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12月5日作业 php 设计模式
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namespace gzg_05;

// PDO打开全局变量 如不打开 调用时需要 加 \PDO
use PDO;
// 单例模式

// 空类
class Temp{

//实例化 两个类
$obj1 = new Temp();
$obj2 = new Temp();
echo ‘<br>‘;

var_dump($obj1 === $obj2);
echo ‘<hr>‘;

// 单例模式原理
class Demo1
// 目前 只能在类中的内部将类实例化
// 当前类的实例 用于实例判断
public static $instance = null;

private function __construct()
// 实例化当前类的方法

  1. public static function getInstance()
  2. {
  3. // 实例化当前类,并返回类实例/对象
  4. // 判断当前类是否已经被实例化过了,如果没有的话就实例化,如果已实例化,就返回它

// self = static 在这里这两个都能用 在场景中用 static 不再用self
// new 一个内部类
self::$instance =new self();
// $demo =new demo();

  1. return self::$instance;
  2. }
  3. // 禁用克隆魔术方法
  4. private function __clone()
  5. {
  6. // TODO: Implement __clone() method.
  7. }

// 类实例化 静态实例化 Demo:: 实现 公共的 new Demo 实现
$obj3 = Demo1::getInstance();
$obj4 = Demo1::getInstance();
echo ‘<br>‘;
var_dump($obj3 === $obj4);
echo ‘<hr>‘;

// 单例模型应用场景 self 全部变更为static
class Db
// 目前 只能在类中的内部将类实例化
// 当前类的实例
public static $pdo = null;

  1. // 构造方法私有化
  2. private function __construct(...$conn)
  3. {
  4. $dsn = $conn[0];
  5. $username =$conn[1];
  6. $password =$conn[2];
  7. static::$pdo = new PDO($dsn,$username,$password);
  8. }
  9. // 实例化当前类的方法 传参使用
  10. public static function getPdo(...$conn)
  11. {
  12. // 实例化当前类,并返回类实例/对象
  13. // 判断当前类是否已经被实例化过了,如果没有的话就实例化,如果已实例化,就返回它
  14. if (is_null(static::$pdo)){
  15. // 构造函数不需要返回
  16. new static(...$conn);
  17. }
  18. return static::$pdo;
  19. }
  20. // 禁用克隆魔术方法
  21. private function __clone()
  22. {
  23. // ...
  24. }


$conn = [‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=gzg’,’root’,’root’];
$pdo = Db::getPdo(…$conn);
print_r($pdo->query(‘SELECT * FROM users‘)->fetchAll());



namespace gzg_05;
// 工厂模式: 用于批量创建类的实例/对象
use mvc\Facade;

class Demo2
// file1.php
$obj = new Demo2();
// file2.php
$obj = new Demo2();
// file3.php
$obj = new Demo2();

class Test1
public function __construct($arg1)
echo ‘对象创建成功, 参数是: ‘ . $arg1;

class Test2
public function __construct($arg1, $arg2)
echo ‘对象创建成功, 参数是: ‘ . implode(‘, ‘, [$arg1, $arg2]);

class Test3
public function __construct($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
echo ‘对象创建成功, 参数是: ‘ . implode(‘, ‘, [$arg1, $arg2, $arg3]);
// 工厂类, 专用于创建类实例
class Factory
public static function create($className, …$arg)
return new $className(…$arg);

//echo Test1::class; // _1205\Test1: 完整的类名, 带有命名空间的
// 用工厂类来创建类实例/对象
echo ‘<br>‘;
$test1 = Factory::create(Test1::class,abc);
echo ‘<br>‘;
echo ‘<br>‘;


namespace gzg_05;
// 依赖注入: 解决对象调用之间耦合
// 工作类

class Person
// 要依赖的外部对象
private $car=null;
// 在构造方法中将依赖的外部对象全部实例化
// 注入点放到构造方法中
public function __construct()
$this->car =new Car();
// 外部对象执行一个动作
public function work()
return $this->car->drive();

// 依赖的外部类
class Car
public function drive()
return ‘111111111’;

// 实例化类
$person = new Person();
echo $person->work();
echo ‘<hr>‘;

//car = new Car() 在类外调用
class Person1
// 要依赖的外部对象
private $car = null;

  1. // 在构造方法中将依赖的外部对象全部实例化
  2. // 注入点放到构造方法中
  3. public function __construct(Car $car)
  4. { //类外调用后传参
  5. $this->car = $car;
  6. }
  7. // 外部对象执行一个动作
  8. public function work()
  9. {
  10. return $this->car->drive();
  11. }


// 依赖的外部类
class Car1
public function drive()
return ‘开车去上班’;

// 实例化类
$car = new Car();
$person = new Person1($car);
echo $person->work();
echo ‘<hr>‘;




namespace gzg_05;

class Maker
public function get ()
} <?php

namespace gzg_05;

// 商品类
class Product
public function get(Maker $maker)
return ‘该手机是由: <span style="color:green;font-weight: bolder">‘ . $maker->get() . ‘ </span>生产的’;
} <?php
namespace gzg_05;
//use Closure;

use Closure;

class Container
// 类实例容器
protected $instance = [];
// 将类实例化的过程绑定到容器中
public function bind($alias, Closure $process)
$this->instance[$alias] = $process;

  1. // 取出保存在容器中的实例化过程的闭包,并执行它
  2. public function make($alias)
  3. {
  4. return $this->instance[$alias]();
  5. }

namespace gzg_05;
use http\Client;

require ‘Product.php’;
require ‘Maker.php’;

// 先不用容器
class Client1
public function show()

  1. $product = new Product();
  2. $make = new Maker();
  3. return $product->get($make);
  4. }


$obj = new Client1();
echo $obj->show();
echo ‘<br>‘;

echo ((new Client1())->show());


namespace gzg_05;

require ‘Product.php’;
require ‘Maker.php’;
require ‘Container.php’;

class Client2
// 输出商品与制造商
public function show( Product $product,Maker $maker)
// 制造商注入到产品类中
return $product->get($maker);
// 客户端调用

// 将类实例绑定到容器中并实例化且返回
$container= new Container();
//$container->bind(‘product’,function (){return new Product();});
//$container->bind(‘Maker’,function (){return new Maker();});
$container->bind(‘product’, function () {return new Product();});
$container->bind(‘maker’, function () {return new Maker();});

// 创建类实例并返回
$product = $container->make(‘product’);
$maker = $container->make(‘maker’);
echo (new Client2())->show($product,$maker);


<?php spl_autoload_register(function ($className){ $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $className); require dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path . '.php'; });
//旅游类 传统方式
namespace base;
//设置引用的外部类名的别名 把类名全部改为小写 不改别名的话 调用时为 Car 类的实际名称
use base\inc\Car as car;
use base\inc\Train as train;
use base\inc\Plane as plane;
//require DIR . ‘/inc/Car.php’;
//$path = str_replace(‘\‘, ‘/‘, \inc\Car::class);
//echo $path, ‘<br>‘;

require DIR . ‘/autoload.php’;

class Travel10
// 交通工具
private $vehicle;
public function __construct($vehicle)
// print_r($vehicle);
// exit;
//strtolower() 把参数全部改为小写
// 根据参数进行不同的选择,调用不同的类
switch (strtolower($vehicle)){

  1. case 'car':
  2. $this->vehicle = new Car();
  3. break;
  4. case 'train':
  5. $this->vehicle = new train();
  6. break;
  7. case 'plane':
  8. $this->vehicle = new plane();
  9. }
  10. }
  11. // 调用外部一个依赖对象
  12. public function travelModel()
  13. {
  14. return $this->vehicle->drive() . ' : 去旅行';
  15. }


// 客户端调用
// $car = new Travel10(‘car’);
// echo $car->travelModel();
// echo ‘<br>‘;

echo (new Travel10(‘car’))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;
//echo ‘111’;

//$car = new Car();
//echo $car->drive();
echo (new Travel10(‘train’))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;
echo (new Travel10(‘plane’))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘; <?php
namespace base;

use base\inc\Train as train;
use base\inc\Car as car;
use base\inc\Plane as plane;

require DIR . ‘/autoload.php’;

//$path = str_replace(‘\‘, ‘/‘, \inc\Car::class);
//echo $path, ‘<br>‘;

// 工厂类, 专用于创建类实例

class Factory1

protected static $instance =null;
public static function getInstance($vehicle)
switch (strtolower($vehicle))
case ‘car’:
static::$instance = new car();
case ‘train’:
static::$instance = new train();
case ‘plane’:
static::$instance = new plane();
// 返回当前具体的交通工具
return static::$instance;

class Travel5
// 交通工具
private $vehicle;

  1. public function __construct($vehicle)
  2. {
  3. echo $vehicle;
  4. $this->vehicle = Factory1::getInstance($vehicle);
  5. }
  6. public function travelModel()
  7. {
  8. return $this->vehicle->drive() .'1111111';
  9. }


// 客户端调用
$car = new Travel5(‘car’);
echo $car->travelModel();
echo ‘<br>‘;

echo (new Travel5(‘train’))->travelModel(),’<br>‘;

echo (new Travel5(‘plane’))->travelModel(),’<br>‘; <?php

namespace base;

use base\inc1\Car ;
use base\inc1\iVehicle;
use base\inc1\Train;
use base\inc1\Plane;
use base\inc1\Ship;
require DIR . ‘/autoload.php’;
//$path = str_replace(‘\‘, ‘/‘, Car1::class);
//echo $path, ‘<br>‘;
//$path = str_replace(‘\‘, ‘/‘, \inc1\iVehicle1::class);
//echo $path, ‘<br>‘;

class Travel8
// 交通工具
private $vehicle;

  1. // 构造方法
  2. public function __construct(iVehicle $vehicle)
  3. {
  4. $this->vehicle = $vehicle;
  5. }
  6. // 调用外部一个依赖对象
  7. public function travelModel()
  8. {
  9. return $this->vehicle->drive() . ' : ======= 去旅行';
  10. }

// $car1 = new Car();
//echo (new Travel8($car))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;
//// $car1 = new Trave8($car) ;
$car = new Car();
echo (new Travel8($car))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;

echo (new Travel8(new Plane()))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;

echo (new Travel8(new Ship()))->travelModel(), ‘<br>‘;

$ship1 = new Ship();
$ship2 = new Travel8( $ship1);
echo $ship2->travelModel();
echo ‘<br>‘;

$ship = new Ship();
$ship1 = new Travel8( $ship);
echo $ship1->travelModel();
echo ‘<br>‘;

$ship1 = new Travel8( new $ship);
echo $ship1->travelModel();
echo ‘<br>‘;`



接口 把面向对象改为面向接口。全部由接口调用
容器 了解了容器的原理,容器就是管理 对象的。

Correcting teacher:天蓬老师天蓬老师

Correction status:qualified

Teacher's comments:看来你的markdown语法还没有掌握 , 作业排版问题很多, 赶紧补一下
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