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Product Information
What is DreamTavern?
Talk to characters from books, movies, games, or make your own!
How to use DreamTavern?
Create a chat with your favorite character or customize your own character to talk to. Simply select the character or create a new one, and start the conversation!
DreamTavern's Core Features
Talk to characters from books, movies, games
Create your own custom character
Engage in a conversation with the characters
Explore alternate histories and stories
DreamTavern's Use Cases
Practice conversation with fictional characters
Enhance creativity by interacting with custom characters
Seek guidance and advice from character psychologists
Overcome writer's block with character-driven prompts
Get gaming tips and guides from characters
DreamTavern Reddit
Here is the DreamTavern Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamTavern/
DreamTavern Discord
Here is the DreamTavern Discord: https://discord.gg/k7q2KT5U6M. For more Discord message, please click here(/discord/k7q2kt5u6m).
DreamTavern Company
DreamTavern Company name: Superdrop Labs Inc. .
DreamTavern Reddit
DreamTavern Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamTavern/
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