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1. 表单元素

  1. <fomr action="cs.php" method="post"></fomr>
  2. /*表单容器*/
  3. /*action=""提交文件*/
  4. /*method=""传输类型get(明文)、post(密文)*/
  5. /*onsubmit="return false;" 禁用原有表单验证*/
  6. <fieldset>/*表单分组*/
  7. <lebel></lebel>/*分组标题*/
  8. </fieldset>
  9. <label for=""></label>/*绑定input获取焦点*/
  10. <button></button>/*按钮*/
  11. /*type="reset" 重置 */
  1. <input type="">/*表单元素*/
  2. /*type="text" 文本输入属性*/
  3. /*type="passwoed" 不显示文本的属性,多用于密码输入 */
  4. /*type="email" 邮箱属性,输入验证*/
  5. /*type="radio" 单选按钮 */
  6. /*type="checkbox" 多选按钮 */
  7. /*placeholder="" 内容提示属性 */
  8. /*required 验证输入框是否为空*/
  9. /*autofocus 默认获取焦点*/
  10. /*checked 默认选择*/
  1. <section name="">/*下拉选择容器*/
  2. <option value=""></option>/*下拉选择项*/
  3. </section>
  4. <datalist id="">/*自定义选择下拉容器,id与input中list="" 属性绑定*/
  5. <option value=""></option>/*下拉选择项*/
  6. </datalist>



  1. <h3>用户注册</h3>
  2. <form action="zc.php" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
  3. <fieldset>
  4. <legend>必填项</legend>
  5. <div>
  6. <label for="user">账号:</label>
  7. <input type="text" id="user" name="user" placeholder="请输入账号" required autofocus/>
  8. </div>
  9. <div>
  10. <label for="paw">密码:</label>
  11. <input type="password" id="paw" name="paw" placeholder="密码不能少于6位" required />
  12. </div>
  13. <div>
  14. <label for="eml">邮箱:</label>
  15. <input type="email" id="eml" name="eml" placeholder="">
  16. </div>
  17. </fieldset>
  18. <div>
  19. <label for="baomi">性别:</label>
  20. <input type="radio" name="gender" id="male" ><label for="male"></label>
  21. <input type="radio" name="gender" id="female" ><label for="female"></label>
  22. <input type="radio" name="gender" id="baomi" checked><label for="baomi">保密</label>
  23. </div>
  24. <div>
  25. <label >爱好:</label>
  26. <input type="checkbox" name="aihao[]" id="music" value="music"><label for="music">音乐</label>
  27. <input type="checkbox" name="aihao[]" id="Pgames" value="Pgames"><label for="Pgames">打游戏</label>
  28. <input type="checkbox" name="aihao[]" id="movie" value="movie"><label for="movie">看电影</label>
  29. </div>
  30. <div>
  31. <select name="huiyuan">
  32. <option value="普通会员">普通会员</option>
  33. <option value="超级会员">超级会员</option>
  34. <option valer="永久会员">永久会员</option>
  35. </select>
  36. </div>
  37. <div>
  38. <label >搜索关键词:</label>
  39. <input type="search" id="" name="search" list="search">
  40. <datalist id="search">
  41. <option value="php中文网">php中文网</option>
  42. <option value="php学习">php学习</option>
  43. </datalist>
  44. </div>
  45. <button>提交</button>
  46. <button type="reset">重置</button>

2. CSS样式与选择器


  1. class=""
  2. style=""
  3. id=""

!important > style > id > class > tag > class > tag 之间的组合应用

  1. /*tag 个*/
  2. html body h3{background: darkkhaki;} 3
  3. body h3{background: darkgrey;} 2
  4. h3{background: darkgreen;} 1
  5. /*class 十*/
  6. body h3.teite{background: rgb(185, 147, 204);} 3
  7. h3.teite{background: darkorchid;} 2
  8. .teite{background: darkorange;} 1
  9. /*id 百*/
  10. body h3#a{background: rgb(156, 52, 18);} 3
  11. h3#a{background: darksalmon;} 2
  12. #a{background: darkred;} 1


  1. /*子类选择器: > */
  2. .les3 >li{}
  3. /*子孙类选择器: 空格 */
  4. .les3 li{}
  5. /*相邻选择器:+ */
  6. .les3 .a li{}
  7. /*相邻下面所有选择器:~ */
  8. .les3 .a ~{}


  1. /*css*/
  2. .lest3 > li{border: 1px solid #777;}
  3. .lest3 li{border: 1px solid #777;}
  4. .lest3 .item + * {background: darksalmon;}
  5. .lest3 .item ~ * {background: #a1dda6;}
  6. /*html*/
  7. <ul class="lest3">
  8. <li >lest-1</li>
  9. <li class="item">lest-2
  10. <ul>
  11. <li>lest-2</li>
  12. <li>lest-2</li>
  13. <li>lest-2</li>
  14. </ul>
  15. </li>
  16. <li >lest-3</li>
  17. <li >lest-4</li>
  18. <li >lest-5</li>
  19. <li >lest-6</li>
  20. <li >lest-7</li>
  21. <li >lest-8</li>
  22. </ul>


  1. background:;/*背景*/
  2. color: cornsilk;/*颜色*/
  3. width: 200px;/*长度*/
  4. height: 60px;/*高度*/


  1. <style>
  2. .teite{background: chocolate;color: cornsilk;width: 200px;height: 60px;}
  3. </style>
  4. <h3 class="teite" style="" id="">正是一个CSS样式</h3>

Correcting teacher:PHPzPHPz

Correction status:qualified

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