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  1. if(!function_exists('delete_dir_file')){
  2. function delete_dir_file($dir){
  3. $flag = false;
  4. if(is_dir($dir)){
  5. if($handle = opendir($dir)){
  6. while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){
  7. // echo $file.'<br>';
  8. if($file !=='.'&&$file !=='..'){
  9. if(is_dir($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file)){
  10. delete_dir_file($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file);
  11. }else unlink($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file);
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. closedir($handle);
  16. if(rmdir($dir)) $flag = true;
  17. }
  18. return $flag;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. $dir = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'0407';
  22. // echo $dir;
  23. if(delete_dir_file($dir)){
  24. echo json_encode(['msg'=>'删除成功','code'=>0],320);
  25. }else{
  26. echo json_encode(['msg'=>'删除失败','code'=>1],320);


  1. $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=laravel','root','root');
  2. $RES = $db->query('select `id`,`pid`,`name` from `cates` where `status`=1;')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  3. printf('<pre>%s</pre>',print_r($RES,true));
  4. function ruleLayer($rule, $pid = 0){
  5. $arr = [];
  6. foreach($rule as $v){
  7. if($v['pid']==$pid){
  8. $v['child'] = ruleLayer($rule, $v['id']);
  9. $arr[] = $v;
  10. }
  11. }
  12. return $arr;
  13. }
  14. $result = ruleLayer($RES);
  15. printf('<pre>%s</pre>',print_r($result,true));
  16. ?>
  17. <!DOCTYPE html>
  18. <html lang="zh-CN">
  19. <head>
  20. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  21. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  22. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  23. <title>Document</title>
  24. </head>
  25. <body>
  26. <ul class="first">
  27. <?php foreach($result as $v): extract($v)?>
  28. <li>
  29. <?=$name?>
  30. <ul>
  31. <?php if(!empty($child)):
  32. foreach($child as $v1): extract($v1)?>
  33. <li>
  34. <?=$name?>
  35. <ul>
  36. <?php if(!empty($child)):
  37. foreach($child as $v2): extract($v2)?>
  38. <li>
  39. <?=$name?>
  40. <ul>
  41. <?php if(!empty($child)):
  42. foreach($child as $v3): extract($v3)?>
  43. <li> <?=$name?> </li>
  44. <?php endforeach;
  45. endif?>
  46. </ul>
  47. </li>
  48. <?php endforeach;
  49. endif?>
  50. </ul>
  51. </li>
  52. <?php endforeach;
  53. endif?>
  54. </ul>
  55. </li>
  56. <?php endforeach?>
  57. </ul>
  58. </body>
  59. </html>


  1. $arr = ['html', 'css', 'vue'];
  2. $str = implode('|', $arr);
  3. // echo $str;
  4. // 合并,字符串->数组 explode
  5. // echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  6. $pathinfo = (explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
  7. echo array_pop($pathinfo); //弹出方法名称
  8. // 字符串的替换 str_replace($被替换内容, $替换内容,检测文档,替换次数)
  9. $search = ['广告','转账'];
  10. $chatMSG = '本公司代理各类广告,可转账。';
  11. $res = str_replace($search, "**",$chatMSG,$COUNT);
  12. echo $res, $COUNT;
  13. if($COUNT == 0){
  14. // ws->sendMessage();
  15. }else{
  16. // 警告功能
  17. }
  18. // 字符串查找、截取
  19. // 随机形成验证码
  20. // echo rand();
  21. $str = md5(rand());
  22. $code = substr($str, 0,4);
  23. $color = '#'.substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 6);
  24. echo "<h1 style='color:{$color}'>{$code}</h1>";
  25. echo mb_substr('你吃饭了吗?', 1, 2);



http_build_query、urlencode、 urldecode、base64_encode、base64_decode

  1. // url函数
  2. echo urlencode('韩寒');
  3. echo urldecode('%E9%9F%A9%E5%AF%92');
  4. // http_build_query(),生产urlencode之后的请求字符串
  5. $params = [
  6. 'city' => '北京',
  7. 'key' => '298uejkfl',
  8. ];
  9. $paramsString = http_build_query($params);
  10. echo $paramsString;
  11. ob_clean();
  12. // base64_encode()使用mime base64 对二进制字符串进行编码 ,目的是为了使二进制数据可以通过非纯8-bit的传输层传输,例如电子邮件的主体。
  13. // header('content-type:image/jpeg');
  14. $file = base64_encode(file_get_contents(""));
  15. echo $file;
  16. ?>
  17. <body>
  18. <h1>您好!</h1>
  19. <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,<?=$file?>" alt="">
  20. </body>



Correcting teacher:PHPzPHPz

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