* 类的继承与访问控制
* 类的继承:extends
* 类的访问控制:public private protected
class Books
protected $name; //在子类中可以访问,在外部不可访问
private $price; //仅在本类内部可访问,在子类和外部均不可访问,可通过创建外部接口来实现在被外部访问
public $num;
public function __construct($name='《卧底经济学》',$price=48) //创建构造方法,来初始化属性name和price
$this->name = $name;
$this->price = $price;
public function Cont($num=1) //创建Cont方法来执行总价计算操作
$this->num = $num;
$this->totalPrice = $this->price*$this->num;
return ($this->name).($this->num).'本,共'.$this->totalPrice.'元';
public function Price()
return $this->price;
public function Name()
return $this->name;
echo (new Books('《魔鬼经济学》','30'))->Cont(3);
echo '<hr>';
echo (new Books('《魔鬼经济学》','30'))->Price();
echo '<hr>';
class Fiction extends Books
public $ilike;
public function Ilike($ilike='《见识》')
$this->ilike = $ilike;
echo '我喜欢的书有:'.$this->ilike;
echo (new Books())->name;
echo (new Fiction())->Ilike();
echo '<hr>';
echo (new Fiction('《鬼吹灯》','42'))->Cont(3);
echo '<hr>';
echo (new Fiction())->Name();
echo '<hr>';
echo (new Fiction())->Price();
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