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PHP 会话控制
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  • 会话指的用户的浏览器与服务器的信息交互
  • 会话控制就是指控制保存浏览器与服务器的通话状态,
  • 会话控制分两种方式:cookiesession
  • cookie把信息保存在浏览器
  • session把信息保存在服务器
  • cookie保存在浏览器,session保存在服务器


  1. //setcookie(名称, 值, 过期时间);时间格式为时间戳
  2. setcookie('username','admin', time()+60*10);
  3. //获取cookie中的值
  4. $_COOKIE['username'];
  5. //销毁cookie,过去时间设置为过去时间
  6. setcookie('username','admin', time()-10);


  1. //开启seeion会话
  2. session_start();
  3. //设置session
  4. $_SESSION['username'] ='admin';
  5. //获取session中的值
  6. $_SESSION['username'];
  7. //销毁session,可以使用session_destroy()、session_unset()
  8. session_destroy();




  1. <?php session_start();//开启session会话 ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE html>
  3. <html lang="en">
  4. <head>
  5. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  7. <title>首页</title>
  8. <style>
  9. body>nav {
  10. display: flex;
  11. flex-flow: row nowrap;
  12. justify-content: space-between;
  13. align-items: center;
  14. background-color: #400040;
  15. /* width: 93vw; */
  16. height: 80px;
  17. padding: 20px 60px;
  18. }
  19. a {
  20. text-decoration: none;
  21. color: aliceblue;
  22. font-size: 20px;
  23. }
  24. span>a {
  25. text-decoration: none;
  26. color: red;
  27. font-size: 18px;
  28. }
  29. </style>
  30. </head>
  31. <body>
  32. <!-- 导航栏 -->
  33. <nav>
  34. <a href="index.php">首页</a>
  35. <?php ///*使用cookie方式*/ if(isset($_COOKIE['nickname'])):?>
  36. <?php /*使用session方式*/ if(isset($_SESSION['nickname'])):?>
  37. <span><a href='#'>欢迎您!
  38. <?php //echo $_COOKIE['nickname'];?>
  39. <?php echo $_SESSION['nickname'];?>
  40. </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="handle.php?act=logout">退出</a></span>
  41. <?php else:?>
  42. <a href='login.php'>登录/注册</a>
  43. <?php endif ?>
  44. </nav>
  45. </body>
  46. </html>



  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  6. <title>登录</title>
  7. <style>
  8. body {
  9. display: grid;
  10. justify-content: center;
  11. align-items: center;
  12. background-image: url('bg1.jpg');
  13. background-size: 100vw 100vh;
  14. }
  15. .form {
  16. margin-top: 220px;
  17. width: 500px;
  18. height: 300px;
  19. background-color: #87a9c5;
  20. border-radius: 5%;
  21. display: flex;
  22. flex-flow: column nowrap;
  23. justify-content: space-around;
  24. }
  25. section {
  26. padding: 0 30px;
  27. display: flex;
  28. align-items: center;
  29. justify-content: center;
  30. }
  31. section > input {
  32. height: 40px;
  33. flex-grow: 1;
  34. font-size: 1.5em;
  35. }
  36. section > label,
  37. button {
  38. width: 80px;
  39. font-size: 1.5em;
  40. /* flex-grow: 3; */
  41. }
  42. .form>:last-of-type{
  43. margin-left: 30px ;
  44. display: flex;
  45. align-items: center;
  46. justify-content: space-evenly;
  47. }
  48. </style>
  49. </head>
  50. <body>
  51. <form action="handle.php?act=login" method="POST" class="form">
  52. <section>
  53. <label for="username">账号:</label
  54. ><input type="text" name="username" id="username" required/>
  55. </section>
  56. <section>
  57. <label for="password">密码:</label
  58. ><input type="password" name="password" id="password" required/>
  59. </section>
  60. <section>
  61. <button type="submit">登录</button>
  62. <span>没有账号?点击<a href="register.php">注册</a>
  63. </section>
  64. </form>
  65. </body>
  66. </html>



  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  6. <title>注册</title>
  7. <style>
  8. body {
  9. background-color: #d4f3d4;
  10. display: grid;
  11. justify-content: center;
  12. align-items: center;
  13. background-image: url();
  14. }
  15. .form {
  16. background-color: #acd6ac;
  17. border: 1px solid #cccccc;
  18. margin-top: 30px;
  19. width: 500px;
  20. height: 700px;
  21. /* background-color: #cad6ca; */
  22. border-radius: 2%;
  23. display: grid;
  24. grid-template-columns: 1fr;
  25. grid-template-rows: repeat(9, 1fr);
  26. }
  27. section {
  28. height: 50px;
  29. /* border-bottom: 1px solid;
  30. border-top: 1px solid; */
  31. padding: 0 30px;
  32. display: flex;
  33. flex-flow: row nowrap;
  34. align-items: center;
  35. justify-content: center;
  36. }
  37. section>input {
  38. height: 30px;
  39. flex-grow: 1;
  40. font-size: 1.2em;
  41. }
  42. section>textarea {
  43. height: 60px;
  44. flex-grow: 1;
  45. resize: none;
  46. }
  47. section>label,
  48. button {
  49. color: rgb(105, 76, 55);
  50. width: 120px;
  51. font-size: 1.3em;
  52. text-align: center;
  53. /* flex-grow: 3; */
  54. }
  55. .form> :last-of-type {
  56. margin-left: 30px;
  57. display: flex;
  58. align-items: center;
  59. justify-content: space-evenly;
  60. }
  61. h2 {
  62. color: brown;
  63. }
  64. </style>
  65. </head>
  66. <body>
  67. <form action="handle.php?act=register" method="POST" class="form">
  68. <section>
  69. <h2>用户注册</h2>
  70. </section>
  71. <section>
  72. <label for="username">账号:</label><input type="text" name="username" id="username" autofocus />
  73. </section>
  74. <section>
  75. <label for="nickname">昵称:</label><input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname" required />
  76. </section>
  77. <section>
  78. <label for="password1">密码:</label><input type="password" name="password1" id="password1" required />
  79. </section>
  80. <section>
  81. <label for="password2">重复密码:</label><input type="password" name="password2" id="password2" required />
  82. </section>
  83. <section>
  84. <label for="email">邮箱:</label><input type="email" name="email" id="email" required />
  85. </section>
  86. <section>
  87. <label for="phone">电话:</label><input type="tel" name="phone" id="phone" />
  88. </section>
  89. <section>
  90. <label for="replay">个人说明:</label><textarea type="text" name="replay" id="replay" /></textarea>
  91. </section>
  92. <section>
  93. <button type="submit">提交</button>
  94. <button type="reset">重置</button>
  95. <span>已有账号?<a href="login.php">去登录</a></span>
  96. </section>
  97. </form>
  98. </body>
  99. </html>



  1. <?php
  2. session_start();//开启session会话
  3. if(!isset($_GET['act'])){
  4. exit('<script>alert("404!,未找到指向文件");location.href="index.php";</script>');
  5. }
  6. $dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;;charset=utf8";
  7. $sql_name = "merchant";
  8. $sql_password = "merchant";
  9. // $dsn,$sql_name,$sql_password
  10. $action = $_GET['act'];
  11. switch($action){
  12. case 'logout':
  13. setcookie('nickname',null,time()-10);//设置cookie过期,即销毁
  14. session_destroy();//删除session
  15. Header("location:index.php");
  16. break;
  17. case 'login' :
  18. if(isset($_POST['username'])){
  19. $username = $_POST['username'];
  20. $password = md5($_POST['password']);
  21. $sql = "select `nickname` from user where `username`='{$username}' and `password`='{$password}'";
  22. try{
  23. $pdo = new pdo($dsn,$sql_name,$sql_password);
  24. $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
  25. $stmt->execute();
  26. $res = $stmt->fetchAll();
  27. if(!empty($res)){
  28. setcookie('nickname',$res[0]['nickname'],time()+3600);//设置cookie
  29. $_SESSION['nickname'] = $res[0]['nickname'];//设置session
  30. header("location:index.php");
  31. }else{
  32. exit('<script>alert("登录失败,请检查账号密码!");location.href="login.php";</script>');
  33. }
  34. }catch(Exception $e){
  35. $err = $e->getMessage();
  36. exit("<script>alert('{$err}');location.href='login.php';</script>");
  37. }
  38. }else{
  39. exit('<script>alert("请正确输入用户名和密码!");location.href="login.php";</script>');
  40. }
  41. break;
  42. case 'register':
  43. if(isset($_POST['username'])&&isset($_POST['nickname'])&&$_POST['password1']===$_POST['password2']){
  44. extract($_POST);
  45. $time = time();
  46. $password=md5($_POST['password1']);
  47. $sql = "insert user set `username`='{$username}',`password`='{$password}',
  48. `nickname`='{$nickname}',`email`='{$email}',`replay`='{$replay}',`phone`='{$phone}',`create_time`='{$time}',`update_time`='{$time}'";
  49. try{
  50. $pdo = new pdo($dsn,$sql_name,$sql_password);
  51. $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
  52. $stmt->execute();
  53. if($stmt->rowCount()===1){
  54. exit('<script>alert("注册成功");location.assign("login.php")</script>');
  55. }else{
  56. exit('<script>alert("注册失败");location.assign("register.php")</script>');
  57. }
  58. }catch(Exception $e){
  59. $err = $e->getMessage();
  60. exit("<script>alert('{$err}');location.href='register.php';</script>");
  61. }
  62. }else{
  63. exit('<script>alert("资料提交有误!");location.href="register.php";</script>');
  64. }
  65. break;
  66. default:
  67. exit('<script>alert("未知指令")</script>');
  68. }

4. 总结

  • cookie和session都可以保存信息,只不过保存的位置不一样。
  • 记录用户信息的状态,在多个页面跳转时使用能提升用户感受
  • cookie文件保存在用户本地,可能会被篡改,不用于保存重要信息
Correcting teacher:天蓬老师天蓬老师

Correction status:qualified

Teacher's comments:页面很用心, 逻辑正确
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