Correcting teacher:PHPz
Correction status:qualified
Teacher's comments:
namespace admin\constroller;
class Login{
spl_autoload_register(function($className) {
echo '没有拼接的namespace:'.$className."<br/>";
// $file = __DIR__.'\\controller\\'.str_replace('\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$className).'.php';
$file = str_replace('\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$className).'.php';
echo '拼接后的namespace:'.$file;
if(!(is_file($file) && file_exists($file))){
throw new \Exception("类 - 文件名不合法或文件不存在");
require $file;
通过require 将自动加载类文件引入,其次使用use关键字引入命名空间
require 'admin\autoload.php';
use admin\constroller\Login; //引入Login类所在的命名空间
$a = new Login();
MySql常用ddl dml
select from tablename;
select from tablename where id = 123;
select * from tablename where id = 123 and name = ‘zhangsan’;
update tablename set name=’wangwu’ where id = 123;
delete from tablename where id = 123 and name = ‘wangwu’;
insert into tablename(id,name,…) values(123,’lisi’,…)
update,delete 一定主义带上where条件,否则搞不好就删库跑路了,切记切记。
create database test;
create database test character set utf-8; # 设置编码
show database;
use test 使用数据库
select database(); 查看当前使用的数据库
drop database test; 删除数据库