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  1. //文件本质:将目录文件复制到当前位置
  2. //在inc下的zuoye.php
  3. zuoye.php:
  4. <? php
  5. $name = '新手1314';
  6. $email = '新手';
  7. return '新手';
  8. ?>
  9. //在根目录下调用php
  10. <? php
  11. include __DIR__ . '/inc/zuoye.php';
  12. echo $name.'<br>';
  13. $myemail = include __DIR__ . '/inc/zuoye.php';
  14. echo $email;
  15. echo $myemail;
  16. ?>
  17. //输出结果分别为:新手1314 ,新手 , 新手


  1. require __DIR__ .'/inc/zuoye.php';
  2. echo $name .'<br>';
  3. $myemail = require __DIR__ . '/inc/zuoye.php';
  4. echo $email;
  5. echo $myemail;
  6. //输出结果分别为:新手1314,新手,新手


  1. // include: 加载失败,继续执行不中断
  2. // requrie: 加载失败,中断退出
  3. @include __DIR__ . '/inc/xs1314.phh';
  4. echo 'include后面的代码'.'<br>';
  5. require __DIR__ .'/inc/xs1314.php';
  6. echo 'require后面的代码';
  7. //输出结果分别为:include后面的代码
  8. Warning: **************
  9. Fatal error:***********


  1. //1.class:声明类
  2. class zuoye2{}
  3. // :类的实例化
  4. $god = new zuoye2;
  5. var_dump($god); //输出验证类
  6. //输出结果:object(zuoye2)#1 (0) { }
  7. //3.private:声明为私有, 实现封装
  8. //4.public:访问限制符(公共)
  9. class user{
  10. private $name;
  11. public function getUser{
  12. return $this ->name;
  13. }
  14. public function __construct(string $name){
  15. $this->name = $name;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. $user = new user('新手1314');
  19. echo $user->getUser();
  20. //输出结果为:新手1314
  21. //5.static:静态属性
  22. class user2{
  23. private static $name = '新手';
  24. public static function getUser(){
  25. return self::$name;
  26. }
  27. }
  28. echo user2::$getUser();
  29. //输出结果:新手
  30. //5.protected:继承, 可在本类或子类中使用, 不对外公开
  31. //6.extends:继承,可继承父类
  32. //7.parent:父类引用
  33. class person(){
  34. private $id = 1;
  35. protected $name;
  36. protected function getInfo(){
  37. return $this ->name;
  38. }
  39. public function __construct(){
  40. $this ->name=$name;
  41. }
  42. }
  43. class stu extends preson{
  44. private $lesson;
  45. private $score;
  46. public function __construct($name,$lesson,$score){
  47. parent::__construct($name);
  48. $this ->lesson = $lesson;
  49. this ->score =$score;
  50. }
  51. public function getInfo(){
  52. return parent::getInfo() ."同学,课程为$this->lesson的成绩为$this->score分";
  53. }
  54. }
  55. $stu = new stu('新手','php','60');
  56. echo $stu->getInfo();
  57. //输出结果为:新手同学,课程为php 的成绩为 60 分
  58. //8.abstract:抽象类,防止父类被直接调用,只能用继承
  59. abstract class demo {}
  60. class demo1 extends demo{}
  61. echo 'demo1的父类名为:'. get_parent_class(new demo1);
  62. //输出结果:demo1的父类是:demo
  63. //使用后不能被继承
  64. final class demo2{}
  65. class demo3 extends demo2{}
  66. //输出结果:Fatal error:*********
  67. //10.interface: 声明接口
  68. //11.implements: 实现接口(普通类必须将接口中的所有抽象方法全部实现,抽象类不需要所有类)
  69. interface jiekou{
  70. const NATION='CHINA';
  71. public function m1();
  72. public function m2();
  73. }
  74. //普通类
  75. class shixian implements jiekou{
  76. public function m1(){
  77. }
  78. public function m2(){
  79. }
  80. }
  81. //输出结果:
  82. //抽象类
  83. abstract class shixian2 implements jiekou{
  84. public function m1(){}
  85. }
  86. //输出结果:
  87. //使用接口实现多继承
  88. interface A{}
  89. interface B{}
  90. interface C{}
  91. class text implements A,B,C{}
  92. //? class_implements:返回指定的类实现的所有接口
  93. $arr = class_implements('text');
  94. printf('<pre>%s</pre>',print_r($arr,true));
  95. //输出结果:
  96. Array
  97. (
  98. [A] => A
  99. [B] => B
  100. [C] => C
  101. )
Correcting teacher:PHPzPHPz

Correction status:qualified

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