 people have browsed it

The content of this article is about the dynamic API developed by WeChat mini program mall to realize the streaming layout code of special sales products. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you. help.

See the effect

Development plan

1. New sale product list layout
2. Call the dynamic API to obtain data and load it
3. Click on the product to jump to product details

Get product details based on product ID API data model

Visit: https:// 100boot.cn/ Select the micro mall case, as shown in the figure below:

There is also a detailed data model below that you can view!


<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height:{{scrollH}}px" bindscrolltolower="brandShow">
  <view class="goods" style="width:100%">
    <view class="mg_item">
      <view wx:for="{{col1}}" wx:key="id">
      <view class="item_info" catchtap="catchTapCategory" data-goodsid="{{item.id}}">
        <image src="{{item.imgUrl}}" style="width:100%;height:{{item.height}}px"></image>
            <view class="product-name">
              {{item.name}}            </view>
            <view class="product-price-wrap">
              <p class="product-price-new">¥{{item.price}}</p>  
              <p class="product-price-old">¥{{item.privilegePrice}}</p> 
               <p class="discount">{{item.discount}}折</p>   
    <view class="mg_item">
      <view wx:for="{{col2}}" wx:key="id" >
      <view class="item_info" catchtap="catchTapCategory" data-goodsid="{{item.id}}">
        <image src="{{item.imgUrl}}" style="width:100%;height:{{item.height}}px"></image>
            <view class="product-name">
              {{item.name}}            </view>
            <view class="product-price-wrap">
              <p class="product-price-new">¥{{item.price}}</p>  
              <p class="product-price-old">¥{{item.privilegePrice}}</p> 
               <p class="discount">{{item.discount}}折</p>   

 <view style="display:none">
  <image wx:for="{{brandGoods}}" wx:key="id" id="{{item.id}}" src="{{item.imgUrl}}" bindload="onImageLoad1"></image></view> 

  <view class="weui-loadmore" hidden="{{hidden}}">
    <view class="weui-loading"></view>
    <view class="weui-loadmore__tips">努力加载中</view>
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  height: 100%;  
  background-color: #F3F4F6;
/* 单个图片容器的样式 */
.img_item {  
    width: 48.5%;  
    margin: 2px;  
    display: inline-block;  
    vertical-align: top;  
    background-color: #ffffff;  
    font-size: 24rpx;
    border-top:5px solid #F3F4F6; 
    color: #000;  /* height: 28px; */
    text-align:left;   margin: 0px 5px; 
    margin-bottom: 5px; 
.product-price-wrap .product-price-new{  
    color: #e80080;  
.product-price-wrap .product-price-old{  
    color: #888;  
    text-decoration: line-through;  
    padding-left: 2px;
.product-price-wrap .discount{  
    margin-left: 30px;  
    background-color: #000;  
    color: #fff;
/*  加载更多   */

.weui-loading {  
    margin: 0 5px;  
    width: 20px;  
    height: 20px;  
    display: inline-block;      
    vertical-align: middle;  
    -webkit-animation: weuiLoading 1s steps(12, end) infinite;  
    animation: weuiLoading 1s steps(12, end) infinite;  
    background: transparent url() no-repeat;  
    background-size: 100%;
.weui-loadmore {  
    width: 65%;  
    margin: 1.5em auto;  
    line-height: 1.6em;  
    font-size: 12px;  
    text-align: center;
.weui-loadmore__tips {  
    display: inline-block;  
    vertical-align: middle;  
    color: #888;
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const ajax = require(&#39;../../utils/ajax.js&#39;);
const utils = require(&#39;../../utils/util.js&#39;);
var sectionData = [];
var ifLoadMore = null;
var activityId = null;
var page = 1;//默认第一页

    data: {    
        scrollH: 0,    
        imgWidth: 0,    
        loadingCount: 0,    
        images: [],    
        col1: [],    
        col2: []
    onLoad: function (options) {
    activityId = options.activityId;
    page = 1;   
    console.log(&#39;activityId:&#39; + activityId);
    success: (res) => {        
    let ww = res.windowWidth;        
    let wh = res.windowHeight;        
    let imgWidth = ww * 0.48;        
    let scrollH = wh;        
    scrollH: scrollH,          
    imgWidth: imgWidth
        // this.loadImages();
onImageLoad1: function (e) {    
     let imageId = e.currentTarget.id;    
     let oImgW = e.detail.width;         //图片原始宽度
    let oImgH = e.detail.height;        //图片原始高度
    let imgWidth = this.data.imgWidth;  //图片设置的宽度
    let scale = imgWidth / oImgW;        //比例计算
    let imgHeight = oImgH * scale;      //自适应高度

    let images = this.data.brandGoods;    
     let imageObj = null;    
     for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {      
     let img = images[i];      
     if (img.id+"" === imageId) {
        imageObj = img;        

    imageObj.height = imgHeight;    
    let loadingCount = this.data.loadingCount - 1;    
    let col1 = this.data.col1;    
    let col2 = this.data.col2;    //判断当前图片添加到左列还是右列
    if (col1.length <= col2.length) {
    } else {
    let data = {      
        loadingCount: loadingCount,      
        col1: col1,      
        col2: col2
    if (!loadingCount) {
      data.images = [];
    brandShow: function (success) {    
        var that = this;    
        method: &#39;GET&#39;,      
        url: &#39;goods/getActivityGoodsList?key=&#39; + utils.key + &#39;&activityId=&#39; + activityId+&#39;&page=&#39; + page + &#39;&size=10&#39;,      
        success: data => {        
        var newGoodsData = data.result.list;
        page += 1;        
        if (ifLoadMore) {          //加载更多
          if (newGoodsData.length > 0) {            
            sectionData[&#39;brandGoods&#39;] = newGoodsData;
          } else {
            ifLoadMore = false;            
                hidden: true
                title: &#39;暂无更多内容!&#39;,              
                icon: &#39;loading&#39;,              
                duration: 2000

        } else {          
            if (ifLoadMore == null) {
            ifLoadMore = true;
            sectionData[&#39;brandGoods&#39;] = newGoodsData;//刷新
            brandGoods: sectionData[&#39;brandGoods&#39;],          
            loadingCount: sectionData[&#39;brandGoods&#39;].length,
catchTapCategory: function (e) {    
     var that = this;    
     var goodsId = e.currentTarget.dataset.goodsid;    
     console.log(&#39;goodsId:&#39; + goodsId);    //新增商品用户点击数量
    that.goodsClickShow(goodsId);    //跳转商品详情
    wx.navigateTo({ url: &#39;../detail/detail?goodsId=&#39; + goodsId    })
  goodsClickShow(goodsId) {    
     console.log(&#39;增加商品用户点击数量&#39;);    var that = this;
     method: &#39;GET&#39;,      
     url: &#39;goods/addGoodsClickRate?key=&#39; + utils.key + &#39;&goodsId=&#39; + goodsId,      
     success: data => {        
     console.log("用户点击统计返回结果:" + data.message)
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Related recommendations:

WeChat Mini Program Mall Development Dynamic API Implementation of Product Details Page Code (Part 2)

WeChat Mini Program Mall Development Mall Homepage Carousel Pictures and Products Classification navigation and new product sales implementation code

The above is the detailed content of The dynamic API developed by WeChat mini program mall realizes the streaming layout code of special sales products. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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