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Integrate AI into your website effortlessly. Dec-16 2024
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Product Information

What is Galadon?

Integrate AI into your website in under 10 minutes

How to use Galadon?

Step 1: Build Your AI by using pre-built templates or our intuitive AI Builder. Step 2: Customize Your Branding using easy sliders and a drag-and-drop interface. Step 3: Export to Your Website by copying and pasting the code we generate. Step 4: Launch and start creating more value for your users!

Galadon's Core Features

{ "title": "No-Code AI Integration", "description": "Integrate GPT-4 into your SaaS project with no coding skills required." }

{ "title": "Import Into Any Website Builder", "description": "Easily create your AI using our drag-and-drop interface and paste the code into any app or website development software." }

{ "title": "Supports Any Use Case", "description": "Pre-built templates for content generation,>

{ "title": "Tailored Customization Settings", "description": "Customize your SaaS modals to match your brand effortlessly." }

Galadon's Use Cases

{ "title": "AI Lead Magnet", "description": "Put your Galadon behind an email collection page and use it as a new and different way to generate email leads." }

{ "title": "FAQ Bot or Product Recommender", "description": "Build a Galadon that acts as a salesman and recommends products based on demographics." }

{ "title": "Start Your Own AI Business", "description": "Become the go-to AI expert for local businesses and install AI lead magnets or product recommenders." }

Galadon Company

Galadon Company name: Galadon .

  • Galadon Login

    Galadon Login Link: https://app.galadon.com/login

  • Galadon Pricing

    Galadon Pricing Link: https://app.galadon.com/login