What is Mentioned?
Mentioned is an automated email outreach tool designed to help bloggers reach out to individuals and companies they have mentioned in their blog posts. It streamlines the process of finding contact information and sending personalized email campaigns, allowing bloggers to build relationships, increase brand awareness, and potentially acquire backlinks from their mentions.
How to use Mentioned?
To use Mentioned, simply follow these steps: Step 1: Scan your blog post to identify the people and companies you've mentioned. Step 2: Confirm the accuracy of the identified mentions and compile a list of contacts. Step 3: Create and customize your email campaign templates. Step 4: Start the automated email campaign and track the success of your outreach efforts through the dashboard. By utilizing Mentioned, bloggers can efficiently manage their outreach campaigns and save time on manual tasks.
Mentioned's Core Features
Automated scanning of blog posts for mentions
Contact information identification
Pre-composed email sequences
Campaign analytics and tracking
Built-in integrations with platforms like Webflow, Facebook, and Twitter
Mentioned's Use Cases
Influencer outreach
Link building
Building relationships with new connections
Increasing brand awareness
Potential acquisition of backlinks
Mentioned Login
Mentioned Login Link: https://app.mentioned.ai/login
Mentioned Sign up
Mentioned Sign up Link: https://app.mentioned.ai/login
Mentioned Pricing
Mentioned Pricing Link: https://mentioned.ai/pricing
Mentioned Facebook
Mentioned Facebook Link: https://mentioned.ai/integration/facebook
Mentioned Twitter
Mentioned Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/MentionedAI