let list = this.data.list;
let tabHeight = 0;
if (this.data.load) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let view = wx.createSelectorQuery().select("#main-" + i);//正常写法
//子组件写法 let view = wx.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select("#main-" + i);
size: true
}, data => {
list[i].top = tabHeight;
tabHeight = tabHeight + data.height;//子组件不加in(this),wx.createSelectorQuery()获取不到height
list[i].bottom = tabHeight;
load: false,
list: list
let scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop + 20;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (scrollTop > list[i].top && scrollTop < list[i].bottom) {
VerticalNavTop: (i - 1) * 50,
TabCur: i
return false
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