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- Your iPhone Is Now \'Discoverable by Others\' by Default: Here\'s How to Turn It Off
- ApplehasaddedasettingtoiOScalled"DiscoverablebyOthers".ThisfeatureisenabledonyouriPhoneandiPadbydefault,sowhatdoesitactuallydoandhowdoyouturnitoff?WhatiOSJournal'sNew"DiscoverablebyOthers"
- iPhone 1165 2024-06-14 20:15:20
- My Wife Ditched Her Apple Watch Ultra for a Casio (And You Might Too)
- Mywife'sasmuchatechgeekasIam,andshewasinstantlysoldontheAppleWatchUltrawhenshefirstlaideyesonit.However,justoverayearlater,sheditchedtheUltra(andallsmartwatches)foraclassicCasiowatchinstead.Itriedtound
- iPhone 615 2024-06-14 20:10:30
- 4 Reasons I Use My AirPods Instead of a Soundbar on My TV
- Ilovepassthroughinheadphones,becauseitletsmehearwhat'sgoingonaroundmewithouttakingthemofforpausingmyaudio.However,Ican'tleavethismodeonformostoftheheadphonesI'vetriedwiththisfeature.Itjustsoundstinny
- iPhone 895 2024-06-14 20:04:41
- Apple Books Can Do Far More Than You Think (So Use These 10 Tips)
- AppleBooksletsyoubuy,rent,andreadbooks,listentoaudiobooks(insupportedregions),orimportandreaddocumentsdownloadedfromothersources.Butthere'salotmoreyoucandointheappthanyou'reprobablyawareof,solet'sdive
- iPhone 768 2024-06-14 19:53:10
- M4 iPad Pro vs. M2 iPad Pro: Should You Upgrade?
- Lookingatthetwomodels,youmightnotbeabletoseemanydifferences.ThatisbecauseboththeM4iPadProandtheM2iPadProlookthesameuntilyoulookatalotcloser.Changesincludethepresenceofafrontcameraonthelongerside,adifferen
- iPhone 965 2024-06-14 19:50:12
- Samsung\'s Ecosystem Is Just As Good As Apple\'s—Here\'s Why
- BackwhenAppleonlyofferedoneortwoiPhonemodels,Samsungofferedphonesinanysizeorbudgetyoucouldwant.Thesameistrueoftablets.Nowadays,Apple'slineuphasgottenmorecomplex,butSamsungstillhasmorechoices.Samsungnow
- iPhone 642 2024-06-14 19:46:50
- You Can Keep Your Retro Gaming Devices—I Love Smartphone Emulators
- It'snosurprisethatI—likemanyothers—loveretrogames.Lotsofhardwarecompanieshavecapitalizedonthenewfoundloveofemulatedgamesandemulationforthisveryreason.However,therearesomesoftwareemulationthatworksright
- iPhone 544 2024-06-14 19:45:40
- How can you tell whether a new Apple phone is original or refurbished without activating it?
- How to inspect the newly purchased Apple mobile phone? Especially when testing a new phone without activating it? Whether you purchased the iPhone through Apple’s official store or online, you can refer to the following methods to inspect the iPhone: 1. First download the computer version, download the latest version of the computer version, open "Smart Flash" and check "Automatic Activation" Is "Skip Wizard" checked? If so, remember to turn it off. 2. Turn on the new phone and connect. Do not activate the new phone after turning it on. Connect it to the computer and choose to view the machine inspection report. 3. Check the machine inspection information to identify the condition of the mobile phone. After opening the machine inspection report, you can use the device information fed back by the machine inspection to identify the mobile phone to see if it is an original new phone.
- iPhone 589 2024-06-14 19:38:45
- Want to Make Google Maps the Default on iPhone? Here\'s the Workaround
- Youcan’tchangethedefaultnavigationappforopeningmaplinksonyouriPhone,ApplemakesyouuseAppleMaps.Thisisn’tsurprising,consideringApple’secosystemislargelyclosed.Ifyoureallywanttochangeit,you’dhave
- iPhone 1987 2024-06-14 19:36:24
- Why My Must-Have Phone Accessory Is a Cheap Stand
- First,youbuyaphone.Thenyoubuystuffforyourphone.Fortunately,oneofthebestaccessoriesyoucanbuycostslessthanacaseorscreenprotector.It'saphonestand.Andlikephonechargers,Inowhavestandsspreadthroughoutthehouse,in
- iPhone 423 2024-06-14 19:35:47
- How to Pair, Unpair, and Reset an Apple TV Remote
- IsyourAppleTVremotenotworking?Areyoutryingtopairanewremote,oruseyouroldremotewithadifferentunit?Let’sfixthemesssoyoucangobacktostreamingyourfavoriteshows.PairanAppleTVRemoteIfyouneedtopairanAppleT
- iPhone 1278 2024-06-14 19:34:20
- PlayStation Emulator 'Gamma' Arrives on iPhone App Store
- ThereareveryfewconsolesthatareasiconicastheoriginalPlayStation.ThePlayStation2wasaworldwidephenomenon,buttheoriginalconsolewasSony'sfirstforayintolaunchingagamingconsoleofitsown,andaverymemorableoneatthat.No
- iPhone 1260 2024-06-14 19:27:31
- How to transfer data from Apple phone to new phone? Learn these 2 steps and it's easy!
- When we buy a new iPhone, how can we quickly and safely transfer the data on the original phone to the new phone? This problem has become a problem for many Apple users. Next, learn these two steps together to easily transfer data between two mobile phones: 1. Data backup and recovery Open the latest version of the computer, open the "Toolbox" and find "Backup/Restore Data" 2. As shown in the figure, Make a full backup of your phone (set the path to save the files). 3. After the data backup is completed, reconnect the new phone to perform data recovery. 4. The original mobile phone can assist the new mobile phone at any time. 5. Select the applications and data that need to be restored. 2. Migrate device data. Open the latest version of the computer. After connecting the old and new iOS devices to the computer through the data cable, open the "Toolbox-
- iPhone 1208 2024-06-14 19:26:27
- Razer\'s Kishi Ultra is a \'Console-Grade\' Controller For Your Phone
- Controllersthatcanbemountedtoyourphonearenothingnew,andRazer'sKishigamepadshavebeenapopularoptionformobilegames,cloudgaming,andplayingemulators.Now,Razerhaslauncheditsmostpremiumproductinthisrange,theKishiUltr
- iPhone 988 2024-06-14 19:26:01
- Don\'t Turn Off Live Photos on Your iPhone or You\'ll Miss Out On These Neat Tricks
- DoyouseeiPhoneLivePhotosasagimmickorsomethingyoushoulddisabletosavespace?Well,Idon’t.Here’swhyyoushouldkeepthefeatureenabledonyouriPhone.LivePhotosAreMoreThanaStillLivePhotoscombinestillimageswith
- iPhone 1216 2024-06-14 19:23:40