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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  6. <title>表格实战-购物车</title>
  7. <style>
  8. html {
  9. font-size: 14px;
  10. }
  11. table {
  12. /* 将单元格之间的间隙去掉 */
  13. border-collapse: collapse;
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  82. <body>
  83. <!-- 表格结构 -->
  84. <table>
  85. <!-- 标题 -->
  86. <caption>
  87. 购物车
  88. </caption>
  89. <!-- 表头 -->
  90. <thead>
  91. <tr>
  92. <th>ID</th>
  93. <th>品名</th>
  94. <th>单价/元</th>
  95. <th>单位</th>
  96. <th>数量</th>
  97. <th>金额/元</th>
  98. </tr>
  99. </thead>
  100. <!-- 主体 -->
  101. <tbody>
  102. <tr>
  103. <td>SN-1010</td>
  104. <td>MacBook Pro电脑</td>
  105. <td>18999</td>
  106. <td></td>
  107. <td>1</td>
  108. <td>18999</td>
  109. </tr>
  110. <tr>
  111. <td>SN-1020</td>
  112. <td>iPhone手机</td>
  113. <td>4999</td>
  114. <td></td>
  115. <td>2</td>
  116. <td>9998</td>
  117. </tr>
  118. <tr>
  119. <td>SN-1030</td>
  120. <td>智能AI音箱</td>
  121. <td>399</td>
  122. <td></td>
  123. <td>3</td>
  124. <td>1995</td>
  125. </tr>
  126. <tr>
  127. <td>SN-1040</td>
  128. <td>SSD移动硬盘</td>
  129. <td>888</td>
  130. <td></td>
  131. <td>2</td>
  132. <td>1776</td>
  133. </tr>
  134. <tr>
  135. <td>SN-1050</td>
  136. <td>黄山毛峰</td>
  137. <td>999</td>
  138. <td></td>
  139. <td>3</td>
  140. <td>2997</td>
  141. </tr>
  142. </tbody>
  143. <!-- 底部 -->
  144. <tfoot>
  145. <tr>
  146. <td colspan="4">总计:</td>
  147. <td>13</td>
  148. <td>35765</td>
  149. </tr>
  150. </tfoot>
  151. </table>
  152. <!-- 结算按钮 -->
  153. <div>
  154. <button>结算</button>
  155. </div>
  156. </body>
  157. </html>




  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  6. <title>表单元素</title>
  7. <style>
  8. body {
  9. color: #555;
  10. }
  11. h3 {
  12. text-align: center;
  13. font-family: cursive;
  14. color: royalblue;
  15. }
  16. form {
  17. width: 450px;
  18. margin: 30px auto;
  19. border-top: 2px solid #aaa;
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  21. form fieldset {
  22. border: 1px solid rgb(70, 203, 212);
  23. background-color: lightcyan;
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  35. margin: 5px;
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  37. form p {
  38. text-align: center;
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  45. color: #ddd;
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  47. form .btn:hover {
  48. background-color: coral;
  49. color: white;
  50. cursor: pointer;
  51. }
  52. input:focus {
  53. background-color: rgb(226, 226, 175);
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  59. border: 0;
  60. padding-left: 4px;
  61. }
  62. </style>
  63. </head>
  64. <body>
  65. <h3>用户注册</h3>
  66. <form action="" method="POST">
  67. <!-- 控件组 -->
  68. <fieldset>
  69. <legend>基本信息(必填)</legend>
  70. <div>
  71. <label for="name">账号:</label>
  72. <input
  73. type="text"
  74. id="name"
  75. name="name"
  76. placeholder="6-15字符"
  77. autofocus
  78. required
  79. class="sty"
  80. />
  81. </div>
  82. <!-- type=text 文本 -->
  83. <div>
  84. <label for="email">邮箱:</label>
  85. <input
  86. type="email"
  87. id="email"
  88. name="email"
  89. placeholder=""
  90. required
  91. class="sty"
  92. />
  93. </div>
  94. <!-- type=email 输入的信息会进行是否是邮箱验证 -->
  95. <div>
  96. <label for="password">密码:</label>
  97. <input
  98. type="password"
  99. id="password"
  100. name="password"
  101. required
  102. placeholder="不少于六位且数字+字母"
  103. id="pwd"
  104. class="sty"
  105. />
  106. </div>
  107. <div>
  108. <label for="password2">确认:</label>
  109. <input
  110. type="password"
  111. id="password2"
  112. name="password2"
  113. required
  114. placeholder="与以上密码一致"
  115. class="sty"
  116. />
  117. </div>
  118. <!-- type=password 输入的信息是不显示的 安全 常用于输入密码 -->
  119. </fieldset>
  120. <fieldset>
  121. <legend>扩展信息(选填)</legend>
  122. <div>
  123. <label for="birthday">生日:</label>
  124. <input type="date" id="birthday" name="birthday" class="sty" />
  125. </div>
  126. <!-- type=date 选择时间 -->
  127. <!-- 单选按钮 name值必须一样-->
  128. <div>
  129. <label for="male">性别:</label>
  130. <input
  131. type="radio"
  132. id="male"
  133. value="male"
  134. name="male"
  135. checked
  136. /><label for="male"></label>
  137. <input type="radio" id="female" value="female" name="male" /><label
  138. for="female"
  139. ></label
  140. >
  141. </div>
  142. <!-- 复选框 name通常以array[]形式传给后台 便于后台处理-->
  143. <div>
  144. <label for="">爱好:</label>
  145. <input type="checkbox" name="hobby[]" value="game" /><label for=""
  146. >打游戏</label
  147. >
  148. <input type="checkbox" name="hobby[]" value="yinyue" /><label for=""
  149. >音乐</label
  150. >
  151. </div>
  152. <div>
  153. <!-- 选项列表 -->
  154. <label for="brand">手机:</label>
  155. <input
  156. type="search"
  157. list="phone"
  158. name="brand"
  159. id="brand"
  160. class="sty"
  161. />
  162. <datalist id="phone">
  163. <option value="apple">苹果</option>
  164. <option value="huawei">华为</option>
  165. <option value="mi">小米</option>
  166. </datalist>
  167. </div>
  168. </fieldset>
  169. <fieldset>
  170. <legend>其他信息(选填)</legend>
  171. <!-- 文件域 -->
  172. <div>
  173. <label for="pic">上传头像:</label>
  174. <input type="file" />
  175. </div>
  176. <!-- 多行文本框 -->
  177. <div>
  178. <label for="pic">简历:</label>
  179. <textarea
  180. name=""
  181. id=""
  182. cols="30"
  183. rows="5"
  184. placeholder="不超过100字"
  185. ></textarea>
  186. </div>
  187. </fieldset>
  188. <!-- 隐藏域, 例如用户的Id, 注册,登录的时间。。。。 -->
  189. <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="123" />
  190. <p>
  191. <!-- 两种提交按钮 -->
  192. <input type="submit" value="提交" class="btn" />
  193. <button class="btn">提交</button>
  194. </p>
  195. </form>
  196. </body>
  197. </html>




2.理解表单元素都有哪些,每个的写法和作用 如:文本框,密码框,邮箱验证,输入日期,单选按钮,复选框,选项列表,下拉列表,文件域,隐藏域,多行文本框


Correcting teacher:WJWJ

Correction status:qualified

Teacher's comments:写的很认真仔细!
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