Correction status:qualified
Teacher's comments:创建数组请使用: [...], 不要再用array()函数, 这是非常过时的语法了
测试页代码 test.php:
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: A * Date: 2019-08-03 * Time: 03:24 */ include "./Db.php"; $db=new Db(); //功能测试 //1、增 新增一条数据 待插入的单条新数据 $data_1 = array("name.=.破军","sex.=.0","age.=.88","salary.=.7770"); echo "<br>"; $data_1 = array("name.=.破军","sex.=.0","age.=.88","salary.=.7770"); $res=$db->table("staff")->insert($data_1); echo var_dump($res); if($res){echo "新增单条数据成功";}else{echo"新增单条数据失败";}; //************************************************************************************* //2、增 新增多条数据 多条新数据 $data_2 = array(array("name.=.风行者","age.=.38","salary.=.7800"), array("name.=.夜语","age.=.32","salary.=.7900")); echo "<br>"; $data_2 = array(array("name.=.风行者","age.=.38","salary.=.7800"), array("name.=.夜语","age.=.32","salary.=.7900")); $res= $db->table("staff")->insert($data_2); echo var_dump($res); if($res){echo "新增多条数据成功";}else{echo"新增多条数据失败";}; //************************************************************************************ //3、删除 删除一条记录 $where_1 = array("id.=.203"); echo "<br>"; $where_1 = array("id.=.203"); $res= $db->table("staff")->where($where_1)->delete(); if($res){echo "删除一条数据成功";}else{echo"删除一条数据失败";}; //************************************************************************************ //4、改 更新一条记录 $where_2 = array("salary.=.7900"); 更新为 :$data_1 =array("salary.=.9123"); echo "<br>"; $where_2 = array("salary.=.7900"); $data_1 =array("salary.=.9123"); $res= $db->table("staff")->where($where_2)->update($data_1); if($res){echo "更新数据成功";}else{echo"更新数据失败";}; //************************************************************************************ //5、无条件查询 table("表名") field("显示字段列表") select() Db类中的查询方法 echo "<br>"; $res = $db->table("staff")->field("name,age,sex")->select(); foreach ($res as $val){ echo "<pre>"; print_r($val); } //************************************************************************************ //5、复合条件查询 条件 $where_4 = array("age.>.20","name.LIKE.%武%"); echo "<br>"; $where_4 = array("age.>.20","name.LIKE.%武%"); $res = $db->table("staff")->field("name,age,sex,salary")->where($where_4)->select(); foreach ($res as $val){ echo "<pre>"; print_r($val); }
点击 "运行实例" 按钮查看在线实例
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: A * Date: 2019-08-03 * Time: 01:24 */ /* table()-> |field()->insert(array $data) 增 测试完成 -> |where(array $where_data)->delete(); 删 测试完成 -> |where(array $where)->update(array $data) 改 测试完成 -> |field()->where(array $where_data)->select() 查 测试完成 table( 参数类型 str ) 样例: table('user') 数据库语句中显示为: `user` field( 参数类型 str ) 样例: field("name,sex,age,salary") 数据库语句中显示为:`name`,`sex`,`age`,`salary` insert( 参数类型 array) 样例: insert( array("name.=.武破天","sex.=.0") ) where( 参数类型 array) 样例: where( array("age.>.25","武%",",8000)") ); array $data 属性数据样式: array("'小龙女',1,32,8000") 或 array("name.=.风尊者","age.=.29","salary.=.9000") array $where 条件数据样式: array("`age`= 25","`name`= '武松'") 或 array("salary in (3000,9000)","`name` like '武%'") */ class Db{ private $sql = ''; private $table_name = ''; private $field = '*'; private $where = []; private $where_or = []; private $where_data =[]; private $where_data_or=[]; private $bind_data = []; private $bind_values = []; private $group = ''; private $having =''; private $order = ''; private $limit = ''; //数据库连接 --构造函数 public function __construct() { require "./config.php"; try{ $this->pdo=new PDO($dns,$username,$password); echo '数据库连接OK'; }catch(PDOException $e){ die('数据库连接失败'.$e->getMessage()); } return $this; } //参数初始化重置 public function var_clear(){ $this->sql = ''; $this->table_name = ''; $this->field = '*'; $this->where = []; $this->where_or = []; $this->where_data =[]; $this->where_data_or =[]; $this->bind_data = []; $this->bind_values =[]; $this->group = ''; $this->having =''; $this->order = ''; $this->limit = ''; } //数据库查询字段参数赋值获取 table('str参数')--------------------------------- public function table($table) { $this->table_name='`'.$table.'`'; return $this; } //指定查询字段 field('str参数') public function field($field) { if($field=='*'){ $this->field = $field; }else{ $fields= explode (',',$field); $field_str=''; foreach($fields as $var) { $field_str .= '`'.$var.'`,'; } $fields = rtrim($field_str,','); $this->field = $fields; } return $this; } //指定查询条件 array("age.>.25","name.=.武松") public function where(array $where) { $this->where = $where; return $this; } //or条件查询 public function where_or(array $where) { $this->where_or = $where; return $this; } //分组-简单字段分组 public function group($field) { $this->group = '`'.$field.'`'; return $this; } //分组-条件分组 public function having($having) { $this->having = $having; return $this; } // 指定排序 public function order($order) { $this->order = $order; return $this; } // 指定查询数量显示 public function limit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; return $this; } //数据库查询条件字段参数赋值获取 结束 --------------------------------- // 一.自定义常用方法 //查询1条数据,多用于登录验证 public function item(){ $this->limit(1); $this->_build_sql('select'); $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); $stmt->execute(); $item = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $item ? $item[0] : false; } // 二 : 常规数据操作 //1.新增操作------------------------------------------------------------- public function insert(array $data) { $this->_build_sql('insert',$data); $stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); if(count($data)==count($data,1)){ if($stmt->execute()) { $this->var_clear(); return true; }else{ return false; } }else{ //绑定的属性名 : :varName $data =$this->bind_data; $values = $this->bind_values; foreach ($data as $k => $var) { foreach($values as $val) { $tag = ltrim($val,':'); // $val = :属性名 $data[$k][$tag] 对应的属性值 $stmt->bindValue($val, $data[$k][$tag]); } if(!$stmt->execute()){ return false; } } $this->var_clear(); return true; } } //2.删除操作 ------------------------------------------------------------- public function delete() { $this->_build_sql('delete'); $stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); if($stmt->execute()) { //echo '删除数据成功'; $this->var_clear(); return true; }else{ return false; } } //3.更新操作------------------------------------------------------------------- public function update($data) { $this->_build_sql('update',$data); $stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); if($stmt->execute()) { $this->var_clear(); return true; }else{ return false; } } //4.查询操作------------------------------------------------------------------- public function select() { $this->_build_sql('select'); $stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); $stmt->execute(); // if($stmt->execute()) // { // echo '查询数据成功'; // }else{ // echo '查询数据失败'; // } $res=$stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->var_clear(); // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($res); return $res; } //5.统计总数------------------------------------------------------------------- public function count_rows() { $this->_build_sql('count'); $stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($this->sql); $this->_build_bind_value($stmt); if($stmt->execute()){ $this->var_clear(); } else{ echo "数据统计失败7"; } $res = $stmt->fetchColumn(0); return $res; } // 二 : 构造sql的语句生成 public function _build_sql($type,array $data=[]) { switch ($type){ case 'insert': $this->_build_sql_insert($data); break; case 'delete': $this->_build_sql_delete(); break; case 'update': $this->_build_sql_update($data); break; case 'select': $this->_build_sql_select(); break; case 'count': $this->_build_sql_count(); break; } } //1.增:构造sql_insert生成 数据格式 // array("name.=.破军","sex.=.0","age.=.88","salary.=.7770") public function _build_sql_insert(array $data) { //新增语句: INSERT INTO table_name ( column1,column2) VALUES (val1,val2),(val1,val2) $insert_fields=''; $insert_values=''; $insert_data=[]; $insert_i_fields=''; $insert_i_values=''; if(count($data,0)==count($data,1)) { //1条记录新增处理方式 一维数组数据 foreach ($data as $var) { $a = strpos($var,'.='); $b = strrpos($var,'=.'); $insert_field = substr($var,0,$a); $insert_var = substr($var,$b+2); $insert_data["$insert_field"]=$insert_var; $insert_fields .= ' `'.$insert_field.'`,'; $insert_values .=':'.$insert_field.','; } $this->bind_data = $insert_data; $insert_fields=rtrim($insert_fields,','); $this->field ='('.$insert_fields.')'; $insert_values = rtrim($insert_values,','); $sql ="INSERT INTO {$this->table_name} {$this->field} VALUES "; $sql .='('.$insert_values.')'; return $this->sql=$sql; }else{ //多条记录新增方式,二维数组数据 //array(array("name.=.风行者","age.=.38","salary.=.7800"), array("name.=.夜语","age.=.32","salary.=.7900")); for($i=0;$i<count($data,0);$i++) { foreach($data[$i] as $var) { $a = strpos($var,'.='); $b = strrpos($var,'=.'); $insert_i_field = substr($var,0,$a); $insert_i_value = substr($var,$b+2); $insert_data[$i]["$insert_i_field"]=$insert_i_value; if(!strstr($insert_i_fields,$insert_i_field)){ $insert_i_fields .= ' `'.$insert_i_field.'`,'; } if(!strstr($insert_i_values,$insert_i_field)){ $insert_i_values .=':'.$insert_i_field.','; } } $insert_fields=rtrim($insert_i_fields,','); $insert_i_values = rtrim($insert_i_values,','); } $this->bind_data=$insert_data; $this->bind_values=explode(',',$insert_i_values); $this->field ='('.$insert_fields.')'; $insert_values ='('.$insert_i_values.'),'; $insert_values = rtrim($insert_values,','); $sql ="INSERT INTO {$this->table_name} {$this->field} VALUES $insert_values"; return $this->sql=$sql; } } //2.删:构造sql_delete生成 public function _build_sql_delete() { //删除语句: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE ??? $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table_name} "; $sql .= $this->_build_sql_where(); return $this->sql=$sql; } //3.改:构造sql_update生成 数据格式 //条件格式 $where = array("age.>.25","武%",",8000)"); //数据格式 $data = $data_4 =array("salary.=.9800"); public function _build_sql_update(array $data) { //更新语句: UPDATE语句模板 UPDATE table_name set column1=value1,column1=value1 WHERE ? $sql = "UPDATE {$this->table_name} SET "; $update_str=''; $update_data =[]; foreach ($data as $var) { $a = strpos($var,'.='); $b = strrpos($var,'=.'); $update_field = substr($var,0,$a); $update_var = substr($var,$b+2); $update_data["$update_field"]=$update_var; $update_str .= ' `'.$update_field.'` = :'.$update_field.' ,'; } $update_str = rtrim($update_str,' ,'); $this->bind_data = $update_data; $sql .= $update_str; $sql .= $this->_build_sql_where(); return $this->sql=$sql; } //4.查:构造sql_select生成 limit属于最后一个参数 public function _build_sql_select() { //查询数据SELECT语句模板 SELECT 字段列表 FROM table1,table2 [WHERE ] [GROUP BY] [ORDER BY] [LIMIT] $sql="SELECT {$this->field} FROM {$this->table_name}"; if ($this->where){ $sql .= $this->_build_sql_where(); } if ($this->where_or){ $sql .= $this->_build_sql_where_or(); } if($this->group){ $sql .=" group by {$this->group}"; } if($this->having){ $sql .=" having {$this->having}"; } if ($this->order){ $sql .= " order by {$this->order}";} if($this->limit){ $sql .= " limit {$this->limit}";} return $this->sql=$sql; } //5.统计sql_count public function _build_sql_count() { $where = $this->_build_sql_where(); $this->sql ="SELECT count({$this->field}) FROM {$this->table_name}{$where}"; return $this->sql; } //8.构造sql_where and 语句 生成 //数据的类型:array("age.>.25","name.=.武松",",8000),","","龙%"); public function _build_sql_where() { $where_data=[]; $where=''; $sql_where=''; if(empty($this->where)){ $sql_where=''; }else{ foreach ($this->where as $var) { $a = strpos($var,'.'); $b = strrpos($var,'.'); $c=$b-$a-1; $where_field = substr($var,0,$a); $where_tag = substr($var,$a+1,$c); $where_var = substr($var,$b+1); $where_data["w_$where_field"]=$where_var; $where .= ' AND `'.$where_field.'` '.$where_tag.' :w_'.$where_field; } $this->where_data = $where_data; // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($this->where_data); // echo '--data<br>'; $where = ltrim($where," AND"); $sql_where .=" WHERE ".$where; } // echo $sql_where.'<br>'; return $sql_where; } //9.构造sql_where or 语句 生成 public function _build_sql_where_or() { $where_data_or = []; $where_or=''; if(empty($this->where_or)){ $where_or=''; }else{ foreach ($this->where_or as $var) { $a = strpos($var,'.'); $b = strrpos($var,'.'); $c=$b-$a-1; $where_field = substr($var,0,$a); $where_tag = substr($var,$a+1,$c); $where_var = substr($var,$b+1); $where_data_or["r_$where_field"]=$where_var; $where_or .= ' or `'.$where_field.'` '.$where_tag.' :r_'.$where_field; } $this->where_data_or = $where_data_or; } return $where_or; } //10.参数绑定,常见参数 where条件数组 where_or条件数组 update 更新数组 insert 新增数组 private function _build_bind_value($stmt) { if($this->where_data) { $where_data = $this->where_data; foreach($where_data as $key=>$var) { // echo $key.'<br>'; // echo $var.'<br>'; $stmt->bindValue(':'.$key,$var); } } if ($this->bind_data) { $data =$this->bind_data; //判断数组是否为多维数组 多为数组数据处理在155行处理 if(count($data,0)==count($data,1)){ foreach($data as $k=>$v) { // echo $k.'--'; // echo $v.'<br>'; $stmt->bindValue(':'.$k,$v); } } } if($this->where_data_or) { $where_data_or = $this->where_data_or; foreach($where_data_or as $key=>$var) { $stmt->bindValue(":".$key,$var); } } } }
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配置文件 confing.php
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: A * Date: 2019-08-03 * Time: 01:20 * 说明 数据库连接参数 */ $dns="mysql:host=;dbname=php"; $username='root'; $password='root';
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